
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 寅騰

住所 :

Isezakichō, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0045 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11PM
Sunday 11AM–11PM
Monday 11AM–11PM
Tuesday 11AM–11PM
Wednesday 11AM–11PM
Thursday 11AM–11PM
Friday 11AM–11PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Isezakichō, Naka Ward, Yokohama, 〒231-0045 Kanagawa,Japan
Masayuki K. on Google

初めてだったので、重慶小麺の汁なしを食べてみました。 タレの辣油が、辛いだけではなく唐辛子の香ばしさがよく出ていてかなり好きな麺です。 他にも汁あり重慶小麺や坦々麺(汁あり、汁なし)や麻辣水餃子など、いくつかメニューがあるので、全部食べてみたいと思います。 店の人はかなりフレンドリーでいいです。
As it was the first time, I tried to eat Chongqing Komen no soup. The soy sauce of the sauce is not only hot but also the flavor of the pepper is well and it is quite a favorite noodle. There are also some other dishes such as Chongqing small noodles and tantan noodles (with and without juice) and Makoto water dumplings, so I would like to eat them all. The people in the store are pretty friendly and nice.
Ochida Tomohisa on Google

2018年6月12日 3週間前から始めた お店のようです、 重慶小麺?激辛を 頂きました、 ラー油ベースのスープに 自家製麺がよくマッチします、 パクチーとピーナッツが 良いアクセントになっており、 辛さだけでなく、 複雑な旨味も感じられて、 中々良いと思います、 海老焼売と水餃子も 頂きました、 海老焼売は、しっかりとした 味付けが付いており そのままでも美味しく いただけます、 水餃子は、小ぶりで 食べやすいサイズで お味は可もなく不可もなく 普通な水餃子でした、 店員さんの対応も親切で良く 色々教えて頂きました、 お店は20名程度? 入れるぐらいの広さで、 満席でしたが、 私達2名以外のお客さんは、 全員中国人の方達でしたので、 料理の味もそうですが、 本場の現地で食べているような 感覚になりました。 色々食べてみたいので、 また再訪したいと思いました。
June 12, 2018 Started 3 weeks ago It looks like a store, Chongqing Komen ? Super spicy We received, For chili oil-based soup Homemade noodles match well, Pakchi and peanuts It is a good accent, Not just spiciness You can feel the complex taste, I think it's good, Shrimp sashimi and dumplings We received, Shrimp fried rice was firm With seasoning Delicious as it is receive, Small dumplings Easy to eat The taste is good and bad It was an ordinary dumpling, The clerk's response is kind and good I learned a lot, Is the store about 20 people? It's big enough to hold, It was full, Customers other than the two of us, All of them were Chinese people, The taste of cooking is the same, It's like eating locally It became a feeling. I want to eat a lot, so I wanted to come back again.
66 Mustang AMT on Google

鴨の珍しい部位の煮込みや、麻辣麺の本格的な味が頂ける5月末開店の店。 とにかく、旨い!そして辛い!自分はすっかり中毒症状になってしまいました。 鳥煮込みは鴨だけでなく、通常の鶏の手羽先もありますんで、鴨はチョット、という方は、是非こちらを。どちらにしても、ビールが進むこと間違いなし。 店内は中華系のお客さんが大多数。雰囲気的には、ここらの中華家族経営のお店の雰囲気そのまんま。横浜の地元民なら当然、日常のありふれた光景ですよね。
The restaurant opened at the end of May, where you can enjoy the rare parts of duck and the authentic taste of Mahi noodles. Anyway, it’s delicious! And spicy! I am completely addicted. Not only duck but also chicken wings with normal chicken broth are recommended. Either way, there is no doubt that the beer will proceed. The majority of Chinese customers are inside the store. The atmosphere is that of a Chinese family-owned store. Naturally, for Yokohama's locals, it's an everyday scene.
Iris Iris on Google

I ate Chongqing small noodles but it was delicious. It seemed that there were quite a few Chinese customers. Is it full-scale? Next time I want to eat dumplings.
横浜タンタン辛いものの記録 on Google

【古いレビューは具や味が別物?】 異国のディープな雰囲気が色濃いが、味は日本のラーメンジャンキーが大好きなタイプだと思う。がっつり系。 一番人気の重慶小麺(汁あり、中辛)は、とにかくニンニクの主張が強い。牛骨ベースだが白濁しており濃厚で、家系ラーメンばりにパンチが効いている。具の揚げ大豆は湿っており、グイッと歯を食い込ませて噛みつぶす感じ(ピーナッツも入っているがそちらはカリカリ)。牛肉の塊は柔らかく、パクチーがアクセントになっている。辛さはそれほどなく、「中辛」で一般的な町中華の担々麺と同じくらい。大豆とピーナッツの量がやたら多い。 ところで、食●ログやラーメンデータベースには2018~2019年ごろのレビューが多く載っているが、2021年3月訪問時の重慶小麺はそれらの説明とは明らかに別の料理だった。 例を挙げると、 ・「緑豆入り(2019年ごろの食べログ)」→豆類は大豆とピーナッツのみ(2021) ・「具材は鴨肉(2019年ごろの食べログ) 」→柔らかい牛肉(2021) ・「山椒の味が強い(2018年ごろの食べログ)」「花山椒が痺れる (2019年ごろのラーメンデータベース) 」→花椒の痺れは全く感じられない(2021) など。私は18〜19年にここの料理を食べていないので正確な比較はできないが、少なくとも緑豆に関しては写真で完全に違いを確認できるので「レシピが変化している」というのは紛れもない事実だと思う。 麺は「柔らかい」とのレビューもあって心配していたが、ストレート中太のモチモチ食感で大満足だった。歯応えだけならニュータンタンの麺に近いかもしれない(無論、味や見た目はだいぶ違う別物だが)。 汁ありと汁なしは同じ麺。このご時世に珍しく大盛り無料。担々麺もあるが、動物のにおいが強い超こってり油の独自路線で、何というか天下一品を想起する感じ。私は重慶小麺の方が圧倒的に好み。 客のほとんどが中国語とみられる言語を話しており、メニューも中国語表示の方が大きいが、日本語も通じる。メルペイやd払いなど決済方法が豊富で便利。 なぜか食べ●グにエッセー風の長編レビューが何本も投稿されており(同じ人が沢山書いている様子。ネット上ではこういうのを「食べログ文学」と呼ぶらしい)、料理の予習がてら味わい深い文章を楽しめる。
[Old reviews have different ingredients and tastes? ] The deep atmosphere of a foreign country is strong, but I think the taste is the type that Japanese ramen junkies love. Solid system. The most popular Chongqing small noodles (with soup, medium spicy) have a strong claim of garlic. Although it is based on beef bones, it is cloudy and rich, and it has a punching effect on Iekei ramen. The fried soybeans are moist, and it feels like they bite into your teeth and chew them (there are also peanuts, but they are crunchy). The beef chunks are tender and accented with coriander. It's not so spicy, it's about the same as "Chinese dandan noodles" which is common in town. The amount of soybeans and peanuts is huge. By the way, there are many reviews from 2018 to 2019 in the food log and ramen database, but the Chongqing small noodles when I visited in March 2021 was clearly a different dish from those explanations. For example ・ "Mung bean (tabelog around 2019)" → Beans are only soybeans and peanuts (2021) ・ "Ingredients are duck meat (tabelog around 2019)" → Soft beef (2021) ・ "The taste of Japanese pepper is strong (tabelog around 2018)" "Hanasansho is numb (ramen database around 2019)" → No numbness of Japanese pepper is felt (2021) Such. I haven't eaten the food here in 18-19 so I can't make an accurate comparison, but at least for the mung beans I can see the complete difference in the pictures so it's an undeniable fact that the recipe is changing. I think that. I was worried that the noodles were "soft", but I was very satisfied with the chewy texture of the straight medium-thick noodles. If it's just crunchy, it might be similar to New Tan Tan noodles (although the taste and appearance are quite different, of course). The noodles with and without soup are the same. A large serving of free, which is rare in this time. Dandan noodles are also available, but the unique route of super-rich oil, which has a strong animal odor, reminds me of Tenkaippin. I prefer Chongqing small noodles overwhelmingly. Most of the customers speak a language that seems to be Chinese, and the menu is larger in Chinese, but Japanese is also understood. Convenient with abundant payment methods such as Mercari and d-payment. For some reason Eat ● Many essay-style feature-length reviews have been posted on Gu (it seems that the same person is writing a lot. It seems that this is called "tabelog literature" on the net), and cooking preparations You can enjoy tasty sentences.
二分 on Google

(2018/10 訪問) 以下を注文しました。 ・烏龍茶 ・鴨の頭 [540円] ・重慶小麺 [800円] ・葱香焼売 [500円] [鴨の頭] 鴨の頭の断面。 卓上にあるビニールの手袋をつけて手づかみで食べます。 うまいけど辛い。 [重慶小麺] おいしい。が、これも辛い。ナッツ類で気持ち辛さが緩和される感じ。 [葱香焼売] 豚肉の焼売。おいしい。
(Visit 2018/10) I ordered the following: ·Oolong Tea ・ Duck head [540 yen] ・ Chongqing small noodles [800 yen] ・ Onion shumai [500 yen] [Duck head] Cross section of duck head. Put on the vinyl gloves on the table and eat by hand. Good but spicy. [Chongqing small noodles] Delicious. But this is also spicy. Feeling that nuts alleviate the feeling of spiciness. [Steamed green onion] Grilled pork. Delicious.
Y on Google

どれも本格的で美味しい。そしてリーズナブル。 麺類は中辛でもスープがコクのある濃厚な白湯スープなので、そこまで辛く感じません。たまに辛味が喉の奥にあたると咽せますが。 辛いものが好きな人は汁ありは大辛〜が目安だと思います。 麻辣湯もあり、3種の具材が選べ、追加トッピングも可能。スープは麺類と基本的に同じなので、薬膳臭いスープではありません。 都内のチェーン店よりも具材や春雨の量が多くてボリュームあります。 鴨頸や鴨脖も辛くて美味しく、こちらはテイクアウトも可能です。店内だとビニール手袋をつけて食べるスタイルです。 水餃子は生地がもっちり、ニラがたっぷりであっさりとしてイケる。このお店で唯一辛くないメニュー。 最近はコロナの影響もあり、スタッフさんを絞っているのでピークタイムだと少し待ちます。 あと、メニューを絞っているので、オーダー前に確認しておく事をおススメします。(店長さんはあまり日本語得意じゃありませんが、身振り手振りで一生懸命対応してくれます。)
All are authentic and delicious. And reasonable. Even if the noodles are medium spicy, the soup is a rich plain hot water soup, so it doesn't feel that spicy. Sometimes I can throat when the spicy taste hits the back of my throat. For those who like spicy foods, I think it's a good idea to have soup. There is also Malatang, and you can choose from 3 types of ingredients, and additional toppings are possible. The soup is basically the same as noodles, so it is not a medicinal-smelling soup. There are more ingredients and vermicelli than chain stores in Tokyo, and there is a lot of volume. The duck neck and duck 脖 are also spicy and delicious, and you can also take out here. It is a style to eat with vinyl gloves inside the store. The dough of the dumplings is chewy, and the gyoza is plentiful and light and cool. The only non-spicy menu in this shop. Recently, due to the influence of Corona, we are narrowing down the staff, so we will wait for a while during peak hours. Also, since the menu is narrowed down, it is recommended to check before ordering. (The store manager is not very good at Japanese, but he will do his best by gesturing.)
Reyes2 on Google

Unique Chinese restaurant that opened recently serving spicy noodle soup and other delicacies such us duck gizard, duck neck, and pig's feet. Not very pretty at first glance but they are very tasty specially with beer.

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