Ishige Bowl - Joso

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishige Bowl

住所 :

メガセンタートライアル 2階 4421-1 Motoishige, Joso, Ibaraki 300-2707, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 300-2707
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–11PM
Sunday 8AM–11PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM

メガセンタートライアル 2階 4421-1 Motoishige, Joso, Ibaraki 300-2707, Japan
タカ on Google

作りのせいかレーンは少し短く感じる。 店やレーンも綺麗で店員さんの対応も親切! 後ろにゲームセンターがあり、たまにオーディエンスが見てる時があるが、それもまた上達するには良いのかもしれない?
The lane feels a little short because of the construction. The shops and lanes are beautiful and the staff are very kind! There is a game center in the back, and the audience sometimes sees it, but may that be a good way to improve?
横関国一郎 on Google

The early morning discount of 200 yen on Saturdays and Sundays is very satisfying. The friendliness of the reception staff is also great ? Expect a senior day discount on weekdays ?⤵
大林英樹 on Google

カウンターにて、100円で瓶コーラ飲めます。 1ゲーム500円で借りた靴300円でプレーできます。 早朝割、朝8時位かな?200円でプレーできるのかな⁉要確認 会社の忘年会かなりオススメです❗
At the counter, you can drink bottle cola for 100 yen. You can play at 300 yen shoes borrowed in one game 500 yen. Early morning split, how the morning 8 o'clock position? 200⁉ Unconfirmed wonder if can play in the yen 忘 Recommended company year-end party is quite recommended❗
潮田功江 on Google

I wonder if it's been decades ~ ? Bowling ?? I only played one game ... ? It's fun lol lol It was a good exercise ???
佐藤雄二 on Google

Reception until 10 am on Saturday and Sunday can be done for 200 yen per game. The lane is good and the ball is good because it is a new place. The clerks are also friendly, and it is likely to become popular in the future. Becoming a member is a great deal and it is likely to be popular at company events.
e t on Google

ワンゲーム550円はこの辺では安いほうです。 土日祝の朝8時から10時に行けば200円らしいので 利用してみたい。(結構混むらしい、、) 午後はゴールデンウィークでも空いてました、ソロ初心者ボウラーには嬉しい場所です。
One game 550 yen is cheaper in this area. It seems to be 200 yen if you go from 8 am to 10 am on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. I want to use it. (It seems to be quite crowded ...) The afternoon was also open during Golden Week, which is a nice place for solo beginner bowlers.
はもはも on Google

空いててたのしいですよ 1ゲーム1800円 靴は300円くらい。 もうちょっと安い方がいいな~ 学生割引ありますが、あんまり常識外れな若者がたくさんくるにも苦痛がありますが、そんなに若者にはボーリングは行かないか…
It's fun to be free One game is 1800 yen. Shoes are about 300 yen. It should be a little cheaper ~ There is a student discount, but it is painful for many young people who are out of the ordinary to come, but why not go bowling to such young people?
國吉VoxImagens on Google

Boliche automático! Pra quem quer se divertir, tem brincadeiras de eletrônicos para crianças!
Automatic bowling! For those who want to have fun, there are electronic games for children!

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