
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (有)魚秀

住所 :

Isedacho, Uji, 〒611-0043 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://uohide-uji.com/
街 : Kyoto

Isedacho, Uji, 〒611-0043 Kyoto,Japan
ひろ on Google

近畿圏内の漁港や魚屋や漁師の直売所も魚釣りをするので、活きた魚も食べますが ここのお店は、一番魚を美味しくしてくれます。魚の手当てがいいから鮮度も良い。 料理も凄く良いです。値段もお手頃です。 本当にビックリしました。。。 こんな近くに最高のお店があるなんて。
The fishing ports, fishmongers, and fishermen's direct sales areas in the Kinki region also fish, so you can eat live fish as well. The shop here makes the most delicious fish. Freshness is good because the fish is well treated. The food is also very good. The price is also reasonable. I was really surprised. . . There's a great shop near here
JAJAねこちゃんねる on Google

住宅街にポツンとある、新鮮なお魚を買えるお店です。  お魚を使ったお惣菜などもあり、普段なかなか手間がかかるので作らないあじの南蛮漬けは とても美味しくいただきました!  『手巻き寿司用に!』と、お願いすると 手巻き寿司に適した切り身を準備してくれるところも有り難いです。
A shop where you can buy fresh fish in a residential area.も There are also side dishes using fish, so it takes a lot of time and trouble to make it. "For hand-rolled sushi! ], And I would be grateful that some places would prepare fillets suitable for hand-rolled sushi.
高島誠司 on Google

I'm from Nagasaki and I was satisfied with the freshness ❗
筒井和隆(つつお) on Google

珍しい宮崎の冷や汁の素が売っていました とても美味しい魚屋さんです 今日はシマアジの造りを買いました 約800円ですイワシのフライは5個で300円格安です
The rare element of Miyazaki's cold and soup element was sold. It is a very delicious fisherman. Today I bought the structure of horse mackerel. It is about 800 yen. Five sardines fly with 300 yen cheap
love moon on Google

The shop is very polite and kind, and it feels like a merchant, and the product lineup is fresh. It's helpful because there aren't many fish shops these days. I definitely want to recommend this shop to various people.
yoko s on Google

家族で手巻き寿司用に注文しました。 鮮度、味全て◎ いつもお世話になってます!
I ordered it for hand-rolled sushi with my family. Freshness and taste are all ◎ I am always indebted to you!
まぁやん on Google

A restaurant with a reputation for fresh fish. Mr. Eel on the day of the Ox for the day of the Ox ended up with the reserved amount, so I asked him to say that even after that, I made a reservation immediately. It's thick and delicious! We also make various side dishes, and next time I'd like to have some side dishes. It was delicious ☆
o光一 on Google

ご主人がすごく丁寧で物腰の柔らかい方でした! カツオのたたきの柵を買ったのですが、 「お刺身用に切りますよ」言っていただきお言葉に甘えてお願いしたところ、追加了解なしで 写真の通り薬味もたっぷりニンニク、生姜ものせて下さいました! お会計も少しまけてくれてすごいいいお店です♪
My husband was very polite and soft-mannered! I bought a bonito fence, I asked him to say "I'll cut it for sashimi", but I didn't understand it. As you can see in the picture, they gave me plenty of condiments such as garlic and ginger! It's a great shop that gives you a little extra payment ♪

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