
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 勝念寺(かましきさん)

住所 :

Ishiyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8319 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://kamasikisan.wix.com/syonenji
街 : Kyoto

Ishiyacho, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8319 Kyoto,Japan
大脇栄 on Google

安養山往生院勝念寺 浄土宗 御本尊:阿弥陀如来 「京の通称寺の会」会員:通称名ーかましきさん 未訪
Anyoyama Yoseiin Katsunenji Temple Jodo sect Gohonzon: Amida Nyorai Member of "Kyoto's Common Name Temple Association": Common name-Mr. Kamashiki Not visited
seiki toriumi on Google

いつも閉まってる気がしますが、信長公ゆかりの由緒あるお寺のようです。 太閤さんが拓いた町のイメージがあるので、信長公ゆかりは珍しいですね。
I feel like it's always closed, but it's like a venerable temple related to Nobunaga. Because there is an image of the town that Taiko cultivated, it is unusual to relate to Nobunaga.
K K on Google

There are not many people and it is more calm than a temple in Kyoto
西田ゆかり on Google

At a small temple, you can take a leisurely look at Hagi.
おなかGuruguru on Google

The temple itself is small. There were many insects, so I just visited and went home early.
こずえ雀堂 on Google

無事かえる の意味が込められている カエルさんの置物が沢山あるお寺で えん魔さまからの処罰を身代りになってくださるお地蔵さまのお顔を見ていると心安らかになります。ニコニコ笑顔のかわいらしいお地蔵さまも沢山いらして ほっこりです? 今は萩が見頃です
If you look at the face of Jizo who is taking punishment from Enma at a temple where there are many frog figurines that contain the meaning of being safe, you will feel at ease. A lot of cute Jizo who smiles and smiles. The best time to see the cocoons
グロン on Google

2019/09/22訪問。そうだ京都行こうのホームページで紹介されていて、前々から気になっていたので訪れました。拝観料は特に徴収されていませんので、お賽銭を用意しておきましょう。 前の週が迎称寺さんや真如堂さんで全然まだ咲いていなかったんですが、こちらは満開は過ぎた頃のように見受けますがまだ十分楽しめます。 京阪丹波橋駅から徒歩3分という町中ですが、門の中は一面の萩の花で埋め尽くされていて見事な景観です。頃合いが良かったのか萩の他に彼岸花や秋明菊なども見られ、少し前まで夏の暑さでばてていましたが一気に秋めいてきました。大分地面に紫や白の花も落ちてきていますが、境内のあちこちに蛙の像があって花と像との撮影を楽しめます。ただ、蚊が異様に多いので、虫除けや虫さされの薬は必携かと。ご注意下さい。
Visited September 22, 2019. It was introduced on the homepage of Kyoto so I visited it because I was interested in it for a long time. There are no special admission fees, so make sure you have your money ready. The previous week wasn't blooming yet at Mr. Kinyoji and Mr. Shinryodo, but this seems to be in full bloom but still enjoyable. The town is a 3-minute walk from Keihan Tambabashi Station, but the gate is filled with a blossoming flower. In addition to the camellia, the cluster amaryllis and Akiake chrysanthemum were also seen. Purple and white flowers have fallen on the ground, but you can enjoy taking pictures of flowers and statues around the grounds. However, because there are an unusually large number of mosquitoes, it is necessary to have insect repellent and insect bites. be careful.
Massa S. on Google

勝念寺(かましきさん) / Shonenji浄土宗知恩院末の勝念寺は織田信長公が深く帰依した聖誉貞安上人により天正十五年(一五八七)に開創された。貞安上人が織田信長公より安土で賜った仏像が伝わる。釜敷地蔵尊は地獄で釜茹の責めに苦しむ亡者に代わり自ら釜の中で苦を受ける身代地蔵尊である。「かましきさん」として江戸時代より信仰を集めているそうだ。境内には小さなマニ車が。昔モンゴルのどっかの寺で回したな、なんて変な思い出を思い出す。あと、身代蛙ってことで蛙の置物がいっぱいあった。
Shonenji / Shonenji Shonenji Temple at the end of the Jodo-shu Chion-in Temple was founded in the 15th year of the Tensho era (1587) by Nobunaga Oda, who was deeply devoted to him. The statue of Buddha given by Nobunaga Oda in Azuchi is transmitted. Kamajizoson is a substitute Jizoson who suffers in the pot himself instead of the dead who suffers from the blame of boiling in hell. It is said that he has been worshiped as "Kamashiki-san" since the Edo period. There is a small mani car in the precincts. I remember a strange memory that I used to turn it at a temple in Mongolia. Also, there were a lot of frog figurines because of the frogs.

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