
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact いしうちベーカリー

住所 :

Itsukaichicho Oaza Ishiuchi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5102 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://soreiyu-no-kai.jp/bakery_access
街 : Hiroshima

Itsukaichicho Oaza Ishiuchi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5102 Hiroshima,Japan
澤田拓実 on Google

Thank you
英子佐藤 on Google

商品がとても フワフワで 食べやすく絶品でした。スタッフの方の対応も とても 良かったです。また 行かせて貰います!
The product was very fluffy, easy to eat and exquisite. The correspondence of the staff was also very good. I will let you go again!
マイコマイコ on Google

普通のパン屋さんです。 近所にグラマーペインさんがあるのであえてこっちまで来る事は少ないのですがこっちはマフィンなどが豊富です。
It's an ordinary bakery. Since there is Gulamour Pain in the neighborhood, I rarely come here, but there are plenty of muffins here.
岡田勲 on Google

土曜日に訪れました。土曜日は不定休だそうですが、この日は開いてました。 価格は安く、パン生地の味がしっかりして お惣菜パンの味も良くボリュームたっぷり といいことずくめでビックリしました。 駐車場のスペースがやや狭いのと、土曜日の不定休が気になりましたが、パン自体には言うことなしです。
I visited on Saturday. It seems that Saturday is an irregular holiday, but this day was open. The price is cheap and the taste of the bread dough is solid The side dish bread tastes good and has plenty of volume I was surprised at all the good things. I was worried about the irregular holidays on Saturday because the parking space was a little small, but there is nothing to say about the bread itself.
いとやん on Google

The bread was cheap and delicious, but the muffins were also delicious. There are three types: plain, chocolate chips and walnuts. Recommended ? The parking lot is wider than before and it is easier to park.
nao on Google

あんこバターが美味しかった?全体的に美味しいです。でも、車が停めにくいのがおしい。。?停めやすかったら行くのに? 追記 2021.9 久々に訪れましたが、駐車場が広くなっていました? チョコが入ったクルミパン美味しかったです? 派手さは無いけど、丁寧に作られたんだなぁ✨という気持ちの伝わるパンです? マフィンも美味しかった✨ また、伺います?
The bean paste butter was delicious ? Overall it's delicious. However, it is good that the car is hard to park. .. ? I would go if it was easy to stop ? Postscript 2021.9 I visited after a long time, but the parking lot was wide ? The walnut bread with chocolate was delicious ? It's not flashy, but it's a bread that conveys the feeling that it was made carefully ? The muffins were also delicious ✨ I will visit you again ?
chan pipi on Google

Bread made at the work place of the disabled. It's very delicious and cheap. I always buy it when I pass by. Local vegetables are sold cheaply at stores.
mm on Google

免許センターに用があったので、その帰り平日の11時ごろ伺いました。 免許センターの方から車で行くとUターンが必要なので注意です。 社会福祉法人と同じ建物にありました。 そちらの法人の関係の方のパン屋さんのようです。 建物の横から奥に入っていくと、きれいに整備された駐車場がありました^_^ 店内は広くはありませんが、キラキラした装飾が可愛らしく、 魅力的なパンがたくさんありました♪ 曜日限定のパンもあるようです。 そしてとてもリーズナブル✨ つい買いすぎました? 栗あんぱん、かぼちゃサラダパン、メロンクリームコロネ、りんごパンを購入しました。 どのパンも期待通りにおいしいです♪ メロンクリームのコロネは初めて見ました! お支払いはPayPayでできました。
I had a job at the license center, so I visited around 11:00 on the return weekday. Please note that a U-turn is required if you drive from the license center. It was in the same building as the social welfare corporation. It looks like a bakery who is related to that corporation. Going in from the side of the building, there was a well-maintained parking lot ^ _ ^ The inside of the store is not large, but the glittering decoration is cute, There were a lot of attractive breads ♪ There seems to be bread limited to the days of the week. And very reasonable ✨ I just bought too much ? I bought chestnut anpan, pumpkin salad bread, melon cream cornet, and apple bread. Every bread is delicious as expected ♪ I saw the melon cream cornet for the first time! Payment was made with PayPay.

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