Ito Yokado - Sendai

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ito Yokado

住所 :

1 Chome-5-1 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 981-3133
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM

1 Chome-5-1 Izumichuo, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-3133, Japan
谷保Yaho武Take on Google

It's called Ario, but it's Ito-Yokado. One hour free parking is convenient! Mr. Minute on the 1st floor of the basement, a shop for repairing shoes and bags is convenient! I have to go to the city center!
近藤翔太 on Google

The store closes a little early at 20:00, but the product lineup is plentiful. Prices are a little high, but there are sale items.
mika moon on Google

ヨーカドーはヨーカドーだなっと…札幌以来 仙台は泉にしかないんですね。 平日は食品売り場以外は空いてましたぁ?
Yokado is Yokado ... Since Sapporo Sendai is only in Izumi. On weekdays, it was vacant except for the food department ?
みゆき on Google

食品から家電や衣類、学用品、上にゲームセンターやレストランなんでもあり とても助かるお店です。
From food to home appliances, clothing, school supplies, arcades and restaurants. It's a very helpful shop.
sadaharu 0981 on Google

全体的に価格が高い。 又、夕方のピークタイムに、高年齢の男性従業員が、買い物カートの回収をエレベーターを全てのフロアに止めて行っているなど、お客様ファーストの教育がされていない。私は3Fに車止めてたが、地下Fから全てのフロアでエレベーターを止められ、カートの回収中なので、ご協力ください的なことを言われた。酷すぎる。
The price is high overall. In addition, there is no customer-first education, such as an elderly male employee stopping the collection of shopping carts on all floors during peak hours in the evening. I parked the car on the 3rd floor, but the elevators were stopped on all floors from the basement floor, and the carts are being collected, so I was asked to cooperate. It's too cruel.
金子稔 on Google

この店、ヨーカ堂食品売場としては最低ランクかと。欠品は多いし、店の面積が大きい割には品揃えは悪いし、鮮度も注意してないと古い物を買わされる。徒歩圏内でスーパーがここしかないので仕方なく買っているが、近くにベニマルか宮城生協があったら間違いなくそこへ行く。ついでに惣菜もひどい。すいません、日頃の不満をつい書いてしまいました! 金子より
Is this the lowest rank for the Ito-Yokado food department? There are many shortages, the store area is large, but the product lineup is poor, and if you are not careful about the freshness, you will buy old ones. There is only a supermarket here within walking distance, so I have no choice but to buy it, but if there is Benimaru or Miyagi Cooperative nearby, I will definitely go there. By the way, the side dish is also terrible. I'm sorry, I just wrote about my daily complaints! From Kaneko
Michiko “vanillacoco” on Google

バーガーキングが仙台に。 アリオ地下1F 注文の仕方がわからずモタついてしまいましたが、お店の方が丁寧に説明してくれました。 ボリュームたっぷり。名前にJrがついているバーガーが普通サイズくらいで、ついてないバーガーは1.5倍くらいのボリュームです。 ポテトがホクホクで美味しかったです。
Burger King in Sendai. Ario B1F I didn't know how to order, so I was sick, but the shop explained it carefully. Plenty of volume. The burger with Jr in the name is about the normal size, and the burger without it is about 1.5 times the volume. The potatoes were fluffy and delicious.
D K on Google

地下の食品売場の弁当コーナーはいつも争奪戦 惣菜や刺身や肉等もいいものが置いてある 1Fのフードコートは夕方以降は学生の溜まり場だが、日中も案外人がいる 2Fには大きなCanDoがある くまざわ書店は品揃えがいいと思う
The lunch box corner of the food department in the basement is always in competition Good side dishes, sashimi, meat, etc. are also placed. The food court on the 1st floor is a gathering place for students after the evening, but there are unexpected people during the day. There is a big Can Do on the 2nd floor I think Kumazawa Bookstore has a good selection

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