Izakaya restaurant - Koto City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izakaya restaurant

住所 :

1 Chome-11-13 Mori, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 135-0001

1 Chome-11-13 Mori, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0001, Japan
こうおか on Google

お店の雰囲気も良いし、なにより料理と酒が最高にうまい! 一番のお気に入りです。
The atmosphere of the restaurant is good, and above all, the food and sake are the best! This is my favorite.
山本佑輔 on Google

I think the presence of such a store is increasing the value of Tokyo.
Pliskin Taky on Google

店内が見やすく入りやすい雰囲気。 店主が築地で魚を仕入れているとの事で、お刺身が美味しいです。 少量ですがリーズナブル。 一人飲みにもいいですね
Atmosphere that the inside of the store is easy to see and enter. The sashimi is delicious because the shop owner buys fish in Tsukiji. A small amount but reasonably priced. Good for drinking alone
はっちゃん on Google

小さな個人経営のお店。 最高です。 料理も美味しく、小鉢物が充実しているのでカウンターで一人呑みもできます。 メンチカツ必ず頼む! コスパ、味、雰囲気、どれをとっても大好きなお店の一つ。
A small, privately run shop. it's the best. The food is delicious, and there are plenty of small bowls so you can drink alone at the counter. Menchikatsu always ask! Cospa, taste, atmosphere, one of the very favorite shops.
kayoko tateno on Google

良く寄らせて頂くお店です。 住吉から3分程でしょうか…錦糸町からも、歩けます。15分位かな… タイミングが悪いと、満席です。が、2階もあるので、OKかオーナーに聞いてみてください。 元お肉屋さんの作る、メンチは必ず注文します。つまみも多く、手抜きはないです。 そして、提供が素早い所がいいですねー。つい、頼み過ぎちゃう大好きなお店です。
It's a shop that I often visit. Is it about 3 minutes from Sumiyoshi? You can also walk from Kinshicho. Maybe about 15 minutes ... If the timing is bad, the seats are full. But there is also the second floor, so please ask the owner if it is OK. Menchi made by a butcher always order. There are a lot of knobs and there is no omission. And the place where provision is quick is good. Finally, it is a favorite shop that I would ask too much.
tonjiru kurobuta on Google

リーズナブルで美味しいくて飽きが来ない。 本日のおすすめにはちょっとした変わり種もあり美味しくて飽きが来ないです。 この日は、ザーサイ浅漬けとマグロハネ塩焼きをいただきました。 また、メンチカツが有名らしく別日に頼んでみて、試しにソース無しで食べてみると、下味が程よく付いているのでソース無しでもアリな感じ。
It is reasonable and delicious and never gets tired. Today's recommendation is a little bit different, so it doesn't get tired. On this day, we had Zasai pickles and grilled tuna honey. Also, when I asked for another day because of the famous cutlet, and tried it without a sauce, the taste was so good that it would be ant without the sauce.
宮崎敏也 on Google

GW後半の二日に伺いました。 いつも通りの注文で、ちょい呑み! チェーン店でない居酒屋で、GW中の営業は、有り難い。 ________________________________ 2週間振りに伺いました。 夕方6時半頃、カウンター席が空いていたので座り、先ずは、生ビールに刺身四点盛り、青汁ハイ、ばくだん、生ザーサイ、一口かつ等注文! ________________________________ 10日ぶり位の『たなべ衞』 取り合えずの生ビールに刺身三点、なめこおろしに青汁ハイ(2杯)、鳥天ポン酢を今日はおしまい。 _______________________________ 今日は、夜8時半頃伺い混んでいるかな?と思っていたらカウンターが割と空いていたので即着座。テーブル席や2階は満席のよう。 今日もいつも通り、刺身、あん肝、鰯フライ、メンチ、烏賊の沖漬け等注文。 ________________________________ 四日前も伺い、今日も軽く一杯呑みに立ち寄り、生ビール、青汁ハイ、鰤刺、鰹づけ、白子ポン酢、メンチでサクッと呑んで来ました。 ________________________________ 今週も土曜日の夕方頃伺い、軽く呑んで(生ビール、青汁ハイ2杯)、刺身(かつお、鰤)、白子ポン酢、鰤かま塩焼き を頂きました。 鰤かまのボリュームでお腹いっぱい。 ________________________________ 最近バタバタして中々立ち寄れず久しぶり(2週間振り)に伺いました。 呑んで食べて¥4000位。 ________________________________ 四日ぶりの、再訪。 今日も仕事帰りに来てしまった。 一杯呑んで、軽く摘まんで~。 今日は、刺身、牡蠣酢、白子ポン酢、タラココロッケ、イワシの梅しそフライ、生ビール、青汁ハイ(3杯)。 込み合ってきたので、この辺で。 _______________________________ 週に一度は、行きたいお店のひとつ。 今日も軽く呑んで、摘まんで! _______________________________ 今日も仕事終わりに、軽く呑んで帰ろう!っと立ち寄り、刺身2点、あん肝ぽん酢、メンチ、煮込、豚バラチャーシュウを、サクッと頂き、生ビールと青汁ハイで! _______________________________ 仕事帰り、少しいつもより遅くなってしまい夜8時頃伺ったら、かなり混んでいたのですが、カウンター1席空けて貰い、着座。 やはりこの時期は、忘年会や飲み会が多いのか?何処も混んでいるので、軽く摘まんで、サクッと飲んで帰ろう! _______________________________ 仕事が早く終わったので、夕方5時頃伺い、ちょこっと呑んで摘まんで、一時間程で、退店しました。刺身は、クロソイ、シマガツオ。あん肝、メンチカツ、もつ煮。 割とお腹一杯! _______________________________ 2週間振りに伺いました。 土曜日に伺うのは、初めて、土曜日は、御近所の方や予約のお客様が多いよう。 先ずは、生ビール、刺身、白子ポン酢、あん肝、青汁ハイ、もつ煮、メンチを注文。 ちょっと呑んで、つまんで!と言う時に、丁度いい! _______________________________ 今日も仕事上がりに軽く一杯! 生ビール、青汁ハイ あん肝ポン酢、白子ポン酢、刺身、メンチ、もつ煮込み(冬期のみ)を注文。 _______________________________ 週に一度は、伺っていましたが、ちょっと忙しく10日振り位の再訪。 今日は、先ずは生ビール、さんま刺、ぶり刺、あん肝ポン酢、白子ポン酢、そして青汁ハイ、さんま塩焼、ネギチャーシュウ、メンチ! ________________________________ 今日も仕事上がりに、いつも行くここ『たなべ衞』で軽く一杯。 生ビールに青汁ハイ、つまみは、刺身(秋刀魚、鰯)、あん肝ポン酢、秋刀魚塩焼き、メンチ! _______________________________ 今週二回目の『たなべ衞』 今日は、台風も近づいての事で、小雨がちらつくので、空いてるかな?と思いきや、カウンター2席しか空いてなかったけど、一人のみなので、そこに着座し、いつも通り、刺身(秋刀魚、鰹)と、お気に入りのあん肝!生ビールにとても合う。その後、秋刀魚塩焼き、ネギチャーシュウ、青汁ハイ。 癖になってきたこのメニュー。 ________________________________ 今日は、十数年振りに会う友人達とここ『たなべ衞』で飲み会の前に、少し早目に着いたので、先に、生ビール、青汁ハイ、刺身(いわし、さんま)、あん肝、さんま塩焼きを頂いていました。 ________________________________ 今日も、仕事帰りに、一杯一人飲みに立ち寄りました。 刺身は、サンマ、カツオ漬け、あん肝、蒸し鶏、秋刀魚の塩焼き、メンチ、生ビール、青汁ハイといつものコース。 秋刀魚も出始めの頃は、安かったようですが、北海道の地震以降、値上りし、やっと最近、落ち着いてきた感じで、美味しく頂きました。 ________________________________ 今週はまだ、こちらに寄っていなかったので、週末の今日、仕事帰りに、伺いました。連休前の日もあり、夕方六時過ぎ、先客4名程、いつものように刺身(かつお、黒鯛)と今日は、あん肝、鶏天、メンチを注文!勿論、生ビールや青汁ハイも注文。 7時過ぎにこみ合ってきたので、今日は、これで退散! また来週伺います! _______________________________ 今日も、仕事終わりに、軽く一杯呑んで!と立ち寄り、刺身や蒸し鶏、イワシフライ、生ビール、青汁ハイを各2杯づつ頂きました。 ________________________________ 西大島での打ち合わせ後、いつも立ち寄る住吉の『たなべ衛』で、一杯呑んでと伺いました。 生ビール2杯、青汁ハイ3杯と、刺身三点盛、新さんま塩焼き、蒸し鶏、イカ漬けの卵黄のせで、大満足! ________________________________ 今日も、仕事上りに一杯立ち寄り、生ビール、刺身、イナダのごま漬け、メンチ、自家製チャーシュウ、イワシフライ、イカ漬けの卵黄のせ、青汁ハイを頂き、ホロ酔いで帰宅。 ________________________________ 仕事帰りの、一人呑みに丁度いい!今日は、刺身三点、自家製チャーシュウ、いわしフライ、甘エビ、シラスオロシ、生ビール、青汁ハイ! ________________________________ 今日も仕事帰りの一杯! で立ち寄り! 生ビール、刺身、メンチ、蒸し鶏、いわしフライ、青汁ハイ。 ________________________________ 今日も、仕事帰りに、ちょっと一杯!で立ち寄り。 昨日の刺身が美味しかったので、また!ほっけの刺身、鰯、鯛の昆布〆、みる貝と生ビールを注文! その後、蒸し鶏、メンチ、青汁ハイを注文。 今日も満席になってきたので、退散~。 ________________________________ 住吉駅近くの、ここ『たなべ衛』、一人飲みにも丁度良く、チョイ飲みにベスト! 今日は、刺身をメインに一杯。 ________________________________ 同級生がやっていると聞き、即!伺いました。 ビールや酎ハイ、刺身やメンチ等々頂き、満席になってきたので、退席しました。 元々店主は、肉屋だったので、メンチは流石に旨い! 魚も築地で仕入れているので、刺身も中々のものでした。
I went to the second half of the second half GW. In the usual order, a little bit sorry! Business in GW is thankful in non-chain stores. ________________________________ I asked for two weeks. As the counter seat was open around 6:30 in the evening, I sat down, and first, I served raw sashimi with raw beer, sashimi four points, green juice high, abalone, fresh soy, a bite and more! ________________________________ The first time in 10 days "Tanabei" Today's end is uncooked draft beer, sashimi three points, nameko grate, two cups of green juice high, and bird heaven ponzu. ________________________________ Is it so crowded around 8:30 pm today? I was sitting immediately because the counter was vacant if I thought. Table seats and the second floor seem to be full. As usual, as usual, sashimi, fried liver, salmon fry, minced fish, order pickled fish and so on. ________________________________ Four days ago, I stopped at a light cup to drink lightly today, and I came to simmer in raw beer, green juice high, sashimi, grilled, white ponzu vinegar and mince. ________________________________ This week too, I went around on the evening of Saturday, and I had a light roast (fresh beer, 2 cups of green juice high), sashimi (bonito, salmon), Shirako ponzu, and salmon grilled with salmon. I am full of stomachache volume. ________________________________ Recently I was slammed and I was not able to stop in for a while and I asked for a long time (2 weeks). I eat it and eat ¥ 4000. ________________________________ Revisited for the first time in four days. I came to work back today as well. Drink a cup, pick it lightly. Today, sashimi, oyster vinegar, Shirako ponzu, cod coco croquette, sardines with umeshiso fried, fresh beer, green juice high (3 glasses). It's been crowded, so here. ________________________________ Once a week, one of the shops I want to visit. I hate it today and pick it up! ________________________________ I will return home lightly at the end of my work today! Stop by, sashimi 2 points, anchovy poached vinegar, minced meat, simmered, pork belly mashed rice, I got a quick, raw beer and green juice high! ________________________________ When I got home from work, I was a little late than usual and came around at 8:00 pm, but it was quite crowded, but I sat up by opening one counter seat. After all, are there many year-end parties and drinking parties during this time? It's everywhere, so pick it lightly, drink it fast and go home! ________________________________ I finished my work early, so I went around at 5 o'clock in the evening, picked up a little bit in a row, and left for about an hour. Sashimi, Kurosoi, Shimagatsuo. Steamed liver, mince cutlet, simmered. I'm very hungry! ________________________________ I asked for two weeks. It is the first time for us to come on Saturday, and on Saturday, there are many neighbors and booking customers. First, I order draft beer, sashimi, white ponzu vinegar, apricot liver, green juice high, mochi simmered and menci. Do not forget, pinch! When you say that, just good! ________________________________ I have a light cup of work after work today! Draft beer, green juice high We order anchovy ponzu, Shirako ponzu, sashimi, minced meat, stew (in winter only). ________________________________ Once a week, I was talking, but I was a little busy and revisited for 10 days. Today, first of all, draft beer, sanma sashimi, burdock sashimi, apricot liver ponzu, Shirako ponzu vinegar, and green juice high, sanma salt grilled, green onion shu, mench! ________________________________ I always go to work after work, and I always go lightly with "Tanabei". Draft beer and green juice high, pickles, sashimi (autumn sword fish, salmon), apricot liver ponzu, autumn sword fish salt grilled, mince! ________________________________ The second "Tanabei" this week Today, because the typhoon is approaching, the small rain flickers, so is it vacant? As I thought, only 2 counters were available, but I was alone, so I sat there, and as usual, sashimi (autumn sword fish, salmon) and my favorite liver! Very well with draft beer. After that, autumn sword fish grilled with salt, green onion, green juice high. This menu has become a habit. ________________________________ Today, I arrived with my friends for the first time in a dozen years before the drinking party in Tanabei, so I arrived a little earlier, so first I had a draft beer, green juice high, sashimi (Ishishi, Sanma), Anri liver. , I had grilled with salted fish. ________________________________ Today, I stopped by for a drink alone on my way home from work. Sashimi is the usual course with saury, bonito pickles, steamed chicken, steamed chicken, grilled fish with salt of Akito fish, mince, draft beer, green juice high and so on. It seems that it was cheap when the autumn sword fish began to appear, but after the earthquake in Hokkaido, the price has risen, and it has finally felt calm, and it has been delicious. ________________________________ I did not stop here this week, so I went back to work on the weekend today. There is also a day before the consecutive holidays, after 6 pm, around 4 customers, as usual, sashimi (bonito, ebony) and today, we order apricot liver, chicken heaven, menci! Of course, I order draft beer and green juice high. It's crowded after 7 o'clock, so today it's time to withdraw! I will visit again next week! ________________________________ Even today, at the end of work, I hate it lightly! We had 2 cups each of sashimi, steamed chicken, sardine fries, draft beer and green juice high. ________________________________ After a meeting at Nishioshima, I went to Sumiyoshi's "Tanabe-Ebi", which I always stopped at, and asked for a full drink. 2 cups of draft beer, 3 cups of green juice, 3 pieces of sashimi, new sanma-grilled chicken, steamed chicken, and squid-pickled egg yolks are very satisfying! ________________________________ Today, I went to work full time, and I received draft beer, sashimi, inada sesame pickles, minced meat, home-made charshu, sardine fries, squid pickled egg yolks, green juice high, and I came home with holly intoxication. ________________________________ I'm just good for a single person's return from work! Today, sashimi three points, homemade charyu, sardine fry, sweet shrimp, shirasu oroshi, draft beer, green juice high! ________________________________ Today's back home from work! Stop by! Raw beer, sashimi, mince, steamed chicken, sardine fry, green juice high. ________________________________ Today too, on the way home from work, a little bit! Stop by. As yesterday's sashimi was delicious, again! Order hokke sashimi, salmon, salmon kelp, grilled shellfish and draft beer! Then I ordered steamed chicken, mince and green juice high. As it has become full again today, I leave .... ________________________________ Near Sumiyoshi Station, here "Tanabee", just good for single drink, best for drinking Choi! Today, I have a lot of sashimi mainly. ________________________________ I hear that my classmates are doing it, immediately! I heard. We had beer, salmon high, sashimi, minced and so on, so we were full, so we left. Originally the shopkeeper was a butcher, so menciers are delicious! As fish is also stocked at Tsukiji, sashimi was a modest one.
Tomohiro Ohno on Google

良いんです‼️ 5・6品有る中から二品選べて、ご覧の通りボリューム有り。 価格もreasonableです☺️
It's good! ️ You can choose 2 items from 5 or 6 items, and as you can see, there is volume. The price is also reasonable ☺️

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