Itsuki Clinic Ichinomiya - Ichinomiya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Itsuki Clinic Ichinomiya

住所 :

いつきクリニック一宮 Tsujibata-47-1 Yamatocho Menjo, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0932, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 491-0932
Webサイト :

いつきクリニック一宮 Tsujibata-47-1 Yamatocho Menjo, Ichinomiya, Aichi 491-0932, Japan
ラッキー(ラッキー) on Google

I just stopped
チャココチャ on Google

受付してから、診察終わって帰るまでの時間がかかりすぎ。 正味20分ぐらいの診察時間で2時間待たすのは如何かと思う
It took too long from reception to the end of the examination. I think it is better to wait 2 hours with a net consultation time of about 20 minutes
チキンライス on Google

少し大きめのクリニック 健康診断(生活習慣病予防健診)で利用しました 土曜日もやってます 思った程待ちはなく1時間程度で済みました 対応も良かったです
We used in slightly larger clinic medical checkup (lifestyle-related disease prevention medical examination) We do on Saturday We did not wait as much as we thought and did in around 1 hour It was good correspondence
とんかつ定食 on Google

The teachers and nurses are all kind and listen to me. If you do not make a reservation, you will have to wait for a long time, but it is a popular hospital.
西内歩美 on Google

The director who came two years ago was good, but now it is not good at all. He is receiving dialysis, but he was told that it would be okay for the patient to change hospital. Such current director, I think it is selfless. It can be taken like saying that you should die early!
Y S on Google

予約してても1時間待ちは当たり前。 診察のあとに採血でもあると、更に2-30分は待つ。 時間がかかるのは丁寧に診察してくれる時もあるが、診察しながら薬を本で調べたり、医師が知らないことを看護師に確認しながら診察するので時間がかかる。 本で調べてたのは素人のこちらでも知ってるような薬だったのでちょっと不安になった。 説明も丁寧なのか的を得ないのか、微妙なライン。 受付や看護師さんは丁寧で親切なので、医療機関としては★1だがおまけで+1。
Even if you make a reservation, waiting 1 hour is natural. Wait for another 2-30 minutes if blood is taken after the examination. It takes time to take time to check carefully, but sometimes it takes time to check the medicine with a book while making a checkup, or to check with a nurse if the doctor does not know it. I was somewhat anxious because it was a medicine I knew in this book that I checked in the book. It is a delicate line whether the explanation is too polite or impossible. Because the receptionist and nurses are polite and helpful, as a medical institution, it is ★ 1 but additionally +1.
軽トラ女子 on Google

毎年会社の健康診断でお世話になっております。 今回も個人負担で、オプション検査をして頂きました。 頸動脈エコー 眼底検査 詳しい?血液検査 (血管が出にくい私の採血も、一発刺針) いつも親切丁寧な対応有り難うございます。 エッセンシャルワーカーとして働く私達の健康を 支えてくださり、感謝致します。
I take care of the company's health checkup every year. This time as well, I had the option inspection done at my own expense. Carotid echo Fundus examination detailed? Blood test (My blood sampling, which is difficult for blood vessels to occur, is also a single-needle needle) Thank you for your kind and courteous service. Our health as an essential worker Thank you for your support.
yu n on Google

風邪をひいて受診しました。 30分ほど待って、1分の診察。 「風邪ですね。」 薬をもらって、飲み続けましたが 5日経ってもよくならず、 5日後に再度受診。 今度は、咳止めだけ処方される まったく治らず、最悪です。 対応も、処方も酷すぎる。 2度と受診しません
I had a cold and had a medical examination. Wait for about 30 minutes and see for 1 minute. "It's a cold." I got some medicine and continued to take it It doesn't matter after 5 days Visited again 5 days later. This time, only cough medicine is prescribed It doesn't heal at all and is the worst. Correspondence and prescription are too terrible. I will never see you again

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