カワチ薬品 岩切店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カワチ薬品 岩切店

住所 :

Iwakiribundai, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0828 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://www.cawachi.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Miyagi

Iwakiribundai, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0828 Miyagi,Japan
長野恭爺 on Google

The parking lot and the shop are large and nice. I want you to increase the product lineup because it is so wide.
K_mam Nyam on Google

味の素の餃子12個入りを購入したら いつも違うスーパーでは198円+税で買えていたのに カワチでは453円もした。 びっくりして問い合わせてみたら それが普通だと。 違うところで買ったら1つの値段で2つ買えたのにー。
If you buy 12 pieces of Ajinomoto dumplings I could buy it for 198 yen + tax at a different supermarket Kawachi cost 453 yen. I was surprised and asked That's normal. If I bought it in a different place, I could have bought two at one price.
熊谷孝一(こうちゃん) on Google

Due to the large store area, I think there are more types and inventories than rival drug stores.
オニやん on Google

The Kawachi here has a pretty good selection! The parking lot is large, and the displays and displays are easy to buy inside the store. After all, each store has its own regional characteristics, so it seems that there are more items than other stores. The employees were also kind and polite! I think I want to go again.
Hanimaru Kun on Google

店内ひろく・・・疲れました。。 同じものがいろいろなところに点在。 洗濯洗剤が目立つところにあったが、柔軟剤がない。。 良~く眺めると別のところにも洗剤と柔軟剤の陳列が。。 泡タイプのハンドソープが欲しかったが、詰め替えはあってもポンプが無いw 無駄に広いお店でした。
The inside of the store is wide ... I'm tired. .. The same thing is scattered in various places. Laundry detergent was noticeable, but there was no fabric softener. .. If you look closely, you can see the detergent and fabric softener displayed elsewhere. .. I wanted a foam type hand soap, but there is no pump even if there is refilling w It was a wastefully large shop.
藤井広 on Google

It's a beautiful shop. The staff is also kind. I always do a good shopping ? Thank you ?
yosi obata on Google

生鮮物は品揃え的には薄い、 薬も扱っているので便利です? 駐車場も広くて停めやすい❗
Fresh food is thin in terms of assortment, It is convenient because it also handles medicine ? The parking lot is large and easy to park ❗
ゆのみや on Google

イオンが新しくなったりウェルシアとか薬王堂が出来てから全く行ってなかったのですがこの前久しぶりに行ってきました。 以前のはペットボトル飲料がすごく安いイメージがあったのですが今はむしろ割高な感じがしました。 メンズ化粧品も品揃え少ないですし、ヘアカラーも少ないどころかメンズは白髪染めしかなくないですかね? 全体的に値段が高くなったし、前は売場で店員とすれ違うといらっしゃいませの声がけがあったり品出しとかしてる時に近くを通ると失礼しますと言って避けてくれたりしたのにそういうのが全く無くて店内の雰囲気も暗いなぁと感じました。 ツルハ、サンドラッグ、ウェルシア、薬王堂とドラッグストアには事欠かない地域なので客も少なくなりそうな気がします。
I haven't been there since Aeon was renewed or Welcia or Yakuo-do was built, but I went there for the first time in a while. I used to think that PET bottled beverages are very cheap, but now it feels rather expensive. There aren't many men's cosmetics, and far from having few hair colors, men have no choice but to dye gray hair, right? The price was higher overall, and before, there was a voice saying that I was passing by a clerk at the sales floor, and when I was trying to put out items, I said that I would be rude if I passed by, but that was the case. I felt that the atmosphere inside the store was dark because there was no such thing. There is no shortage of Tsuruha, Sundrug, Welcia, Yakuodo and drug stores, so I feel that the number of customers is likely to decrease.

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