
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和源

住所 :

Itako, 〒311-2424 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899779
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–3PM
Sunday 10:30AM–3PM
Monday 10:30AM–3PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:30AM–3PM
Friday 10:30AM–3PM
街 : Ibaraki

Itako, 〒311-2424 Ibaraki,Japan
KAZUMI Ms on Google

とてもマグロが美味しかった。 大トロ中トロどちらも口の中でとろける。 店員さんいわく、お客さん今の時期お得ですよ。コロナ禍で外食産業が低迷してるから、良い本マグロが手に入るんです。と マグロだけじゃなく、何を食べても美味しかった。 美味しいだけじゃなく、ボリュームもある。 ミニ丼、ミニそば・うどんが、がっつりでミニでは無い 笑 セットに付いていたうどん。いままで食べて来たセットもののなかで1番コシがあって好きです。 草団子も有名。 夕方まで固くならず柔らかい団子と、塩味が効いた餡子がベストマッチ。 お店は潮来のあやめ園の側にあるが、看板がちょっと分かりにくく隠れ家的な感じ。だけどアヤメの時期には目の前の川で手漕ぎのサッパ舟が行き来するので、風情があります。
The tuna was very delicious. Both large toro and medium toro melt in the mouth. According to the clerk, the customer is profitable at this time. The food service industry is sluggish due to the corona stagnation, so you can get good bluefin tuna. When Not only tuna, it was delicious no matter what I ate. Not only is it delicious, but it also has a lot of volume. Mini bowl, mini soba and udon are solid and not mini lol Udon that came with the set. I like it because it is the most chewy set I have ever eaten. The grass dumplings are also famous. The best match is the soft dumplings that don't harden until the evening and the salty bean paste. The shop is on the side of Ayame Garden in Itako, but the signboard is a little confusing and it feels like a hideaway. However, during the iris season, rowing Japanese sardinella boats come and go in the river in front of you, so it has a taste.
馬場かおり on Google

美味しいご飯食べられるし、メニューが豊富です。 店員さんもとても感じがいい! 刺身五点盛りを注文しましたが、ネタも立派で満足!生しらすなども入っていてとても美味しいです! ✤喫煙者様必見✤ 店内でタバコ吸えます!?? リピート確定です! お座敷から見える景色も良いですよ! 草団子もウリみたいなので次回、頂いてみようと思います!
You can eat delicious rice and the menu is abundant. The clerk also feels very good! I ordered 5 pieces of sashimi, but the material was excellent and I was satisfied! It also contains raw shirasu and is very delicious! ✤ Must-see for smokers ✤ You can smoke in the store! ?? Repeat is confirmed! The view from the tatami room is also good! The grass dumplings are like melons, so I'll try them next time!
木村章義 on Google

草団子は美味しいです! 駐車場は広いです! 食事は出来るけど海鮮類はオススメしません(向こう側が透けて見える)! 清潔感は普通です! 料金は普通より高めです!
The grass dumplings are delicious! The parking lot is large! I can eat but I don't recommend seafood (the other side can be seen through)! Cleanliness is normal! The price is higher than usual!
初代彫久 on Google

カミさんと潮来方面に買い物に行ってGoogleで偶然見つけたお店です! カミさんは牡蠣フライ&刺身定食、自分はフライ3種盛り(サーモンフライ牡蠣フライ鳥唐揚げ)&ローストポークサラダ定食! ポークサラダにはサツマイモやブロッコリーにニンジン、レンコン、玉葱、レタス、それにローストポークのタレが絡んで美味い! サーモンと牡蠣フライにはタルタルソース、唐揚げにはマヨネーズ、具沢山味噌汁に漬け物に梅干しまで付く気のききようでした! カミさんの刺身は中トロにタコ、どちらも甘く最高でした! 帰りに草団子を買って帰り自宅で食べました、ヨモギの香りが鼻に抜けて柔らかく、餡子にはいい感じに塩が効いていて美味かったです! これこそまさにいい塩梅と言うのでしょう。
I went shopping with Kami in the direction of Itako and found it on Google by chance! Kami-san has fried oysters and sashimi set meal, and I have 3 kinds of fried chicken (fried salmon fried oysters) & roast pork salad set meal! The pork salad is delicious with sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, lotus roots, onions, lettuce, and roast pork sauce! Tartar sauce for fried salmon and oysters, mayonnaise for fried chicken, a lot of miso soup, pickles and pickled plums. Kami's sashimi was medium fatty tuna and octopus, both of which were sweet and awesome! I bought a grass dumpling on my way home and ate it at home. The scent of mugwort came out of my nose and it was soft, and the bean paste was nicely salted and delicious! This is exactly the right salt plum.
nago _nyago_ on Google

和源と書いて『かつもと』と読むんですね!中々お店の名前がマップに出ない訳です。 潮来駅から来ると小さなダンゴの看板が… ずっとお団子とお弁当屋さんだと思っていましたが定食屋さんなのですね。午前中に伺いました。細い道の住宅街ですが駐車場は広い所が嬉しい。川沿いにあるのであやめの時期は船に乗ってこちらの団子を買いに来るとの事。初めて行った日は生姜焼きとローストポーク丼を頂きました。生姜焼きはトンテキと見間違う程の厚さなのに柔らかい!ローストポークもたっぷり入っていて申し分なしでした。リピートした日は定食で二品選べるセットにしました。カキフライが絶品でした!肉も魚もどちらもいい食材を使っているなと感じます。口コミ見るとなるほど高評価、頷く限りです。お土産にお団子もお忘れなく
You write "Wagen" and read "Katsumoto"! The name of the shop doesn't appear on the map. When you come from Itako station, you will see a small dango sign ... I've always thought it was a dumpling and a lunch box shop, but it's a set meal shop, isn't it? I visited in the morning. It's a residential area on a narrow road, but I'm happy that the parking lot is large. It's along the river, so when it's time to stop, you'll get on a boat and come to buy this dumpling. On the day I went for the first time, I had ginger grilled and roast pork bowl. Ginger-grilled is so thick that it can be mistaken for Tonteki, but it's soft! It was perfect with plenty of roast pork. On the day of repeat, we made a set that you can choose two items with a set meal. The fried oysters were excellent! I feel that both meat and fish use good ingredients. The more you look at the word-of-mouth, the more highly rated it is, as long as you nod. Don't forget to bring dumplings as a souvenir
道楽*職人 on Google

A stable set meal restaurant with many variations. It is in a nice location along the river. The parking lot is very large. There are many set meal menus with many items, but I wonder if the volume is a little small. The sashimi, knobs and grilled fish were delicious, but I was surprised to find the ashtray on the table. Is there a restaurant where you can smoke nowadays? I'm feeling. The grass dumplings had a good flavor and were delicious, but the bean paste had a rather strong salt and the tastes were different.
G CROSS on Google

鹿島神宮初詣の帰り。 和源(かつもと) 色々な定食や丼が豊富で蕎麦やうどんも有ります。 なので地元客から観光客までな客層でした。 おかず4品の中から2品選べる定食を注文。焼き魚は鰤、刺身は鯛、メバチ鮪、フライカキフライを。 定食はご飯お代わり1杯無料、丼はご飯大盛り無料です。 鮪のお刺身は鮪丼の200円引きで頼めました。 お刺身はどれも新鮮で旨みがあって美味しかった。 ご飯とお味噌汁も( *˙ω˙*)و グッ! 沢山のオススメ定食等があって何を頼むか?凄く考えてしまう品揃えでした。 草団子は12個入り(小)が360円です!お団子はとても柔らかくでびっくり。お土産にどうぞ。 ただ未だに店内でタバコが吸えるのには驚いた! これはNG マイナスポイントだね、、、
Returning from Kashima Jingu's first visit. Wagen (Katsumoto) There are various set meals and bowls, as well as soba and udon. So it was a customer base from locals to tourists. I ordered a set meal where you can choose 2 out of 4 side dishes. Grilled fish is eel, sashimi is sardine, bee sardine, and fried oyster. One cup of rice is free for the set meal, and a large serving of rice is free for the bowl. I ordered the sashimi of the sushi at a 200 yen discount on the sushi bowl. All the sashimi were fresh, delicious and delicious. Rice and miso soup (* ˙ω˙ *) و Good! What do you order because there are many recommended set meals? It was an assortment that made me think about it. 12 pieces (small) of grass dumplings are 360 ​​yen! The buns are very soft and surprising. Please use it as a souvenir. I was just surprised that I could still smoke in the store! This is an NG minus point ...
星野浩 on Google

Excellent. There is only a cook without any waiters in the shop, so he looks very busy due to be a popular restaurant here. It's difficult to find the way to enter the parking lot by car, but it's worth to visit. Delicious dishes with good quality and quantity.

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