Iwate Prefectural Ofunato Hospital - Ofunato

1.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwate Prefectural Ofunato Hospital

住所 :

Yamamagoe-10-1 Ofunatocho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 022-0002
Webサイト : http://oofunato-hp.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

Yamamagoe-10-1 Ofunatocho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0002, Japan
サリンジャー on Google

多い湾や街が見渡せる高台にあります。 気仙地域の唯一の総合病院なので、駐車場はとても混んでいます。 産婦人科もこの辺りではここだけなので、お産をする人には無くてはならない病院です。 いろいろ改善点はあるかもですが、頑張ってくれていることもあるので星3個をつけました。
It is located on a hill that overlooks many bays and towns. As the only general hospital in the Kesen area, the parking lot is very crowded. Since obstetrics and gynecology is also the only area around here, it is a hospital that is indispensable for people who give birth. Although there may be various improvement points, I put three stars because I have been working hard.
K R on Google

ここは大きいだけ。頸椎捻挫を「揉んでおけば治る」と言われた。そのあとすぐ高田病院に言ったら、しっかりレントゲンをとって飲み薬、湿布を処方された。同じ病院でなぜこうも診断が違うのか? いったい何人が酷い目に合ったのだろう? ここには死にかけてても行きたくない。
This is just big. He was told that he could heal a cervical sprain by rubbing it. Immediately after that, when I told Takada Hospital, I took an X-ray and was prescribed a medicine and compress. Why is the diagnosis so different in the same hospital? How many people have met so badly? I don't want to go here even if I die.
こるのるてるぺる on Google

兄が脳梗塞で入院しました。 リハビリする病院に移るまではこの病院に居るのですが、ろくに体を拭いたり口内のケアなどをしたりしません。 兄が動く方の手でしきりに顔や口を気にするので母が顔を拭いてあげたらタオルがすごく汚れてビックリしたそうです。 いったい何時から拭いてないのかと。 口の中も酷い状態だったそうです。 病院側で出来ないなら面会者の制限などせずに親族がやれるようにするべき。 なにが完全介護か。 あと自分の体験ですが受付に胃が痛いと言ってるのに頑なに耳鼻科に行かせようとしたり、血栓症の疑いがあるのに何故か外科に通してその外科でも外科の知識じゃわからんと言いながらも他の科に回そうとしなかったりと最悪の一言につきます。 国立病院建ててくれないかな。
My brother was hospitalized for a cerebral infarction. I stay in this hospital until I move to a rehabilitation hospital, but I do not wipe my body or care for my mouth. He told his brother to move his face and mouth with his hands, so if his mother wiped his face, the towel was very dirty and surprised. From what time has it not been wiped? It seems that his mouth was in a bad condition. If you can not do it at the hospital, you should be able to do relatives without restricting visitors. What is complete care? Also, as my own experience, I told the receptionist that my stomach hurts, but I tried to go to the otolaryngologist stubbornly, or even though I suspected thrombosis, I went through surgery for some reason and I did not understand the knowledge of surgery even in that surgery I say the worst thing that I do not try to transfer to other departments while saying. Can you build a national hospital?
楓煌濂 on Google

病院全体をリフォームして病棟も変わったけど、夜電気点けても部屋が暗い。 暗闇に閉じ込められてるかのようで怖い。 リフォーム前の病棟の方が明るくて良かったのに。 何を目指してそのようにしたのかな?
The entire hospital was remodeled and the ward changed, but the room was dark even when the lights were turned on at night. I'm scared as if I'm trapped in the darkness. I'm glad that the ward before the remodeling was brighter. What did you aim for?
shinobu koganeyama on Google

脳梗塞で入院しましたが、主治医の先生、担当の先生の対応にとても感謝して居ます。 転院の手続きも、スムーズに対応して頂き、リハビリも順調に進みました。 看護師さん達の対応も非常に良く、コロナのせいでとても忙しく人不足になってる中、フレンドリーに細かく対応してくれて毎日明るく過ごす事が出来ました。 リハビリを担当してくれた療法士さん達も、やる気を出せるように目標を作ってくれたり、細かく指導してくれたおかげで、一気に回復出来たと実感しております。 本当に皆さんには感謝しか有りません。 コメントを見ると色々書いて有りますが、私は頼りになる病院と思っております。 今後もお世話になります。
I was hospitalized for a cerebral infarction, but I am very grateful to my doctor and the teacher in charge. The procedure for transfer was smooth, and the rehabilitation went smoothly. The nurses were very responsive, and while I was very busy and short of people due to the corona, I was able to spend a bright time every day with friendly and detailed support. The therapists who were in charge of the rehabilitation also set goals so that they could be motivated, and thanks to the detailed guidance, I feel that I was able to recover at once. I really appreciate everyone. If you look at the comments, you will find a lot of information, but I think it is a reliable hospital. Thank you for your continued support.
Sayuri O on Google

I gave birth here in 2019. Doctors, midwives, and nurses are all very kind, and although the schedule is tight until discharge, you can support us well. Prenatal medical examinations and daddy mom classes are also very polite and easy to understand, and I am very kind to consult with you whenever something happens after giving birth. The total cost is surprisingly cheap compared to the metropolitan area, but it was a safe space with proper privacy even in a large room.
けち on Google

医者も看護士もヤブしかいない 医者はこちらが何もわからないと思って嘘の説明するわ、自分の実力不足を棚に上げて早々に匙を投げてくる(他の病院なら治療可能でした) 看護士も連携が何一つとれてないから対応をたらい回しにしてくるので可能なら違う所に行きましょう
There are only bush nor nurse doctor I doctor here is what even I do not know lie explained, come throwing a spoon to quickly raise their lack of ability to the shelf (it was if the treatment can be other hospital) Nurse also work together Let's go to different if possible since come to the corresponding to the waffling place because not achieved anything
。。 on Google

看護師の態度が悪い。 近場では大きな病院がここしかないから来てるだけで、近くに他の病院あったら絶対に来ない。 とにかく性格悪くて嫌な感じ。 日頃疲れてるのも分かりますが患者の前で露骨に態度に出しちゃダメだと思います。
The nurse's attitude is bad. I only come here because there is only one big hospital nearby, and if there is another hospital nearby, I will never come. Anyway, I have a bad personality and feel unpleasant. I know I'm tired on a daily basis, but I don't think I should be explicit in front of the patient.

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