東京都動物愛護相談センター 多摩支所

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京都動物愛護相談センター 多摩支所

住所 :

Ishida, Hino, 〒191-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.fukushihoken.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/douso/shisetsu/d_tama.html
街 : Tokyo

Ishida, Hino, 〒191-0021 Tokyo,Japan
Keita Arakawa on Google

I got a dog a few years ago
さいとうあき on Google

The correspondence of the staff was also good.
好き猫 on Google

It was cold and nice to talk with you. Well, don't consult!
中筋巧 on Google

一度ふれあい広場に来て 触った見て下さい みんないいわんちゃです 心なごみます。
Please come to Fureai Plaza once and see it. Everyone is nice.
塙純一 on Google

I do the same job as the main office of Hachimanyama. Veterinarians take care of animals as well as the main office.
翡翠 on Google

The guys here only think about scraps and more than themselves. Some people have been damaged by your activities. Without compensation for those people, animal pity, pity, we can't talk.
Tatsuya Akiyama on Google

課長補佐さんに対応してもらいました。心温まる対応をいただくと共に、糞・尿害対策の難しさ、葛藤がよくわかりました(★5対応です) 批判すべきは、東京都福祉保健局が定める愛護法の運用指針です。現状の運用指針では、どんなに苛烈な糞・尿被害が起きていても、住民サイドでの話し合い、忌避対策などを講じて解決できなかった場合でも、事実上、保健所は引取・譲渡などの努力などで問題が解決しない仕組みになっています。 被害や対策は、住民サイドでの負担が主で、それで解決しない場合は、被害を受忍するあるいは、動物を捕獲・遺棄するなどの違法な対応をする以外に解決の道がありません。 そのような状況で殺処分0を達成し、何を誇るのでしょうか。 東京都福祉保健局が決めている運用指針に対して、★マイナス10です
I had the assistant section manager respond. I was able to understand how difficult it was to prevent fecal and urine damage, as well as the conflict, as well as warming up my heart. What should be criticized is the operational guidelines for the protection law established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Health and Welfare Bureau. According to the current operation guidelines, even if severe damages of feces and urine occur, even if the problem cannot be resolved through discussions and avoidance measures on the part of the residents, the public health center is effectively taking measures such as taking over and transferring. It does not solve the problem with. The damage and countermeasures are mainly burdened by the residents, and if it is not solved, there is no way to solve it except to accept the damage or take illegal measures such as capturing and abandoning animals. What do you boast of when you have achieved 0 killings in such a situation? It is minus 10 against the operational guidelines set by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Health and Welfare Bureau.
iku mina on Google

When I found an old cat that was debilitated on the road and contacted him, he responded promptly. I imagined that they were more clerical people, but a very warm person came to pick me up. There was some conflict as to whether this was the correct action, but I was saved by the words of the center who responded. I want to thank you deeply and deeply.

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