Italian restaurant - Itabashi City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Italian restaurant

住所 :

106号 8 Chome-9番1 Takashimadaira, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0082, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 175-0082
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:15PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:15PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:15PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:15PM

106号 8 Chome-9番1 Takashimadaira, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0082, Japan
きたぽ on Google

店主さん?がお料理の説明をしてくれてとても好感が持てた。 座席数が少なく、アットホームな印象を受けたがその分お客様一人ひとりに気を配っていただきとても心地よく過ごせました。そしてパスタや前菜も美味しい…五つ星です… パスタのこともっと好きになりました。 ご家族連れやご近所の人も訪れているようで地元に愛されているパスタ屋さんなのかな、とほっこりしています。 たまたま訪問しましたが運命でした。 この時期はコロナで本当に大変そうです…案内看板が正直な現状を伝えてくれて応援したくなりました。 パスタを味わいたいな、という方はぜひ訪れてください。オススメです。 また訪問します。
Owner? Was very pleased with the explanation of the food. Although the number of seats was small and it made me feel at home, I was able to spend a very comfortable time with the attention of each customer. And pasta and appetizers are delicious... five stars... I like pasta more. It seems that families and neighbors are visiting, and I am wondering if it is a pasta shop loved by the locals. I visited by chance but was destined. Corona seems to be really hard at this time of the year... The signboard tells us honestly about the current situation and I want to support. If you want to taste pasta, please come visit us. I recommend it. I will visit again.
優子佐野 on Google

アットホームな雰囲気で、ご主人と奥様のこだわりのイタリア料理が堪能できます! ワイン、チーズ、オリーブオイル、全てに精通しているご夫婦と楽しいお話もできます。 4000円のコースは前菜だけでも大満足。生ハムもパルマ産よりも高級なものが出てきました。 食後のエスプレッソ、自家製デザートの盛り合わせまで、手が込んでいて美味しかったです。 こんな素敵なレストランが近所の高島平にあって幸せです。
You can enjoy the Italian cuisine of the master and his wife with a homely atmosphere! You can also have a pleasant talk with a couple who is familiar with wine, cheese, olive oil and everything. The course of 4,000 yen is very satisfying with only the appetizer. Raw ham also came out more expensive than Palma. After the meal, the espresso and homemade dessert platter were elaborate and delicious. I am happy that such a wonderful restaurant is in nearby Takashimadaira.
yuu yama on Google

たまたま見つけたパスタ屋へ? 優しい味で、何回も行きたいと思わせてくれる接客と雰囲気に感無量です!
To the pasta shop I happened to find ? The gentle taste makes you want to go there many times, and the customer service and atmosphere are incredible!
ウェルシュコーギー on Google

とても美味しい。 デート向きなお店。店内のデザインも良い。 店員さんは接客不慣れなのか、言葉遣いが丁寧だけど、失礼な事をちらほら言う。悪気はないのはよくわかるけど。。 食べてる時にドアを開けるのは構わないが、埃がお皿の上に落ちたのはちょっと悲しかった。 開けて良いですか?の一言くらいは聞いた方が良いと思うなー。私得意なのでとか言ってたけど、埃が。。。(´;ω;`) あと検温は良いと思うけど、食事中にするのは流石に失礼すぎると思う。 味は美味しいだけに、残念なところのギャップが激しかった。 場所を考えると、味よりも接客レベル上げた方がリピート増えて売り上げ上がると思うので、もう少しその辺りを学ばれると⭐️5をつけたいお店にすぐになれると思う。応援してます。また来ます。
very delicious. A date-friendly shop. The design inside the store is also good. The clerk may be unfamiliar with the customer service, or the wording is polite, but he is rude. I can see that there is no offense. .. I don't mind opening the door when I'm eating, but it was a bit sad that the dust fell on the plate. Can I open it? I think it's better to listen to a word. I said that I was good at it, but it was dusty. .. .. (´;ω;`) I also think the temperature measurement is good, but I think it's too rude to have it during meals. The taste was delicious, but the gap in the place was unfortunate. Considering the location, I think that if you increase the customer service level rather than taste, the number of repeats will increase and sales will increase, so if you learn a little more about it, I think that you can quickly become a shop that wants to add ⭐️ 5. I support you. I will come again.
Mariko on Google

パスタの種類も豊富で、 どれも味に深みがあって自分では再現できない美味しさ。 座席数は多くなくタイミングが重なると提供に時間がかかったが、手間のかけ方が伝わってきたので問題ない。 待てないならピークをずらして早めに訪問をオススメ。
There are a wide variety of pastas, all of which are deep in taste and cannot be reproduced by yourself. The number of seats was not large and it took time to provide if the timing overlapped, but there was no problem because the trouble was transmitted. If you can't wait, shift the peak and recommend visiting early.
温泉安宿大好き on Google

日曜日のお昼に訪問。 半分ほど席は埋まってました。 週替りの広島の牡蠣とレンコンのパスタと、サーモンと春野菜のパスタを注文。 自家製の生パスタは太さを選べるみたいです。 ランチの時間帯はスープがつくみたいで美味しかったです。パスタの量は普通。 美味しかったです。 夫婦二人で切り盛りしてるみたいで、腰の低いご主人が配膳、奥さんがシェフみたいです。
Visit at noon on Sunday. About half the seats were full. I ordered weekly Hiroshima oysters and lotus root pasta, and salmon and spring vegetable pasta. Homemade raw pasta seems to be available in different thicknesses. Lunch time seemed like soup, so it was delicious. The amount of pasta is normal. It was delicious. It seems that two couples are preparing, the husband with a low waist is serving, and his wife is like a chef.
r u on Google

自家製生パスタか乾麺マンチーニを選択できます。麺の太さも選択できます。ソースも自家製のもの。 開店当初は生パスタとソースを売る店だったのですが、途中で改装して食事ができる店に替わりました。 無添加で塩分控えめで健康志向な感じです。いつも味濃いめを食べる人には物足りないと思います。 生パスタもモチモチというよりあっさりな感じ、乾麺マンチーニはイタリアの高級レストランで使われる良いものだそうです。 最初の何年かは生パスタで食べてましたが、ある時乾麺も試したくなって食べたら、独特な食感で美味しい、それ以来ずっと乾麺のマンチーニを選択するようになりました。 お店のメニューには色々な説明書きがあって、待ってる間に読むと面白いかもしれません。 ランチの後はディナーまでの時間カフェになりますが、食事もできます。 消毒用アルコールあり、検温あり、仕切板あり。 後会計です。
You can choose homemade fresh pasta or dried noodles Mancini. You can also choose the thickness of the noodles. The sauce is also homemade. When it first opened, it was a store that sold fresh pasta and sauce, but on the way it was renovated and replaced with a restaurant where you can eat. It is additive-free, has a low salt content, and is health-conscious. I don't think it's enough for people who always eat strong flavors. Raw pasta feels lighter than chewy, and dried noodles Mancini is said to be a good one used in high-end Italian restaurants. I ate it with fresh pasta for the first few years, but at one point I wanted to try dried noodles, and when I ate it, it had a unique texture and was delicious. Since then, I have been choosing dried noodles Mancini. There are various explanations on the menu of the shop, and it may be interesting to read while waiting. After lunch, it will be a cafe until dinner, but you can also eat. There is rubbing alcohol, temperature measurement, and partition plate. It is post-accounting.
Florence E on Google


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