Izakaya restaurant - Nagoya

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izakaya restaurant

住所 :

4 Chome-124-1 Heiwagaoka, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0097, Japan

Postal code : 465-0097

4 Chome-124-1 Heiwagaoka, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0097, Japan
Masanobu Yoshidomi on Google

The food is delicious and the friendly lady is nice. I went there for a while.
Yusuke Mikami on Google

It was a good place to enjoy traditional Japanese food in a calm atmosphere.
Kobayan T on Google

My wife's personality was good and I could eat very comfortably. Also, the food was delicious. I felt as if I had returned home. I plan to go many times ...!
ふじふじ on Google

夫婦で経営されてる?雰囲気のいいお店です また食べに来たくなる、居心地のよい場所です?
Are you run by a couple? It's a shop with a nice atmosphere It's a cozy place that makes you want to come back to eat ?
小嶋薫 on Google

After visiting the grave in Peace Park, I made a reservation with 10 people in a hurry, and they prepared a private room like my living room, and I was able to relax for delicious food. I was healed by homemade vegetables and handmade tableware. It is a purveyor decision shop ❗
マノエミコ on Google

大将と奥さんの暖かい人柄に癒されます。 カキフライやイワシフライの揚げ物も、サックリふわふわで、とても美味しいです。 ラーメンも出汁が優しく、さっぱりと頂けます。オススメです‼️
He is healed by the warm personality of the general and his wife. Deep-fried oysters and sardines are also crispy, fluffy and very delicious. The ramen also has a gentle soup stock and can be refreshed. It is recommended. ️
ayayoshi papa on Google

It was my first visit, but all the dishes I got were delicious. The point was homemade vegetables, but that's right, homemade vegetables homemade pickles were the biggest hit. I visited with my friends and family and 7 children, and I was very glad to have a very kind service. I will call you again.
雅代中島 on Google

Fresh vegetables are used, and sauces and pickles are also handmade, so you can rest assured and delicious. This is a hamburger lunch.

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