横山浩介建築設計事務所 - Yokohama

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Contact 横山浩介建築設計事務所

住所 :

Izumicho, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0016 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 245-0016
Webサイト : https://yokoyama08.com/
街 : Kanagawa

Izumicho, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0016 Kanagawa,Japan
Yoshie N on Google

新築 人生の中で始めて家を建てる。簡単に洋服を買って着るのと違って建築家を選ぶのに心配がたくさんありました。 まず、どの方にお願いしようかと建築家のサイトで調べて好きな家を見ると、この方の家が出て来ていました。一度お話を聞いてみようと思いお会いしました。話してみると、施主の意見をよく聞いてくれて、わからない事などを質問しても丁寧に答えて頂き、本音で予算の話もできました。他の建築家の方にもいろいろ聞いてみましたが、建築家にお願いする形でこちらの想いを理解して頂くのが難しい方が多くいました。 その中でも、私は、この方の家を建ててもらいたいと思ったのは、仕事の速さと施主の想いを何よりも大切にしてくれて、一番大切な家へのセンスがよかった事でした。 私は、海外でいろんな家やホテルを見て来て、こんな家を建てれたらどんなに素晴らしいかと 想いながら、仕事をしてきました。この感覚を理解して予算に合う家を建ててもらえる感性のいい建築家は、難しいとも、思っておりました。しかし、この方にお会いして設計図ができ、 施工してもらうまでとても楽しく進んでいけました。 家を建てる上で私が大切にしている、日の当たるあたたかな家、近隣からの目線の配慮、窓を大きくとった窓からの風景、予算内で収まる配慮、全て考慮して建てて頂きました。 家を建てて今年で2年めをすぎましたが、今まで人生の中で一番気に入った家です。 お友達がきても、皆さんこの家にまた来たいとおっしゃるほど楽しい時間をこの家で過ごさせて頂いております。本当にこの方に家を建てて頂いて感謝しております。
New construction Build a house for the first time in your life. I had a lot of worries about choosing an architect, unlike buying and wearing clothes easily. First of all, when I looked up the architect's site to find out who to ask, and looked at my favorite house, this person's house came out. I met with the intention of listening to the story once. When I talked to him, he listened to the owner's opinions and asked me questions that I didn't understand, but he answered politely, and I was able to talk about the budget in earnest. I asked other architects a lot, but it was difficult for them to understand their feelings by asking the architects. Among them, I wanted him to build his house because he valued the speed of work and the feelings of the owner above all else, and had a good sense of the most important house. I visited various houses and hotels overseas and wondered how wonderful it would be to build such a house. I have been working while thinking. I also thought that it would be difficult for an architect with a good sense to understand this feeling and build a house that fits the budget. However, I met this person and made a blueprint, It was a lot of fun until I got the construction done. When building a house, I value a warm house in the sun, consideration of the eyes from the neighborhood, the scenery from the window with a large window, consideration that fits within the budget, all considered. rice field. It's been two years since I built my house, and it's my favorite house in my life. Even if my friends come, I am having a good time at this house so that everyone wants to come back to this house. I am really grateful to this person for building a house.
Lisa H. on Google

Mr. Yokoyama has been indebted to me since I was looking for land. We were able to build a wonderful house by giving accurate advice to us who do not understand anything. I've been able to listen to the uncoordinated requests, and I'm very comfortable now. I was able to leave it to me with peace of mind because the communication with the construction company was also taken care of from our standpoint. I'm really thankful to you!
Y Extreme on Google

私の知人が横山さんに家を設計施工してもらい私も家をどうするか迷走してた際に紹介していただき依頼いたしました。 家を建てる事は施主にとって一世一代 誰にどう依頼するかは非常に重要な事です。今こうして建った家に暮らして建つまでは大変だったけどあの時は楽しかったなと思えるのも横山さんの苦労と培った経験やアドバイスのおかげだと思い今一度感謝をお伝えします。これから家を建てようとしている方は是非相談してはと思います。 楽しみな家作りができますよ
An acquaintance of mine asked Mr. Yokoyama to design and construct a house, and when I was wondering what to do with the house, I asked him to introduce me. Building a house is a generation for the owner. It is very important who and how to ask. It was difficult to live in the house that was built like this, but I think it was fun at that time because of Mr. Yokoyama's hard work and the experience and advice I have cultivated, and I would like to express my gratitude once again. If you are planning to build a house, please feel free to contact us. You can make a fun house
Kenji Takagi on Google

すごく気に入った家を建てることが出来ました。 娘夫婦自宅の建替えも依頼しました。 こちらの事を親身になって考えてくれる方です。
I was able to build a house that I really liked. I also requested the rebuilding of my daughter's couple's home. A person who thinks about this kindly.
I Takeru on Google

I saw the websites of more than 500 design offices, but I felt that Mr. Yokoyama's design case was the most suitable for our ideals, so I requested it. First of all, they will listen to all the hopes and feelings for our house. After that, we will make a realistic plan in the form that is as close to the ideal as possible, taking into account the restrictions, regulations, and budget of the land. A very stylish design awaits us before we exchange opinions without compromise. However, building a house is not just stylish. Mr. Yokoyama will do trial and error in millimeters, and he will also give you advice on interiors. Once the construction starts, there is a sense of security that the construction will be managed from the foundation. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the relationship is such that you can easily keep in touch even if many years have passed since the completion. You can't build a house many times in your life, so you want to build a house that you can be proud of, right? The encounter with Mr. Yokoyama was really a once-in-a-lifetime encounter.
阿部祐吉 on Google

横山さんは土地探しからお世話になりました。 設計の段階では変に建築家の要望を押し付けてくるのでなく、こちらの要望をしっかり汲み取りデザインしてくれてアドバイスしてくれました。おかげで大満足のとても住みやすい家ができました。 大開口でも、夏は涼しく、冬は暖かい最高です。 工務店さんもとても信頼のおける方をご紹介頂き、コスト面も抑える事ができました。 横山さんに出会えた事は本当に幸せでした。
Mr. Yokoyama was indebted to me from the land search. At the design stage, he did not impose the architect's request strangely, but he gave me advice by firmly grasping this request and designing. Thanks to that, I have a very satisfying and very comfortable house. Even with a large opening, it is cool in summer and warm in winter. The construction company also introduced a very reliable person, and we were able to reduce the cost. I was really happy to meet Mr. Yokoyama.
E C on Google

横山さんに、設計を依頼したのは、彼が出ていたテレビ番組を見たのがきっかけです。 そこで紹介されていた家を見て、「すごくセンスが良い!」とインスピレーションを感じて、放送日の翌日には早速横山さんに問合せの電話をしていました(笑) ただ、テレビに出るような建築家さんなので、上から目線だったりするのかなという不安もありましたが、実際にお会いするとそういう感じは全く無く、とても感じが良く、話しやすいお人柄でした。初めてお会いした時から、私たちの話をすごくよく聞いて頂いたと記憶しています。「敷地的な問題やご予算の問題などで諦めてしまっていることなどあるかもしれませんが、出来る出来ないは一旦置いておいてください。最初から諦めることなく、まずはどういうお家を建てたいか、理想の家のイメージをお聞かせください。」というような感じで丁寧にヒアリングして頂きました。 設計が始まってからも、プランを見ながら打合せをしている際に、こちらの要望をお伝えすると「こんな感じですかね」とその場で描いてくれるのですが、そのプランがまた素晴らしいんです。 いつも期待に応えてくれる横山さんにお願いして本当に良かったと思っています。 完成したこの家は、本当に自分たちにとってパーフェクトなお家になりました。 横山さんが、最初から最後まで私たちの要望に応えてくれた結果だと思います! また次に家を建てるチャンスがあるとしたら、また絶対に横山さんに依頼すると決めています(笑)
I asked Mr. Yokoyama to design it because he watched the TV program he was on. Looking at the house introduced there, I felt inspiration that "it has a very good taste!", And the day after the broadcast day, I immediately called Mr. Yokoyama for inquiries (laughs). However, since I am an architect who appears on TV, I was worried that I might be looking at him from above, but when I actually met him, I didn't feel that way at all, and he was a very pleasant and easy-to-speak person. I remember hearing our story very well from the time I first met. "You may have given up due to site problems or budget problems, but if you can't do it, please leave it for a while. What kind of house do you want to build without giving up from the beginning? Please tell us the image of your ideal home. " Even after the design started, when I was having a meeting while looking at the plan, if I told you this request, it would draw on the spot, "Is it like this?", But that plan is also wonderful. I'm really glad to ask Mr. Yokoyama, who always meets my expectations. This completed house has really become the perfect house for us. I think this is the result of Mr. Yokoyama responding to our requests from the beginning to the end! If I have a chance to build a house next time, I will definitely ask Mr. Yokoyama again (laughs).
Rhodric Davies on Google

If he ever needs a reference, I'll be more than happy to oblige. Thanks for everything, Oko!

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