Iwate Medical University Uchimaru Medical Center Hospital - Morioka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iwate Medical University Uchimaru Medical Center Hospital

住所 :

19-番1号 Uchimaru, Morioka, Iwate 020-8505, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 020-8505
Webサイト : https://www.hosp.iwate-med.ac.jp/uchimaru/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM

19-番1号 Uchimaru, Morioka, Iwate 020-8505, Japan
藤澤りょうま on Google

Heisa Saito of the Department of Respiratory Medicine is good-looking, and Professor Ishigaki of Professor of Diabetes and Metabolism is also good-looking.
しらす on Google

こちらがお願いしますと言っているのに ガン無視、、 有り得ません すぐ終わるのでと言われ待つこと1時間
I'm asking you Ignore cancer ... Impossible One hour to wait because it will end soon
T N on Google

眼科の為に行くけど凄くいい。 難点としてはかなり待たされるところ
I go for ophthalmology but it's really good. The difficulty is that you have to wait a long time
ウキウキ on Google

If you move to a new Yaburo and think that the number of patients will decrease, I feel that it is more crowded than before. Waiting for 3 hours seems natural. Even if you go by reservation, you will be waiting at all. I'm going to get sick in waiting time! There is no point in making a reservation!
ウル on Google

消化管内科の医師は上から目線で事実をひん曲げて患者に責任を転換する言い方をします。 消化管内科の信頼度0%。
Gastrointestinal physicians use the word from above to distort the facts and shift responsibility to the patient. The reliability of gastrointestinal internal medicine is 0%.
oji oji on Google

他の方も書いてないので書きます。 「医大の不妊治療科」があります。 先生は2人の男女の先生が診察します。 2チャンネルでも見ましたが先生が毎度代わる代わるで変わるので 少し意思の疎通が大変です。 あととても若い女医さん20代と予測します。 男性医師の方も40代前半です。 【料金】 人工授精は県内でもかなり安いと思います。1万弱です。 体外受精は注射で大きく変わりますが 採卵から体に戻すまでで50-60万です。 内訳は 注射で8−15万 採卵入院で15万 培養で5万(ふりかけですと無料です) 受精卵を戻すのに10万前後 はじめての人は分からないと思いますが 補助金の申請を出す前にすべての支払が必要ですので 現金かカード(限度額)で60万あると安心です。 あと、こちらの病院は珍しく子持ちの患者さんもいるので 待合室で夫婦でや親子で子供をあやすという 不愉快な場面が多々あるのでその辺はデリケートな人は気になると思います。 某産婦人科のときは気にしてくれて 別室でお待ちいただけますよ? という心遣いもありましたが、ここの待合室は夫婦や祖母と来て子供が走り回るような事があります。そこが非常に残念です。 ※京野クリニックでは確か子連れは禁止されていたはずです。 看護婦さんも皆さん子育て世代の人が多く 皆さん子供が居るような雰囲気ですさらには事務的で暗い感じです。 それと、お金の相談とかが医院内にあるような書き方ですが 基本的にありませんし最初の説明時にお金が尽きたら終わりです みたいなことを言われます。笑 20−30代がメインの不妊治療で毎回40万〜60万を払うという現状を国が無視している事が許せませんね。 支援者が居る夫婦だと進めれると思いますが、余裕がない夫婦は1〜2回で諦めちゃうと思います。 実際は10〜20回もやれば確実に子供は作れると思います。相当な技術なので。ただ高額なので芸能人やお金持ちの人だけが5年10年通ったなんて状態です。
Others haven't written it either, so I'll write it. There is a "Fertility Department of Medical College". The teacher will be examined by two male and female teachers. I saw it on channel 2, but it changes because the teacher changes every time. Communication is a little difficult. I also predict that a very young female doctor will be in her twenties. Male doctors are also in their early 40s. [Fee] I think artificial insemination is quite cheap even in the prefecture. It's just under 10,000. In vitro fertilization changes greatly with injection, It is 500,000 to 600,000 from egg collection to returning to the body. The breakdown is 80-150,000 by injection 150,000 in hospital for egg collection 50,000 in culture (free when sprinkled) Around 100,000 to return fertilized eggs I don't think people who are new to this will know All payments are required before submitting a subsidy application It is safe to have 600,000 in cash or card (limit). Also, this hospital has rare patients with children, so In the waiting room, it is said that couples and parents and children will comfort their children There are many unpleasant scenes, so I think people who are delicate in that area will be worried. When you are in a certain obstetrics and gynecology department, you care about it and can you wait in a separate room? However, in the waiting room here, there are times when a couple or grandmother comes and a child runs around. That is very disappointing. * It must have been prohibited to bring children at the Kyono Clinic. Many nurses are of the child-rearing generation It feels like everyone has children, and it's also clerical and dark. Also, it's written as if there is a money consultation in the clinic. Basically not, and if you run out of money at the time of the first explanation, you're done I'm told something like that. Lol It cannot be forgiven that the country is ignoring the current situation where people in their 20s and 30s pay 400,000 to 600,000 each time for their main fertility treatment. I think that a couple with a supporter can proceed, but a couple who can not afford it will give up in one or two times. Actually, if you do it 10 to 20 times, you can definitely make a child. Because it is a considerable technology. However, because it is expensive, only entertainers and rich people have passed for 5 to 10 years.
ネギとろ on Google

何度かお世話になったことがあるのですが高評価になったきっかけとしては脳へのカテーテルでの検査入院の時に看護士さんや担当者の方がとても親切で優しく検査する内容も分かりやすく教えてくださった事もそうですが検査時の配慮が一番嬉しかったです。 体の負担だけでなく心の負担まで配慮して戴き患者側としてありがたかったです。 こういう配慮が行き届いている病院は素晴らしいと思います。 ただ診察を行う病院の雰囲気は少し暗く天井が低いです(入院棟は明るく天井が高いのですが)
I have been indebted several times, but the reason why it was highly evaluated was that the nurses and the person in charge were very kind and kind to the examination at the time of admission with a catheter to the brain. As with what you taught me, I was most pleased with the consideration given during the inspection. I am grateful to the patient for considering not only the physical burden but also the mental burden. I think that a hospital with such consideration is wonderful. However, the atmosphere of the hospital where the examination is conducted is a little dark and the ceiling is low (although the hospital building is bright and the ceiling is high).
ひびき on Google

身内が手帳もらえる病気なのに、手帳はでない、治療とかもない、聞こえるようになるのをまつだけです?で一年たちましたよ?両耳きこえませんよ。外来は3ヶ月に1回、ふつうの聴力検査のみ。 金泥棒ですか?法律や手帳のこと勉強してますか?手術もこちらが願ってるのにしてくれないのに?3ヶ月に1回の金づるかよ。
My relatives are sick to get a notebook, but I don't have a notebook, it may be a treatment, I just wait to hear it? It's been a year, right? I can't hear both ears. Outpatients only have a normal hearing test once every three months. Are you a gold thief? Are you studying law or notebooks? I'm hoping for surgery, but can't you? Do you make money once every three months?

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