フレンズ 甲西店 - Konan

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレンズ 甲西店

住所 :

Iwanechuo, Konan, 〒520-3254 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 520-3254
Webサイト : http://nikotoku-chirashi.com/stores/101
街 : Shiga

Iwanechuo, Konan, 〒520-3254 Shiga,Japan
小泉小泉 on Google

品物が、豊富なので、もちろん 高価かもありますけど、 どちらかと、言いますと、易いです。他には、無い品々がありますので、良く店ヘ行かせて頂いてます。
The goods are abundant, so of course it may be expensive, If anything, it is easy. There are no other items, so I often go to the store.
松井美與二(mm3018) on Google

There are many women's and children's clothes, and not many men's clothes. Also, the number of items is small.
松本剛 on Google

Mostly for ladies, but cheap anyway! ️I often use it because the quality is not bad.
高岡忍 on Google

There are a lot of items that you can't find in other stores, so I go out every week to go shopping.
木道聡 on Google

ドラッグユタカが隣にあった昔より、明らかに客入りが少なくなっていた。 いざと言う時、布団や衣類など安く買えるので潰れてほしくはないが、閑散なとこを見たら、、時間の問題かなと、、。
The number of customers was clearly less than in the old days when Drug Yutaka was next door. In case of emergency, I don't want them to be crushed because I can buy futons and clothes cheaply, but when I see a quiet place, I think it's only a matter of time.
脂肪遊戯 on Google

靴下が安いので重宝してます。 値段が値段(100円)なのでほとんどワンシーズンしかもちませんが……
Socks are cheap, so it's useful. The price is 100 yen, so it only lasts for one season ...
MAKI TANI on Google

I always use it. There are various things, and the bargain ones are even more affordable, so it is recommended to aim for that day as there are several days of the best bargain of the year. I also buy a lot (laugh)
溝口寿光 on Google

I went to a return sale. Blends' 3000 yen back is attractive, so if you don't take this opportunity, it's a loss. It will be half price.

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