Izakaya restaurant - Osaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Izakaya restaurant

住所 :

2 Chome-11-4 Ohiraki, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0007, Japan

Postal code : 553-0007

2 Chome-11-4 Ohiraki, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0007, Japan
山下毅 on Google

It is an oden shop with a Showa retro atmosphere. The warm atmosphere of the mother makes the oden even more delicious. Business hours are short, from 6:00 to 8:00, but please enjoy Osaka's Kanto area.
全包公園糞 on Google

何れも味がしみてて 恐らく、店主の出汁の作り方と おでんの寝かす時間が絶妙なのでしょう。 こーゆー昭和感満載の おでん屋は個人的評価高めです。 評価に私情が入ってるので、 こーゆー昭和感満載が嫌な人は 見送った方が良いと思います。 『料理面』ベテランの腕、出汁旨い☆3 『接客面』営業時間が短い 『衛生面』フツー 以上により、☆3
Everything tastes good Probably how to make the soup stock of the shopkeeper I think the time to put oden to sleep is exquisite. Koyu full of Showa era feeling Odenya has a high personal reputation. Since the evaluation includes personal feelings, If you don't like the Showa era I think it's better to see it off. "Cooking" veteran skill, soup stock delicious ☆ 3 "Customer service" Business hours are short "Hygiene" From the above, ☆ 3
片岡英樹 on Google

レトロ感100%のおでん屋さん。 正しくは「おでん」ではなく、「かんとうだき」というらしい。 ドキドキしながら初めて行ったが、お店のおばちゃんがとても親切で、常連じゃなくても気軽に入れるお店。
Oden shop with 100% retro feel. It is said that it is not "Oden" but "Kantouduki". I went for the first time while throbbing, but the aunt of the shop is very kind and it is a shop that I can easily enter even if I am not a regular.
Private Tanaka on Google

It is a quiet and nice place as it is in the Showa era. Oden is also cheap and delicious. Please come and visit us.
Yas A on Google

It's a dark looking candy. Rather than boil all the seeds, the eggs are boiled separately to keep them half-ripe and put into the broth after ordering. In Tokyo, it was an atmosphere that disappeared in the Showa 50s.
ぴーちゃん on Google

静かな佇まいの昔ながらの昭和の雰囲気が味わえるおでん屋さんです。 おでんも美味しく玉子がオススメ
It is an oden restaurant where you can enjoy the traditional Showa atmosphere with a quiet appearance. Oden is also delicious and egg is recommended
hiropon amakko on Google

I can't use paypay. Cash only. Well well. From 17:30 to 20:00.
MIC N on Google

It's a nice space with a U-shaped counter ♡ And a longing mom and delicious oden welcome you ♡ It's my favorite shop.

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