Isoden Dental Clinic - Kawaguchi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Isoden Dental Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-4-36 Aoki, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0031, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 332-0031
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–1PM

2 Chome-4-36 Aoki, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0031, Japan
sanlee national on Google

磯田式入れ歯、おすすめですよ!私は長年入れ歯生活者ですが、他院で作った今までの入れ歯の調子が悪く色々と相談の上新しく作っていただきました。 最初は、普通に調子のいい入れ歯という感想だったのですが、食事をしてびっくりしました。ご飯がこんなに美味しく食べられるとは!自分の歯が戻ってきたような気持ちになりました。 ありがとうございました。
Isoda style dentures are recommended! I have been a denture enthusiast for many years, but the dentures I have made at other hospitals are not working well, and I consulted with them to make a new one. At first, I had the impression that the dentures were in good condition, but I was surprised to eat. How delicious rice can be eaten! I felt like my teeth were back. Thank you very much.
馬場美幸 on Google

歯周病が悪化して診てもらって以来、定期的に通っています。 こちらでは衛生士さんにすごくお世話になっているのですが、とにかく衛生士さんのレベルが高い、意識が高い方ばかりで勉強になります。 毎日のケアがちゃんとできて良くなっているのを実感します。 褒められるととても嬉しいですね笑。
I have been attending regularly since my periodontal disease worsened and I was examined. I am very much indebted to the hygienist here, but anyway, only those who have a high level of hygienist and a high level of consciousness will study. I feel that my daily care is getting better and better. I'm very happy to be praised.
メイエリカ on Google

A dentist who has been practicing in Kawaguchi for many years, I have been attending since I was a child. I don't feel as old as it used to be, and the current director and implant teacher are very kind, and I actually got an implant, but I'm very happy with it. The hygienist's treatment is also comfortable, and I sometimes fall asleep. The receptionist is also very kind.
長野由紀子 on Google

放っておいた虫歯が悪化したので駆け込むように治療してもらいました。 急に行ったのにとてもしっかりと治療してくれてとても感じが良く通いやすいのでこれからもお世話になるつもりです。
The cavities I had left had worsened, so I was treated to run in. Even though I went suddenly, he treated me very well and it feels very good and easy to go to, so I will continue to take care of him.
鳩ヶ谷市民 on Google

CTが3万もとられた セカンドオピニオンで行ったほかの歯医者では保険適用で1300円程だった 全体的に料金が高いと思いますのでもう行きません
At the other dentist who went to the second opinion where CT was taken 30,000, it was about 1300 yen with insurance coverage. I think that the fee is high overall, so I will not go anymore.
木島のぞみ on Google

I asked them to make all the stuffing in the conspicuous parts ceramic. I think I should have asked for it sooner if it would be so beautiful. I adjusted each one carefully.
miya okamoto on Google

主人がこちらでインプラントをしました。 今はメンテナンスで通っているのですが、当初からこちらの歯科がとても良いとクチコミも見て感じていたので、今では私もセラミックにしてもらったりホワイトニングなど審美でお世話になっています。 高額なものをすすめたりせず本当に必要なもの、良い提案をしてくださる良心的な歯科で信頼が持てます。
My husband made an implant here. I go to maintenance now, but from the beginning I felt that this dentistry was very good, so now I am also taken care of by ceramics and whitening. You can trust in a conscientious dentist who will give you good suggestions and what you really need without recommending expensive things.
かよちゃん on Google

他院で作った入れ歯なのに、嫌な顔一つせずとても一生懸命に調節をしてくださいました。 その後も使い続けたのですが結局こちらで新しいものを作ってもらうことにしました。 調節の時から先生がとても親切丁寧で腕が良いことはわかっていたので安心してお任せできました。 とっても良い入れ歯で気に入っています。
Even though it was a denture made at another hospital, he adjusted it very hard without a disgusting face. I continued to use it after that, but in the end I decided to have a new one made here. From the time of adjustment, I knew that the teacher was very kind and polite and good at it, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence. I like it because it has very good dentures.

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