広島五日市 県営倉庫

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 広島五日市 県営倉庫

住所 :

Itsukaichiko, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5161 Hiroshima,Japan

街 : Hiroshima

Itsukaichiko, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5161 Hiroshima,Japan
Arie Novianto on Google

Devendra Mishra on Google

Tang Tang on Google

s m on Google

岡本満則 on Google

The guardman's uncle responded kindly and politely, so I was able to work comfortably.
wai han kwok on Google

五日巿港是郵輪停泊的起方,這裏政府提供免費巴士來往五日巿站和郵輪,亦有去百貨公司的免費巴士,這些安排非常好,旅客可以去到自己想去的地方。 回程時,在上郵輪前亦有小檔售賣食品和飲品。
On the 5th, Da Nang is the starting point for cruises. The government provides free buses to and from the five-day station and cruises. There are also free buses to department stores. These arrangements are very good and passengers can go where they want to go. On the return journey, there are also small stalls selling food and drinks before the cruise.
Photo Diary from Hiroshima on Google

埠頭の直ぐ近くに有る、大きな倉庫です。 中は広く、広々としています。 一般の人は普段は入れません。 大型のクルーズ船が寄港する時に、ここの倉庫の中でイベントが行われます。 その時には、一般公開されます。 屋根付きなので、天気が悪くなっても安心です。 2018年の3月にクイーン・エリザベス号が寄港した時には、歓迎イベントが行われました。 グルメ屋台の出店や、ステージでの演武等が見られました。 客船の乗客の、外国人観光客が大勢訪れていました。
It is a large warehouse near the wharf. The inside is large and spacious. The average person cannot usually enter. The event takes place in a warehouse here when a large cruise ship calls. At that time, it will be open to the public. Since it has a roof, it is safe even if the weather gets bad. A welcome event was held when the Queen Elizabeth called at the port in March 2018. You can see the opening of gourmet stalls and performances on stage. A large number of foreign tourists, passengers on the cruise ships.
Blue Fam on Google

so beautiful!

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