Isesaki Municipal Hospital - Isesaki

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Isesaki Municipal Hospital

住所 :

12-1 Tsunatorihonmachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0817, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 372-0817
Webサイト :

12-1 Tsunatorihonmachi, Isesaki, Gunma 372-0817, Japan
Yukari Hayasaka on Google

昨年2回産婦人科へ電話対応していただきましたが、両方共に今まで経験した事ないほど大変不愉快でした。これまでに複数の病院に通院や問い合わせの電話しましたが、こんなに酷い対応は他には無いです。病院以外でも無いですね。 上から目線かつ延々と同じ文章しか言わない説明で全く伝わらない、更には鼻で笑われました。 受診者を減らして仕事量減らす目的なら大成功だと思いますよ。 選べるなら二度と電話問合せも受診利用もしたくないし、人に勧めたくない病院です。 もし電話したり受診するなら、覚悟してからの方が良いですよ。
I called the obstetrics and gynecology department twice last year, and both of them were so unpleasant that I had never experienced before. I have called multiple hospitals and inquiries so far, but no other response is so terrible. It's not other than a hospital. I couldn't convey it at all with the explanation that only said the same sentence from the top and endlessly, and I was laughed at by my nose. I think it will be a great success if the purpose is to reduce the number of examinees and reduce the amount of work. If you can choose, I don't want to make phone inquiries or receive medical examinations again, and I don't want to recommend it to people. If you call or have a medical examination, you should be prepared.
大塚八重子 on Google

I was taken care of by the vocal cord polyp removal surgery. Doctors, nurses, inspectors, and medical office staff are all kind and polite. I am very grateful to one doctor for encouraging me, who had left my heart condition unattended, and for teaching me to take good care of my body.
だゐすけ“でれすけ!!” on Google

お医者賛達や看護士賛等、スタッフの皆賛は努力して勤めている。 迂生の感想としては、ベッドのマットの固さと枕の高さが全く合わず、短期の入院ではあったが熟睡する事が出来無かった。 又、ベッドの上で座ろうとすると、背中が丸くなってしまう。・・・早期のマットの入れ替え等、対策を願う。 担当する理学療法士のセイでは無いが、リハビリに掛ける時間が全然足りない。 患者に対するリハビリ計画の改善を願う。
All the staff, such as doctors and nurses, are working hard. As for the impression of detour, the hardness of the bed mat and the height of the pillow did not match at all, and although I was hospitalized for a short period of time, I could not sleep soundly. Also, when I try to sit on the bed, my back becomes rounded.・ ・ ・ I hope for measures such as early replacement of mats. I'm not the physiotherapist in charge, but I don't have enough time for rehabilitation. We hope that the rehabilitation plan for the patient will be improved.
Sn N on Google

On Sunday, I had a fever and was so terrible that I couldn't go to the office, so I was worried about Corona, so I called. Certainly, at that time, the fever was not very high, and I think that there was almost no urgency. However, the nurse who responded to the phone was very unpleasant. He said that it would take a long time to have a medical examination and examination, and he was asked, "Wait a few hours in the parking lot and decide whether or not to inspect at the doctor's discretion. Is it okay to wait a good time?" So when I replied, "Yes, it's okay. I'm sorry," he said with a half laugh, "Oh, that's okay, lol." I felt like saying "Don't come" in a roundabout way. It can't be helped that it takes time, but I'm sorry to say that I'm sorry to have a patient who is sick for a long time wait. It was really unpleasant to be told from the beginning to the end with a tone that seemed to be ridiculed from the top. I also recorded the voice of the call, so I would like everyone to listen to it, but it's a shame.
cobalt blue on Google

待ち時間・スタッフの対応能力・料金・サービス・医療レベルetc... すべてにおいて下の下です。 伊勢崎市内では人工透析ができるのがここか小作クリニックのみなので、それが目的でない限り利用を一切勧めません。 その小作クリニックと合わせて群大バンザイ発言が多いです。気持ちが悪いです。 ここはもはや医療機関ではありません。 群大医学部の天下り先にすぎません。
Waiting time, staff response ability, fees, services, medical level, etc ... Below in all. In Isesaki city, artificial dialysis is only possible here or at the Ozaku Clinic, so we do not recommend using it unless that is the purpose. In addition to the peasant clinic, there are many remarks made by Gunma University Aramiki. I feel sick. This is no longer a medical institution. It's just the destination of the Gunma University School of Medicine.
とどろきこうじ on Google

手術で数日入院しました。 先生も看護師さんも説明が丁寧です。 優しい雰囲気に包まれたまま、退院出来ました。 しかし、問題が一つだけありました。 私はナスが苦手なのです。 入院すると自分でご飯を選べません。 それなのに入院初日にご飯のおかずに、ナスが出てきてしまったのです。 申し訳ない気持ちになりながら、ナスを残しました。 手術は寝て起きたら終わっていたので、痛くも痒くもありませんでした。 怖かったのは点滴です。針を刺されるのは恐怖以外のなにものでもありません。 中の写真は入院説明で撮ってはいけない。となっていたので。写真は、食事の写真だけお楽しみください。 味は、、、、写真から想像してください。
I was hospitalized for several days due to surgery. Both the teacher and the nurse are polite in explaining. I was able to leave the hospital while being surrounded by a gentle atmosphere. However, there was only one problem. I'm not good at eggplant. When I am hospitalized, I cannot choose my own meal. However, on the first day of hospitalization, an eggplant came out without a side dish of rice. Feeling sorry, I left the eggplant. The surgery was over when I went to bed and woke up, so it didn't hurt or itchy. What was scary was the drip. Being stabbed by a needle is nothing more than fear. The picture inside should not be taken in the hospitalization explanation. Because it was. Please enjoy only the photo of the meal. Imagine the taste from the pictures.
田島常夫 on Google

以前…原因不明の高熱に悩まされ伊勢崎佐波医師会病院から転院し、合計50日間の入院生活を過ごした【伊勢崎市民病院】 当時9Aのスタッフの皆様には大変お世話になりました。 本来であれば現在も月一度の検診に訪れなくてはいけないものの、忙しさにかまけて怠っております。 久しぶりにゆっくりと建物探訪すると「伊勢崎市民病院」とネームの入った救急車を発見❗️ 当時、入院中に大雪が降り、関東圏内至る所で交通渋滞が発生した、丁度その日、病院前の対面通行道路が雪で行き来出来ず、真ん中1車線となり、救急車が病院目の前に来ているにも関わらず30分以上立往生している様は……脳裏に鮮明に焼き付いております‼️ 現在の健康に感謝❣️
Previously ... I was suffering from a high fever of unknown cause and was transferred from the Isesaki Sawa Medical Association Hospital and spent a total of 50 days in the hospital [Isesaki Municipal Hospital] Thank you very much to all the staff of 9A at that time. Normally, I still have to visit the clinic once a month, but I am neglected because of my busy schedule. When I slowly explored the building for the first time in a long time, I found an ambulance named "Isesaki Municipal Hospital" ❗️ At that time, heavy snow fell while I was in the hospital, and traffic congestion occurred everywhere in the Kanto area. If you're stuck for more than 30 minutes despite being there ... it's clearly burned into your mind! ️ Thank you for your current health ❣️
Bishnuraj Sangroula on Google

We had best experience here. Doctor & staff both are humble.

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