4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ISHINOMAKIまるしん

住所 :

Hirobuchi, Ishinomaki, 〒987-1222 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Hirobuchi, Ishinomaki, 〒987-1222 Miyagi,Japan
rick on Google

会話を楽しみながら、ゆっくりランチをしたい方にはお勧めです。1500円 2100円 2500円と3コースあり、1500円だと予約なしで食べられます。素材をいかして出汁を効かせた料理は どれも食べたことのない物でした。ただ、量は少ないので男性だと物足りなさを感じるかも知れません。
Recommended for those who want to have a leisurely lunch while enjoying conversation. 1500 yen 2100 yen There are 3 courses, 2500 yen, and 1500 yen can be eaten without reservation. I had never eaten any of the dishes that made the best use of the ingredients and made the soup stock effective. However, since the amount is small, men may feel unsatisfactory.
佐藤悦子 on Google

値段、味、器 、雰囲気これらは☆4でよいと思います。 これだけの腕があればもっと 値段をあげても十分満足できる料理が楽しめそうに思いました。私は一口でも肉料理 (ジビエは苦手)がたべてみたいです。きっと通ってしまうと思います。
Price, taste, vessel, atmosphere I think ☆ 4 is fine. If you have this much skill, more I thought that I could enjoy the food that I was satisfied with even if I raised the price. I cook meat even with a bite (I'm not good at Jibie) I want to eat. I'm sure it will pass.
Miyuki-soft on Google

conger eel! The mackerel was delicious ? It's a little far from my house, so take your time! ️ I want to go when I want to eat delicious food.
お茶 on Google

I visited for the first time, I had a French course meal, it is a delicious taste that is not around here, but the amount is a little small, so it is better not to go too hungry You can only choose 2 courses unless you make a reservation So it's better to make a reservation.
美保 on Google

I had a 3rd anniversary lunch. It was a great satisfaction.
anonym hiroshi on Google

美味しいお店があると聞いて、今回は3人で伺いました。お品書きがないので、コース料理だけだと思います。 魚料理、肉料理とも味が深い、、とにかく美味しい。体の隅々まで染み渡るような美味しさ。創作料理とはいえ、地元の食材をふんだんに使った料理は、一食の価値あり。すべての料理をお箸で食べられる手軽さもgood。 予約必須と思われます。オススメ度☆5つ
I heard that there is a delicious restaurant, so this time we visited with three people. I don't have any items, so I think it's just a course meal. Both fish and meat dishes have a deep taste, and they are delicious anyway. Deliciousness that permeates every corner of the body. Even though it is a creative dish, the dish that uses abundant local ingredients is worth a meal. The ease with which you can eat all dishes with chopsticks is also good. It seems that a reservation is required. Recommendation level ☆ 5
ニコルxyz on Google

2019 11月1日にオープンしたそうです。 今まで石巻に有りそうで無かった、洋風のテーストをふんだん採り入れながら何処に和を感じさせる、遊び心と手の込んだ料理を出してくれます。 シェフいわく和の多国籍料理を目指しているとのこと! 気さくなシェフで料理の説明も丁寧で話しやすく、とても居心地の良いお店でした!! また近い内に伺いたいと思います。
It seems that it opened on November 1, 2019. It offers playful and elaborate dishes that make you feel Japanese while incorporating abundant Western-style tastes that were unlikely to exist in Ishinomaki until now. The chef says he is aiming for Japanese international cuisine! It was a very cozy restaurant with a friendly chef and a polite and easy-to-speak explanation of the food! !! I would like to come back soon.
氏家純 on Google

宮城県石巻市広渕にあります まるしんさんに行って来ました✨ ランチコース料理を注文しました✨ 最初のアミューズから最後のデザートまでシェフのひとつひとつ丁寧な仕事に感動します✨ 素材の味が生かされており 目で楽しめて味で楽しめる✨ 素晴らしい料理を作ってくださったシェフに感謝しております✨ ノンアルコールの白ワインも美味しかったです✨ デザートと一緒に出て来るコーヒーはお父様のこだわりのコーヒーでとっても美味しかったです✨ ごちそうさまでした✨ #宮城県石巻市 #まるしん #ランチコース料理 #全部美味しい #無国籍料理 #ひとつひとつ丁寧なお料理
Located in Hirobuchi, Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture I went to Marushin-san ✨ I ordered a lunch course meal ✨ From the first amuse to the last dessert, I am impressed by the polite work of each chef ✨ The taste of the ingredients is utilized Enjoy with your eyes and enjoy with your taste ✨ Thank you to the chef for making great food ✨ The non-alcoholic white wine was also delicious ✨ The coffee that came out with the dessert was very delicious with my father's specialty coffee ✨ Thank you for your feast ✨ #Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture #Marushin #Lunch course food #All delicious #Fusion cuisine # Careful cooking one by one

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