東京三十三番地〜両国 石原〜

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京三十三番地〜両国 石原〜

住所 :

Ishiwara, Sumida City, 〒130-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/33tokyo
街 : Tokyo

Ishiwara, Sumida City, 〒130-0011 Tokyo,Japan
小松俊美 on Google

今回、店の前を通り、お兄さんに聞いて、注文。500円とのこと。 女の子なら足りるかな? うちの息子なら足りない! 今度また、違う弁当買って見ます。 とりめしさっぱりして美味しい(^q^)
This time, I passed in front of the store, asked my brother, and ordered. It's 500 yen. Is it enough for girls? My son isn't enough! I will buy a different bento again this time. Rice is refreshing and delicious (^ q ^)
dm aj on Google

とり天がパサパサ、卵焼きは普通の味、かしわ飯は甘めの味付けで美味しかったです。 味と量の割に高いです。 オーナー風の女性が外からやってきて手も洗わずお弁当を渡したり接客し始めたりしていて、衛生的にあり得ないと思いました。
The toriten was dry, the omelet had a normal taste, and the kashiwa-meshi was sweet and delicious. It is expensive for its taste and quantity. An owner-like woman came from outside and started giving lunch boxes and serving customers without washing her hands, so I thought it was not hygienic.
Y K on Google

味は美味しかったけど、鳥飯に同じ色の輪ゴムが入ってて悲しくなったけど食べました笑 また食べたいけどちょっとトラウマなのでぜひ衛生管理気をつけてください?️
The taste was delicious, but I was sad because the rubber band of the same color was in the chicken rice, but I ate it lol I want to eat it again, but it's a little traumatic, so please be careful about hygiene ?️
Yosuke Iwata on Google

唐揚げは美味しいのですが、残念ながらパンチがありません。もう少し下味を強めに付けると、冷めた時に美味しいのではないかと思います。 ゴボウとしっかり炊き込んだ鶏飯は絶品ですので、食べる価値があります。鶏飯を詰めたおいなりさんも絶品です。 お弁当に付けるポン酢が小さなジプロックというのは、食品衛生の観念を少し疑いますので、直された方がよろしいかと思います。 とり天は評価の別れるところですが、もう少し肉自体に下味を付けてから天ぷらにしたら、もっと美味しいと思います。ただし、油切れが悪いので、お弁当として提供される際には、弁当箱の中に油を吸い取る敷き紙を置くべきでしょう。 金曜日限定の筋煮込みカレーは、甘過ぎて何の特徴も無い割に価格は高いので、スパイスを効かせるなど改良が必要だと思います。今時のテイクアウトカレー業界はもっと美味しいカレーを安価に提供しています。 お弁当は全体的に高い様な気がしますが、ボリューム感はあります。もう少し割安な価格で食べれる方がお客様は喜ぶのではないでしょうか。 開業間もないとのことで、試行錯誤されているかとは思いますが、もっと改良したら、もっと美味しくなると思います。頑張って下さい。
The fried chicken is delicious, but unfortunately there is no punch. If you add a little more flavor, I think it will be delicious when it gets cold. The chicken rice cooked well with burdock is excellent, so it is worth eating. The inari-zushi stuffed with chicken rice is also excellent. The fact that the ponzu vinegar attached to the lunch box is small is a little doubtful about the idea of ​​food hygiene, so I think it would be better to fix it. Toriten is a part of the evaluation, but I think it will be even more delicious if the meat itself is seasoned a little more and then made into tempura. However, due to poor oil drainage, you should put a sheet of paper in the lunch box to absorb the oil when it is served as a lunch box. The Friday-only muscle stewed curry is too sweet and has no characteristics, but the price is high, so I think it needs to be improved by adding spices. Today's take-out curry industry offers more delicious curry at a lower price. I feel that the lunch box is expensive overall, but it has a voluminous feel. I think customers will be happy if they can eat at a slightly cheaper price. I think it's been a trial and error process because it's just opened, but I think it will be even more delicious if it's improved. good luck.
0916 maple on Google

から揚げ弁当を初めて食べてから、おいしくてまた3日後に行きました! 夏限定?大根おろしのから揚げ弁当を、から揚げサクサクで食べたいことをオーナーさんに伝えると、おろしポン酢と別で用意していただきました 自宅で食べても温かくサクサクで嬉しかったです(*´ェ`*) 2回目に食べたとり飯はまたすぐ食べたいです(笑) 優しいお味のだし巻、しっとりのとり天、 ステキなオーナーさんのすっかりファンになりました!あと、個人的にかためご飯が好きなので、本当に最高のお弁当です◎◎◎ 追記です おいなりさんも中身がなんととり飯で♪ 甘くて本当に美味しかったです☆彡 いつもおいしいお弁当をありがとうございます!
It was delicious and I went there 3 days after I ate karaage bento for the first time! Summer only? When I told the owner that I wanted to eat fried chicken bento with grated radish, it was prepared separately from grated ponzu sauce. I was happy that it was warm and crispy even if I ate it at home (*'e` *) I want to eat the second tori rice again soon (laughs) Gentle taste soup stock, moist toriten, I've become a fan of the wonderful owner! Also, I personally like hard rice, so it's really the best lunch box ◎ ◎ ◎ P.S Inari-san also has rice inside ♪ It was sweet and really delicious ☆ 彡 Thank you for your delicious lunch!
yamanotejr on Google

丁寧にお弁当を作っている印象のお弁当屋さんです。 ただ、お昼時はこの地域でお弁当屋が少ないせいもあり、大量に購入して行く近隣でお勤めの方もいるので、事前予約が良いと思います。
It is a bento shop with the impression that they are making bento carefully. However, at lunchtime, there are few bento shops in this area, and there are people who work in the neighborhood who buy a lot, so I think it is good to make a reservation in advance.
JESSE K on Google

評判が高い錦糸町のラーメン屋に行ってみたくなり、タクシーを飛ばして前につけてもらったところ、 麺が切れてしまったため本日は終了という張り紙が。。。まだ、19時じゃないか!?と絶望に襲われ、 仕方なく両国方面にトボトボ歩き出す。歩きながらお店を探したが、どこも休業かラストオーダーの時間。 このまま帰るしかないかと思っていたところ、明かりがついているこちらのお弁当屋さんを発見。 チキン南蛮弁当を注文したところ、注文してから揚げて作ってくれるようだ。 夜20時近くなって食べるところもないので、ベンチで食べていいか尋ねたところ、愛想のよい店員さんで 快くOKしていただいた。チキンは、アツアツでジューシー!めちゃくちゃうまい。 食べている間も、仕込みをされていて、出来合いのものは使っておらず、しっかり丁寧に仕事をされていた。 近かったら、週イチでも食べたいお味。 ラーメン屋が終わってて偶然出会えたのがラッキーでした! 近くに行ったときはまた買います! P.S 低評価が割と多くて、ビックリしてます。嫌がらせでしょうか? スーパーよりもおいしくないとか書かれてる方がいるようですが、 合成保存料や着色料の取りすぎで高確率で舌がヤラれてますよ笑 コロナ対策うんぬんとか、神経質な方は、二度と家から出ない方がいいんじゃないですかね?
I wanted to go to a ramen shop in Kinshicho, which has a high reputation, so I skipped a taxi and had it attached in front of me. There is a poster saying that it is over today because the noodles have run out. .. .. It's still 19:00! ?? And despair There is no choice but to start walking in the direction of both countries. I searched for a shop while walking, but it was closed or last order time. When I was wondering if I had to go home as it was, I found this bento shop with lights. When I ordered a chicken nanban bento, it seems that they will fried it after ordering. There is no place to eat near 20:00, so when I asked if I could eat on the bench, a friendly clerk I was happy to accept it. The chicken is hot and juicy! Insanely good. Even while I was eating, I was prepared, I didn't use ready-made ones, and I was working hard and politely. If it's close, the taste you want to eat even if it's a week. I was lucky to meet by chance after the ramen shop was over! I will buy it again when I go nearby! P.S I'm surprised that there are a lot of low ratings. Is it harassment? It seems that some people say that it is not as delicious as the supermarket, There is a high probability that your tongue will get messed up by taking too much synthetic preservatives and colorings lol Corona measures Yeah, if you're nervous, you shouldn't leave the house again, right?
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the owners are making new account just to give themselves 5 star? feels like a unsafe place. i live nearby, and they always park the on the pedestrian's lane. They make single ladies feel uncomfortable, old hags staring at people and always talking. i have never seen a single costumer, and i now know why.

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