中華料理 福隆

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 福隆

住所 :

Itado, Isehara, 〒259-1145 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Itado, Isehara, 〒259-1145 Kanagawa,Japan
eiji62 on Google

味は普通に美味しく。増殖中な大陸系台湾料理と変わらない。 但し、ここは、税別な様ですね。
The taste is normally delicious. It is no different from a growing continental Taiwanese dish. However, this seems to be tax-excluded.
glt206 on Google

There are other restaurants around here (Chinese restaurants where you can hear Chinese food, the prices are reasonable, and the taste is delicious), but this is also the same in a good way. The seasoning is just right, and it's cheap and fills your stomach.
遠藤聡 on Google

I don't often come across delicious dumpling shops, but the dumplings in this shop have a taste I like, and I just ask for additional ones, I think it's very delicious ?
ゆきひろ on Google

The taste was normal, but the nice Chinese clerk was good. It's good that even one person can easily enter, so I'll go again.
0518 kei on Google

安くて 美味しい PayPay使えるのもありがたい
cheap delicious Thank you for using PayPay
o ooo on Google

店内でも食べたことありますが、 今回は初テイクアウトを! 酢豚はテイクアウトメニューには載ってなかったので 酢豚弁当はあるか聞くとあるとのこと。 こちら¥650込 安いですね!安いしボリューム満点。 ここは主に男性向けのボリュームさです。 ご飯盛り盛りですが、なんやかんや 完食しちゃいました! 女性にはちょっと多いかも…。 (自分は食べ切れてしまいます笑) 酢豚の豚が柔らかくて美味しい! パイナップル一欠片入っていて 自分は入ってるのアリ◯派なので美味しさ増す。 唐揚げも結構大き目がふたつ入り。 美味しいのでおすすめですよ^ - ^
I have eaten it in the store, This time, take out for the first time! Sweet and sour pork wasn't on the takeaway menu I heard that there is a sweet and sour pork lunch box. This is ¥ 650 included It's cheap! It's cheap and full of volume. This is mainly for men. It ’s a heap of rice, but it ’s a kettle. I've finished eating! It may be a little more for women ... (I will eat up lol) Sweet and sour pork is soft and delicious! Contains a piece of pineapple I'm an ant ◯ group, so it's more delicious. Two large fried chicken are included. I recommend it because it's delicious ^ --^
Enzo Saito on Google

Good and cheap
Thomas McGourty on Google

Acceptable taste at a reasonable price.

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