Izakaya Todoroki Amagasaki - Amagasaki

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izakaya Todoroki Amagasaki

住所 :

阪神ONOビル 3F 2-chome-27-47 Kanda Nakadori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0884, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 660-0884
Webサイト : https://kizuna-company.com/shoplist.html

阪神ONOビル 3F 2-chome-27-47 Kanda Nakadori, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0884, Japan
かよ on Google

The price per item was high, but the capacity was good. If you go next time, you may make a reservation on the course.. The restaurant was a bit difficult to understand, and the restroom outside was not dirty.
村上吉木 on Google

8/11甲子園終わりに利用さして頂きました。 都会などでは見かけることはあるけど、尼崎では珍しい藁焼きのお店。 魚、鶏、牛、馬などバリエーション豊富にありました。 今回頼んだのは馬肉とメニューにはのってないマグロの藁焼きです。 馬肉は値段の割には量が少ししかなかったのが残念ですが、焼肉とか行ってもそんなに量もないし仕方ないと思いました。 マグロに関してはめちゃめちゃくちゃ藁の香りがついており自家製の出汁醤油で食べると凄い美味しかったです。 飲み放題も凄い安く、個室で、料理のクォリティーも高く満足でした。 唯一ダメ出しではないですけど個人的に残念だったのが店員さんの絡みが少なかった事です。 やはり個室だとそういった絡みは難しいのでしょうかね。
It was used at the end of 8/11 Koshien. It's a straw-grilled restaurant that you can see in the city, but it's rare in Amagasaki. There were many variations such as fish, chickens, cows, and horses. This time I ordered horse meat and straw-grilled tuna that is not on the menu. It's a pity that the amount of horse meat was small for the price, but I thought it was unavoidable to go to yakiniku. As for tuna, it had an insanely straw scent, and it was delicious when eaten with homemade soy sauce. All-you-can-drink was very cheap, and I was satisfied with the quality of the food in the private room. The only thing that wasn't bad was that the clerk wasn't involved, which was a shame for me personally. I wonder if such entanglement is difficult in a private room.
arai arai on Google

阪神尼崎駅から徒歩すぐにある個室の居酒屋! 友達と立ち寄ったが安いし美味い! 中でも美味しかったのが赤身肉のユッケとヨダレ鶏はまじで美味かった! 結構席も広いしまた飲み会とかあったら使い勝手もいいので予約入れたいと思います!
A private tavern located just a short walk from Hanshin Amagasaki station! I dropped in with a friend but it was cheap and delicious! Above all, the delicious red meat pomegranate and dripping chicken were really delicious! There are quite a lot of seats, and if there is a drinking party, it's easy to use, so I'd like to make a reservation!
新濱裕生 on Google

仕事で尼崎に行ったときに客先の担当者さんのおすすめで行きました。 飲み放題の金額が安く、席も全て個室だったので、周りを気にすることなくお酒が楽しめました。 席も広いので宴会などでも利用できます。 また仕事帰りか客先の担当者さんと飲みに行きます。
When I went to Amagasaki for work, I went there with a recommendation from a customer in charge. All-you-can-drink was cheap and all seats were in private rooms, so we could enjoy drinking without worrying about the surroundings. Because the seats are large, they can also be used for banquets. I will go back to work or drink with a customer representative.
村田瞭 on Google

お店の下で店長さんにお声かけ頂き、それから何度も通っています! なんと言っても飲み放題が安く、尼崎で一番安いんではないでしょうか? 肝心のお料理に関してもどこのお店にもあるメニューから藁焼きなど他では味わえないお料理まで、リーズナブルな価格で楽しめます。 また、私が生姜が苦手だと伝えるとお料理から取り除いてくれるなど、細かな配慮をして頂きサービスにも大満足です✨ また利用させていただきます?
Ask the store manager under the store, and then go over and over again! Anyway, all-you-can-drink is cheap, isn't it the cheapest in Amagasaki? You can enjoy it at a reasonable price, from the menu at the restaurant to the essential food and everything else you can't taste, such as skewers. In addition, I will be removed from the dishes and I will tell you that I am not good at ginger, etc. I am very satisfied with the service. I will use it again
公文悠貴 on Google

料理の居酒屋にしてはのクォリティーの高さ、飲み放題の安すぎる値段! 素晴らしかったです♪ 全席個室になっており宴会向けだなと思いました! 初めて聞いた店名だったのですが個人でやられてるのかチェーン店なのかはわからないですが、値段も良心的で居酒屋のなかでは久々に満足しました! 本当はマックス評価をつけたかったのですが、お手洗いが店内になくビルテナントのトイレでそこが少し汚かったのが減点ポイントです! 安さ、美味しさでは満点評価でまた利用したいなと思ったお店でした!
The height of the quality for a pub of food, too cheap price for all-you-can-drink! It was great ♪ All seats are private rooms and I thought it was for banquets! I I was the first time heard the shop name do not know whether that of either chain stores have been done in private, is among the price is also a conscientious tavern was satisfied after a long time! Actually I wanted to put a Max evaluation, is the deduction point of there was a little dirty in the restroom is not building tenants to store toilet! It was a shop that I thought I would like to use again in the full scale evaluation in cheapness and deliciousness!
fat boy slim on Google

忘年会で使用させて頂きましたが、非常に残念でした。 予約したにも関わらず、箸箱は空っぽ、取り皿や醤油皿も枚数が足りず、、、醤油も補充されておらず、机もベタベタで残念ばかりでした。コースの料理も前菜が一皿来るや否や、『残りはもう少々お待ち下さい』→『もう一皿は今準備してます!』と言われたものの、その後定員さんが再々度来て、『今出した分で全員分でした。』とのこと。全く食欲は湧かず食べたくなかったので求めてはいなかったのですけど。更には、会計時クレジットカード決済には1人500円頂戴しますと言われ、それはカード会社の規約違反では?と思いながら会計を済ませました。もう利用しないと思います。タバコは吸えました。
I used it at the year-end party, but I was very disappointed. Even though I made a reservation, the chopstick box was empty, the number of plates and soy sauce plates was not enough, soy sauce was not replenished, and the desk was sticky and unfortunate. As soon as one plate of appetizer comes for the course meal, "Please wait a little longer for the rest" → "I'm preparing another plate now! However, after that, the number of people came again and said, "The amount I just put out was for everyone." ]. I didn't ask for it because I didn't have an appetite and didn't want to eat it. Furthermore, it is said that 500 yen will be charged per person for credit card payment at the time of accounting, is that a violation of the rules of the card company? I finished the accounting while thinking. I don't think I will use it anymore. I smoked.
三宅駿輔 on Google

はじめての来店です。 尼崎で飲み放題がめちゃくちゃ安い上に全席個室の店でした、。 また喫煙も可能で喫煙者には良いかなと思いました。 ドリンクはコロナ対策のためなのか二杯目以降は自分らでオーダーを送るモバイルオーダーでしたが個人的には個室の店で何回も店員さんがくるよりかはめんどくさいですが自分達で注文の方が良かった気がします。 ただ唯一残念だったのはラストオーダーもなく時間が経つと自動的に飲み放題が終わってしまうと言う点です。 それ以外は料理も美味しくて値段もリーズナブルだったのでまた利用したいなと思いました。
This is my first visit. All-you-can-drink was insanely cheap in Amagasaki, and all seats were private rooms. Also, smoking is possible and I thought it would be good for smokers. Is the drink a measure against corona? It was a mobile order to send the order by ourselves after the second cup, but personally it is more troublesome than having a clerk come many times at a private room store, but we ordered it ourselves. I think it was better. The only disappointment is that all-you-can-drink will automatically end over time without a last order. Other than that, the food was delicious and the price was reasonable, so I wanted to use it again.

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