Iyoseimen - Ōsaki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iyoseimen

住所 :

Tobaura-82 Furukawasawada, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6232, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 989-6232
Webサイト : https://www.iyoseimen.com/udon/shop_d.htm%3FL%3DBCSDetail%26ID%3DA80627444464
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM

Tobaura-82 Furukawasawada, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6232, Japan
保土原誠 on Google

There is a menu signboard when you enter the store. When it is decided, it is a system to take a tray and order it. After that, various tempura and rice balls are added and self-accounted for. The seats are ok wherever you go, and you will return the dishes after eating. The tempura was delicious.
てっけんばうあー on Google

どこぞと似たようなシステムだなぁ…と思いながら食べてみると、麺は柔らかめで自分はとても好きだった。 コシが重要視されるうどんですが、こういった柔らかめのうどんも需要はあると思う。
When I ate it while thinking that it was a similar system to somewhere else, the noodles were soft and I liked it very much. Udon noodles are important for their elasticity, but I think there is demand for such soft udon noodles.
haru abe on Google

とても安いのにコシがあって美味しいし トッピング増やして自分なりのアレンジができます だから好きなお店です うどん好きにはたまりません
It ’s very cheap, but it ’s chewy and delicious. You can increase the toppings and arrange your own That's why it's my favorite shop I'm dying for udon lovers
るー on Google

Kake udon, tempura and rice balls! This is the only self-service shop in Furukawa. You can't say green onions unless you say it.
ゆきりん on Google

2021/10/19 パートナーと食べに行きました。 釜玉うどんを頼んだのに明太釜玉うどんが出てきたので、「注文したのは釜玉うどんです」と伝えた所、物凄く不貞腐れた態度で注文したうどんを出してきました。 その後、天ぷらを取ろうとしたところ、揚げたてを出していた店員からとても強い香水の香りがしてきました。 天ぷらを選んでいる時にレジにいた店員が指を台にトントンさせながら、「早くしろよ」と言わんばかりの態度。 店員の民度がとても低い所なんだな、と思いました。 丸亀製麺が潰れちゃったから食べに行きましたが二度と食べに行きません。 うどんも、柔らかすぎて全くコシがなく、なんだかなぁって感じでした。 本当に空気が淀んだ態度の悪いお店、という印象です。。
2021/10/19 I went to eat with my partner. I ordered Kamatama udon, but Meita Kamatama udon came out, so when I said, "I ordered Kamatama udon," I ordered the udon with a terribly unfaithful attitude. After that, when I tried to take the tempura, the clerk who was serving the fried food gave me a very strong perfume scent. The clerk at the cash register when he was choosing tempura made his fingers stand on the table and said, "Get it fast." I thought it was a place where the clerk's popularity was very low. I went to eat because Marugame Seimen was crushed, but I will never go to eat again. Udon was too soft and not chewy at all, so I was wondering what it was. I have the impression that the restaurant is really stagnant and has a bad attitude. ..
清野光宏 on Google

Is delicious. I really want to have 5 stars. I always eat 2 to 3 pieces of kake udon and tempura, but one day I ordered kake udon and saw tempura, but none. Even though it was past 17:00, only udon was sent. By the time the tempura was fried, the udon was almost finished. The worst is a deduction. No consideration
T- BA on Google

なんでこんな空いてるんだとびっくりです? うどん屋チェーン店貴重なのに 味は普通に何でも美味しいです。 サイドメニューも満足!! ただ、やはり基本的な麺のコシが弱く、つゆも温度低め 基本的なところを見直すのを期待してます。
I'm surprised why it's so vacant ? Udon shop chain store is precious The taste is usually delicious. Satisfied with the side menu! !! However, the basic noodles are still weak and the temperature of the soup is low. I hope to review the basics.
Miho Tadano on Google

温かいうどんの時、出汁の味が少し濃いなとは思います。でもねぎを入れるか聞いてくれるのがいつもありがたいです(苦手なので…)。 いつもはかけと天ぷらを食べるのですが、今回は初めてわかめうどんを頼みました。わかめがたくさん載っていて満足でした。
When it's warm, I think the taste of the soup stock is a little strong. But I'm always grateful to be asked if I want to add green onions (because I'm not good at it ...). I usually eat kake and tempura, but this time I ordered wakame udon for the first time. I was satisfied with the many wakame seaweed.

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