
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北野模型店

住所 :

Ishibashi, Shimotsuke, 〒329-0511 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://ktnmodel.sakura.ne.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Monday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6:45PM
Friday 9:30AM–6:45PM
街 : Tochigi

Ishibashi, Shimotsuke, 〒329-0511 Tochigi,Japan
UTH-66 on Google

他の方がレビューで書いているほどひどくありません。 他の模型店の店主さんに比べると、少し無口だったりしますが、接客が最低だったり、対応がひどいなんてことはありません。
Not as bad as others have written in the reviews. Compared to the owners of other model stores, they are a little quieter, but the customer service is not the worst and the response is not terrible.
鈴木康正 on Google

Good old-fashioned shop! I go to buy a model railroad, but I can order rare items or what I want. The only shop that sells fireworks separately in the summer. (Finally, only one! It's normal to think that photography is prohibited at the store. It's a mistake to say that you can do anything because you are a customer!)
氷山海 on Google

対応は、皆さんが書き込んでるように冷たい、まあ、最初からそうゆう人と割り切ってお買い物しましょう。 初代ゾイドのコマンドウルフが欲しかったが無かったので、ケーニッヒウルフ、グラビティザウラーを購入。
Correspondence is cold as you write, well, let's shop with such a person from the beginning. I wanted the first Zoids command wolf, but I didn't have it, so I bought Königwolf and Gravity Saurer.
カガヤメグミ on Google

I've always wanted a model train, so I went to the store. Kind store manager. I was happy to understand the maniac words. I was disappointed that I didn't have the model I wanted. I would like to tell other model railroad stores. Thank you very much.
健太朗潮田 on Google

地元のため1度ぐらいは行ってみようと思い見てみましたが、ガンプラの種類は少なめで少し残念といったところです。 余談ですが停めるところがないからといってここに車を置いたまま近くの駅や青木模型などに行ってはいけません。ここの人は自分の敷地に車を停めたことをしっかり把握していてバレないと思っていてもバレます(買い物をしていなければ駐車料金300円を取られます)。
I thought I'd go there about once because I'm a local, but I'm a little disappointed that the types of Gunpla are few. As an aside, don't leave your car here and go to a nearby station or Aoki model just because there is no place to stop. People here know that they have parked their car on their premises, and even if they don't think it's going to happen, they'll get it (if you're not shopping, you'll be charged a parking fee of 300 yen).
かにかにく on Google

鉄道模型を買いに行きました 店主の対応は口コミほど悪くない。無口だが、話しかけたら丁寧に答えてくれるし、下手に色々話しかけられるよりはいいと思う Nゲージが主で、鉄コレ、Bトレ、HOゲージはそこまで種類はなかった(掘り出し物はあるかも?) 鉄コレは前の弾も売っているが、ほとんどブラインド売りでした 値段は基本定価だが、割引されているものもありました 1番問題なのはおそらく駐車場で、でかい車で正面から突っ込んだら出るの大変です。ランクル並の大きな車の人は、駅近くのコインパーキングなどに置くか、電車で来てもいいと思います
I went to buy a model railroad The store owner's response is not as bad as word of mouth. It's silent, but when I talk to him, he answers politely, and I think it's better than being able to talk to him badly. Mainly N gauge, iron collection, B tray, HO gauge did not have that kind (maybe there is a bargain?) Tetsukore also sells the previous bullet, but it was mostly blind The price is the basic list price, but some are discounted Perhaps the biggest problem is the parking lot, which is hard to get out if you drive in a big car from the front. If you have a big car like Land Cruiser, you can put it in a coin parking lot near the station or come by train.
J I on Google

There are a fair number of model railroads (in a showcase), but there are almost no stocks of plastic models. There seem to be various theories about the shop owner, but I felt that I was quite addicted. The store is on the 1st and 2nd floors, but when customers move to the 2nd floor, the owner also runs up to the 2nd floor. I was wary of shoplifters, and I didn't think about it, but I wonder if it will be the worst 5 among more than 300 model stores in Japan and overseas, including the words I exchanged with the shop owner and how to deal with them. I wonder if the owner of the Aoki model shop within walking distance stands out because of his wonderful personality. ..
ef 6627 on Google

Nゲージを買いに訪店 昔ながらのおもちゃさん風情 2階建ての店舗となるが、店主ひとりのため両階に客が来ると中途半端な応対となるのは否めない… それと、万引きされた経験があるのか随分と警戒してくる。 これが気分悪い 特にカバンを持って入る際は要注意! ただし、ちゃんと買う気あるなら模型についての話も聞けるので行ってみると良い!! HPも
Visited to buy N gauge Old-fashioned toy style It will be a two-story store, but it is undeniable that it will be a half-finished response when customers come to both floors because it is the owner alone ... Also, I'm very cautious if I've been shoplifted. This feels bad Be especially careful when you bring your bag! However, if you are willing to buy it properly, you can also hear about the model, so it's a good idea to go! !! HP too

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