アイジースタイルハウス 名古屋スタジオ - Nagoya

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アイジースタイルハウス 名古屋スタジオ

住所 :

Issha, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0093 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 465-0093
Webサイト : https://www.e-igc.jp/showroom/nagoya/
街 : Aichi

Issha, Meito Ward, Nagoya, 〒465-0093 Aichi,Japan
Nahoko Wakayama on Google

I was looking for a house where I could feel the warmth of wood. The living room, which boasts a colonnade, is very bright and the children are very happy to relax every day.
野村典弘 on Google

It's been four years since I built it, but when I open my house on a trip and then come back to my house, I feel a slight scent of wood. It has become a house I want to live in for a long time.
ヒデノリ on Google

家作りについて分からないことだらけでしたが、スタッフの皆さんがとても親切丁寧に対応して頂き、納得のいく家作りが出来ました。 高品質の住宅で、夏も冬も快適に暮らせています?
There were many things I didn't know about building a house, but the staff were very kind and polite, and I was able to build a convincing house. High quality homes that make you feel comfortable in both summer and winter ?
S Y on Google

新築でお世話になりました。 スタッフだけでなく、職人さん達の仕事も非常に丁寧でした。家も断熱性が高く、気に入っています。予算は少しお高めですが、それに見合った家を建ててもらえます。
Thank you for your new construction. Not only the staff but also the work of the craftsmen were very polite. I also like the house because it has high heat insulation. The budget is a bit high, but you can build a house to match it.
茂木淳 on Google

You built a very good house. It is comfortable, easy to spend, and very satisfied. I'm working from home due to the effects of corona, but I want to stay home (laugh). I am making a house that seems like I want to continue to cherish it.
A.I.A S.H.R on Google

引越ししてから、あっと言う間の一年を快適に過ごしました。 最初は、複数の大きな窓に加と吹抜けもあるので、真冬や真夏はどうかと少し 心配でしたが、現実には一台の空調で済み、断熱性能の高さを実感。 よく揚げ物を作るのですが、天井や壁の漆喰のお陰で本当ににおいが残りませ ん。漆喰の壁におしょうゆをかけてしまったのですが、霧吹きを続けていたら、今 ではほとんど色が気にならなくなりました。 毎日、木の香りと温かみに囲まれて暮らす、この家が本当に好きです。アイジー さんで自然素材の家を建てて本当に良かった。
After moving in, I had a pleasant year in a while. At first, there are some big windows in addition to the big windows, so maybe midwinter or midsummer I was worried, but in reality it was just one air conditioning, and I realized the height of the insulation performance. I often make fried foods, but because of the stucco of the ceiling and the wall, the smell does not really remain Hmm. I put soy sauce on the plastered wall, but if I keep blowing, now Well, I hardly bothered with color. I really like this house that lives surrounded by the smell and warmth of trees every day. IG It was really good to build a home of natural materials.
藤井寛敬 on Google

IGスタイルハウスでお家に住み始めて半年です。 無垢のフローリングや漆喰の壁など自然素材に触たり、たまに見て素晴らしさを感じて癒され気持ちよく過ごしています。 今、新型コロナウィルスで大変な時期ですが、漆喰は抗ウィルス性能、調湿性能もあるから家は比較的に安全性が高いと信じています。(おそらく新型コロナウィルスに効くかどうかは試験してないと思いますが…。)消臭効果は、匂いがする料理をしても家に帰ったときに臭いがないので体感済みです。漆喰ファンです。 クロスはいろんな色やデザインが表現できるところにメリットがありますが、そこは私は家の壁はキャンバスのようなものと考えているので白で十分です。年が経つごとに味が出るところは漆喰の良いところですね。 皆さんも体感してみてください。
It's been six months since I started living at IG Style House. I feel soothed and comfortable by touching natural materials such as solid flooring and plastered walls, and occasionally seeing them. It's a difficult time with the new coronavirus, but I believe that the house is relatively safe because plaster has antiviral and humidity control properties. (Maybe I haven't tested whether it works for the new coronavirus ...) I have already experienced the deodorant effect because there is no odor when I go home even if I cook a dish that smells. I'm a plaster fan. The advantage of cloth is that it can express various colors and designs, but white is enough because I think that the wall of the house is like a canvas. The good thing about plaster is that it tastes better as the years go by. Please experience it as well.
のぶこ“びーんず” on Google

igスタイルハウス さんでお家を建てました。出会いから引渡しまで社員さんが仕事にも人にも誠実で親身になっていただきました。社員さん同士も仲が良いようで、連携もバッチリです。安心してお家作りを任せることができました。 家は木の香りが漂い、とても居心地がよいです。また、地震にも強い家を作っていただいたので安心して住むことができそうです。地球に優しい健康住宅のこの家でこれから家族でまた家を自分たちと共に育てていきたいと思います。
I built a house with ig style house. From the encounter to the delivery, the employees were sincere and kind to both work and people. The employees seem to be on good terms with each other, and the cooperation is perfect. I was able to entrust the building of the house with confidence. The house has a woody scent and is very cozy. Also, since you built a house that is strong against earthquakes, it seems that you can live with peace of mind. I would like to grow the house with my family again in this house, which is a healthy house that is kind to the earth.

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