
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ケーキ屋健ちゃん

住所 :

Iwatacho, Higashiosaka, 〒578-0941 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87987
Webサイト : http://cake-ken.com/
街 : Osaka

Iwatacho, Higashiosaka, 〒578-0941 Osaka,Japan
にぃもん on Google

オーナーさんが気さくで親しみやすいです☆彡 アレルギー対応のケーキも販売しており乳幼児のバースデーケーキを購入しましたが美味しくいただきした!!
The owner is friendly and friendly ☆ 彡 We also sell allergic cakes and bought a birthday cake for infants, but it was delicious! !
番ばんちゃん on Google

Because Ken talks in various ways, I like it very much. も I heard the cake of a child's anniversary also impossible. Thank you very much. I will go back again.
Androyer jp on Google

A cake shop that always organizes events. Feel free to talk with the manager and listen to the story about the cake. The store's home page was created by the manager himself. That's amazing.
TTT KKK on Google

The vegetable macaroons were very interesting and delicious. The cake is also simple and delicious. It's a friendly shop that offers small gifts and assortments to suit your budget. I also had shaved ice in the summer.
たんちゃん on Google

ホールのケーキを買ったら、普通のカットケーキ用の長方形の箱に入れられた。帰って開けてみて更にびっくり、隙間を埋める紙なども入っておらず、ホールケーキの側面は箱にあたってクリームが剥がれて残念な見た目になっていた。 苺はすごく小さい。クリームは美味しかったけどスポンジはケーキ屋さんというよりお母さんが作ったような粗めのスポンジ。 とにかく箱を開けて残念な気持ちになったケーキは初めて。ホットペッパーでポイントを使って予約したから適当にされたのかな、もういかないです。
When I bought the hall cake, it was put in a rectangular box for ordinary cut cake. I was surprised when I opened it back, and there was no paper to fill the gaps, and the side of the whole cake had a disappointing appearance due to the cream coming off the box. The candy is very small. The cream was delicious, but the sponge was a coarse sponge that my mom made rather than a cake shop. Anyway, the first cake that opened the box and made me feel sorry. I wonder if it was made appropriate because I made a reservation using points with hot pepper.
ma amo on Google

The cake is delicious, healthy and additive-free cream. It was nice to have a simple taste. Macaron was also very delicious with a taste like no other. The owner is also very easy to talk and wants to go again.
aki aki on Google

ショコラムースをいただきましたが濃厚で口のなかでとろけていきます(^^) わ、これまた食べたいってなってます(^^) 無添加ロールも食べてみました。純生クリーム100パーセントで作ったロールケーキを極限まで小麦粉を減らし、作られたもの(^^) 美味しくて、しっとりしてるんやけど、ふんわりした感じも好きです。 身体に優しい自然素材を使ったケーキや焼き菓子、マカロンなどもあります。
I had a show column but it was rich and melted in my mouth (^ ^) I want to eat this again (^ ^) I ate rolls without additives. Roll cake made with 100% pure fresh cream, flour reduced to the limit, made (^ ^) It's delicious and moist, but I like the softness. There are also cakes, baked goods and macaroons made from natural materials that are kind to the body.
なり on Google

娘の1歳のお誕生日にバースデーケーキ予約しました。初めてのケーキだったので少しでも身体に良い物をと思い、無添加が売りのこちらのお店に決めました。当日(月曜日)お店は定休日でしたが電話で予約した時(水曜日なので6日前)可能だとおっしゃって、受け取り時間も店主の都合を優先して決めたにも関わらず、当日約束の時間の5分前にお店についたが電気は真っ暗で誰もいないし、連絡もお店の番号しか無かったのでつきませんでした。寒い中、約1時間お店の前で待ち、念の為にホームページに載っていたメールアドレスにも連絡を入れて時間も遅かったのでケーキが手に入らないと娘のお祝いが出来ないので諦めて急いで帰り近所ケーキ屋さんに走りました。娘の初めてのお誕生日なのに、初めてのお祝いなのに食事の時間も遅くなってしまったり、バタバタの夜でした。お祝いは無事に出来ましたが私はすごくショックでした。許す事が出来ません。店主からは22時50分頃にメールの返信がありました。↓↓↓ ご連絡ありがとうございます。 本当に申し訳ございませんでした。 実は本日体調が優れず、朝ご予約のケーキは問題なく用意しておいたのですが、夕方に強めの風邪薬を飲んだ所寝てしまい今、目が覚めた所でした。 ※コロナではなく、現在は回復に向かっております ××様にとって、年に一度の大切な日にご迷惑をお掛けした事を心からお詫び申し上げます。 既に他のケーキを用意して楽しまれたかと思いますが、お客様のために作ったケーキがお店にはございますので、食べていただけるようでしたらご来店お待ちしております。 本来こちらからお届けに行かなければならない所ですが、××様のご都合もあると思いますので、任意でお願いします。 ※勿論29日中に召し上がって頂く分には商品として問題ありません 本日は折角ご予約、来店頂いた上待っていただいたのに、ご期待に沿うことが出来ず本当に申し訳ございませんでした。 以後このようなことがないよう、精進して参ります。 ケーキ屋健ちゃん 代表 船坂健一 百歩譲って体調が優れないなら、何か事情があったなら早めにそちらから連絡すべきではありませんか?まだ早い時間に連絡が来ていた方がたくさん対応も出来たと思います。こちらが連絡しても連絡も取れずどれだけ不安な時間を過ごしたか、最悪の結果になってしまったのも確かです。つぎの日になって、ケーキを受け取った所で美味しく頂けるはずもないですよね?ケーキ屋さんだったらバースデーケーキの予約だってよくあるはずでは?こんな対応をされているお店を私は他の人に勧める気もないですし、食べた事はないですが、二度と行かないと思います。
I made a reservation for a birthday cake on my daughter's 1st birthday. Since this was my first cake, I thought it would be good for my health, so I decided to go to this shop, which sells additive-free cakes. The shop was closed on the day (Monday), but when you made a reservation by phone (6 days before because it is Wednesday), you said that it is possible, and even though the pick-up time was decided by giving priority to the convenience of the shop owner, the promised time on the day I arrived at the store 5 minutes before, but the electricity was pitch black and nobody was there, and I couldn't get in touch because I only had the store number. In the cold, I waited in front of the shop for about an hour, and just in case, I contacted the email address on the homepage and it was too late, so I gave up because I could not celebrate my daughter unless I got the cake. I hurried home and ran to a nearby cake shop. Even though it was my daughter's first birthday, the meal time was late even though it was my first celebration, and it was a fluttering night. The celebration was successful, but I was very shocked. I can't forgive you. The shop owner sent me an email at around 22:50. ↓ ↓ ↓ Thank you for contacting us. I am very sorry. Actually, I wasn't feeling well today, so I prepared the cake I had reserved in the morning without any problems, but I took a strong cold medicine in the evening and fell asleep, and now I'm awake. * We are currently recovering, not Corona. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to Mr. XX on an important day once a year. I think you have already prepared other cakes and enjoyed it, but we have cakes made for our customers, so if you can eat them, we are looking forward to your visit. Originally, you have to go to deliver from here, but I think that it is convenient for XX, so please do not hesitate to contact us. * Of course, there is no problem as a product if you eat it within the 29th. I made a reservation today and waited for you to come to the store, but I'm really sorry that I couldn't meet your expectations. I will do my best to prevent this from happening. Cake shop Ken-chan Representative Kenichi Funasaka If you give up a hundred steps and are not feeling well, shouldn't you contact us as soon as possible if something goes wrong? I think that many people who were contacted at an early time were able to respond. Even if I contacted you, I couldn't get in touch with you, and I'm sure it was the worst result of how uneasy I was. The next day, you can't have it delicious when you receive the cake, right? If you're a cake shop, you should often make reservations for birthday cakes, right? I don't want to recommend a restaurant that has this kind of support to other people, and I've never eaten it, but I don't think I'll ever go there again.

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