焼肉 くろんぼ

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 くろんぼ

住所 :

Itsukaichi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5127 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
街 : Hiroshima

Itsukaichi, Saeki Ward, 〒731-5127 Hiroshima,Japan
Dutch Man (200) on Google

ヒレとタンが最高です。 隠れた名店ここにあり。
Fins and tongues are the best. There is a hidden famous store here.
げんちゃんひめちゃん on Google

He / she offers a level of fillet that cannot be tasted even in high-end restaurants
Kei Kim on Google

ここの牛タンは、厚切りでしかも美味しい。 瓶ビールがすすみます。
The beef tongue here is thick and delicious. Bottled beer is recommended.
Hirotsugu Kano on Google

親の代 30年以上前からのお気に入りのお店です。 たまにしか広島に帰省しませんが必ず立ち寄ります。
It's a favorite shop for parents over 30 years ago. I only go back to Hiroshima once in a while, but I definitely stop by.
W0 W0 on Google

肉は安くて美味しい 野菜が付いてたらもっと良いかも❗
Meat is cheap and delicious It might be better if it comes with vegetables ❗
ミーサミーサ on Google

It ’s usually delicious without being disliked. The yakiniku restaurant that is loved by the locals If you say it, it ’s a hint of the smell of the grilled meat when you enter it and bake it to a certain extent. I think that it is a store that goes.
T brade on Google

やさしい老夫婦がお二人でされてます。 肉はもちろんご飯についてくる手作りのぬか漬けがこれまた美味しい。 一人でも気軽に行けます。 お二人なので混雑すると品物が出るのが遅くなるのでそこは理解出来る人だけ行って下さい。
A gentle old couple is being done by two people. The handmade bran pickles that come with rice as well as meat are also delicious. You can feel free to go alone. Since there are two people, if it gets crowded, it will be late for the goods to come out, so only those who can understand it should go there.
はらぺこ on Google

地元の人が行くようなこじんまりした いいお店です♫ メニュー少ないですが、 ヒレ肉と白肉がとても美味しかったです!
It was small like a local going It is a good shop There are few menus, The fillet and white meat were very delicious!

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