Ito Clinic - Adachi City

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ito Clinic

住所 :

梅島地所ビル 3F 8 Chome-1-1 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 123-0851
Webサイト :

梅島地所ビル 3F 8 Chome-1-1 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan
ななすの on Google

マツリイノキ on Google

先生は良い先生なんだけどなぁ… 受付の態度が悪すぎる
The teacher is a good teacher ... The receptionist's attitude is too bad
くらふゆう on Google

The hospital is the best for teachers, receptionists, and nurses.
イリスアイリス on Google

定期的に口コミを削除して評価を操作している病院です。 受付が最悪なので症状が酷い場合には他の病院にかかった方が良いでしょう。
It is a hospital that regularly operates reviews by deleting reviews. Since the reception is the worst, it is better to go to another hospital if the symptoms are severe.
U civa on Google

必要以上に受付の対応が悪い。 無の状態で受けに来ても、イラッとするレベル。 最初は気のせいかと思ったが、ずっとそうなのでこれがやり方なのかと。 はっきり言って、ペッパーのがまし。
Reception is poorly handled more than necessary. Even if you come to the reception in the state of nothing, it is a level that makes you irritated. At first I thought it was a chore, but I wondered if this was the way it has been so. To be clear, pepper is better.
Thalia West on Google

I have been a family doctor since the opening. The regional cooperation was strong, and although the symptoms were minor, it actually became a serious illness, but I am still living well with the prompt response.
S. S on Google

保険証の返し忘れ。 数年前は他の人に間違えて渡された。危機感ゼロですね。始末書レベルのミスしていることき気づいてない。悪用されたらどうするつもりなんだろうか。それと口コミ消す時点で改善するつもりないんだろうから、行かないのが身のためです。
I forgot to return my insurance card. A few years ago, it was mistakenly handed over to another person. There is no sense of crisis. I haven't noticed that I made a mistake at the cleanup level. What are you going to do if it is abused? Also, I don't think I'm going to improve when I erase the word of mouth, so it's for my own sake that I don't go.
鏡ましろ(ましろ) on Google

今まではこんなことなかったのですが、先日急な激しい胃痛で行ったところ「体調不良の方は診れません」と言われ受付を断られました。予約患者以外診ないそうです。コロナの疑いがあるような症状がある訳でもないのにです。 待合室には具合の悪くなさそうな老人が3人くらい座って待ってました。 朝イチで行きましたしどうみても診る余裕がないという感じではなかったのですが具合の悪い患者を門前払いってひどいし病院の意味ありますか? 「体調不良の方は診ません」って自分で言ってておかしいと思わないんでしょうか? それを伝えてきた受付の女性の態度も最悪で申し訳ないのですがの一言もなくすごくふてぶてしかったです。 いいから診れないんだからさっさと帰れよって感じの態度でした。 こっちは何時間も胃が強い痛みでフラフラになりながら朝イチで着替えて歩いて行ったのに本当に腹が立ちました。 その後歩いて行ける距離の別の内科に行きましたがそこも先生がおかしな人だったので2度と行きませんがここの内科は「最近よくそれをやる(患者を断る)断られた人がうちにくる。〇〇先生も余裕ないんだろうね。」と仰ってましたよ。 ここは先生はまともだと思っていたのでこのような対応をされて非常に残念です。
I hadn't done this before, but when I went there the other day due to a sudden severe stomachache, I was told that I couldn't see anyone who was in poor physical condition and refused to accept it. It seems that only reserved patients will be examined. I don't have any suspicious symptoms of corona. In the waiting room, about three old people who seemed to be sick were sitting and waiting. I went there in the morning and I didn't feel like I couldn't afford to see it, but is it terrible to pay the patient who is sick in front of the gate and what is the meaning of the hospital? Don't you think it's strange to say "I don't see people who are in poor health"? I'm sorry that the attitude of the woman at the reception who told me that was the worst, but I was very disappointed without a word. I couldn't see him because it was good, so I felt like I should go home quickly. I was really angry when I changed my clothes and walked in the morning while my stomach was sore and fluttering for hours. After that, I went to another internal medicine department within walking distance, but since the teacher was a strange person, I will never go there again, but the internal medicine here says, "Recently, people who often do it (decline patients) refused. I'm coming to my house. I don't think the teacher can afford it. " I thought the teacher was decent here, so I'm very sorry that I was treated like this.

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