
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ローカル・レンタカー八丁堀本店

住所 :

Irifune, Chuo City, 〒104-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.local1st.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Irifune, Chuo City, 〒104-0042 Tokyo,Japan
大野人志 on Google

宮家大志 on Google

うっかり見逃すような場所にあります。 とても親切です。
It's in a place you'll miss by accident. I am very kind.
Eisuke Hanaoka on Google

親切で感じの良い店舗だった。場所は分かりにくいけど、値段が安く 利用しやすい。名前の通り、地元密着の経営で頑張って欲しい。応援します!
It was a nice and nice store. It is difficult to know the place, but the price is cheap and easy to use. As the name suggests, I want you to do my best in local management. I support you!
u-tan u-tan on Google

大阪から急に出張。八丁堀ってどこやねん、何て読むねん… 車借りなあかんし…ちょっと歩ったらこのお店あって、予約無しで入ってみたら店長めちゃ親切。レンタル料も安いし、車キレイやし。大阪にもある?ゆうたら、まだ2店舗やて。はよ大阪にも出してなーゆうたら、店長の最高の笑顔もろたからホシ5つ。
A business trip suddenly from Osaka. Where do you know what Hacchobori, what do you read ... Car rental money ... If you walk a little walk this shop, if you try to enter without reservation is very kind manager. Rental fee is also cheap and car clean palm. Is there also in Osaka? If Yu, still two stores Yate. If you put it out in Osaka too, it's the best smile from the store manager, and it's five Hoshi.
atsushi yabe on Google

月2~3度はレンタカー借りるけど、この店ってカーシェア感覚で使えるかも!なんて思ってたら、やっぱそれが売りみたい。お店のホームページに載ってましたね。 カーシェアよりも安いのに清潔感のあるところが嬉しい!3回借りて全部キレイ!サービス的には大満足だけど、店長も言ってたLINEで簡単に予約とかできたら星5つにしたいと思います。
I rent a rental car 2-3 times a month, but this shop could be used like a car share! If you thought, I would like to sell it. It was on the website of the shop. Although it is cheaper than car share, I am glad a place with a sense of cleanliness! I borrowed 3 times and everything is beautiful! I am very satisfied in terms of service, but I would like to make five stars if I can easily make a reservation with LINE, which the store manager also said.
SEA N SUN on Google

We do not recommend this because we received many messages on Line while driving and could not concentrate on driving, and there was an unclear additional request when returning.
懸賞太郎 on Google

いつもリピートして使わせてもらってます。 夜間セルフ返却が返金システムもあって、とっても便利でおススメです! 当たり前ですが、利用規約違反には厳しく対処しているようです。 無断延長、15分以上の無断来店遅延(何度か繰り返すとネット予約出来なくなる)、車内の喫煙(電子タバコはOKみたいです)、車両に傷を付けたのに黙って返却等。。。 ただ、スタッフの人達はとっても感じが良く、こないだレンタルした車両を少し擦ってしまい、正直に申告したら、『コンパウンドで磨いてみて取れれば大丈夫ですよー。』って言われて結局、請求されませんでした。 出発前にボディチェックもしっかりしているので、傷を付けても正直に話せば良心的な対応してくださるお店だと感じました。 店長いつもありがとう!
I always repeat and use it. There is also a refund system for self-return at night, which is very convenient and recommended! Obviously, it seems that we are strictly dealing with violations of the Terms of Service. Unauthorized extension, delay of visiting the store for 15 minutes or more (you will not be able to make online reservations if you repeat it several times), smoking in the car (electronic cigarettes seem to be OK), silently returning the car even though it was scratched. .. .. However, the staff members feel very good, and I rubbed the rented vehicle a little, and when I honestly declared it, "It's okay if you polish it with a compound. After all, I wasn't charged. The body check is done well before departure, so I felt that it is a shop that will respond conscientiously if I speak honestly even if it gets scratched. Thank you always!
ワタナベユウキ on Google

いつもお世話になっております。スタッフの方々はみんなとても気さくな方で、他のお店にはないレンタカーの夜間セルフ返却システムがとても便利! お店の営業は18:30までだけど、夜間セルフ返却を事前に申し込んだ場合、万一、返却が遅れても翌朝AM7時までに利用できるので大変便利で良心的なシステムだと思います。 夜間返却オプション料金も1,500円ととってもリーズナブル。 しかも18:30までに車両を返却できれば1,500円はちゃんと返金してくれます。 予期せぬ事故渋滞や急な予定変更などで返却時間が遅れると事前に説明もありますが、キッチリ延長料金を請求されますので、ご注意を。 今後も引き続き利用させていただこうと思います。評価はもちろん☆5。他の方にもオススメです✩.*˚
Always I am indebted. All the staff are very friendly, and the nighttime self-return system for rental cars, which is not available at other stores, is very convenient! The shop is open until 18:30, but if you apply for self-return at night in advance, even if the return is delayed, you can use it by 7:00 AM the next morning, so I think it is a very convenient and conscientious system. The night return option fee is also very reasonable at 1,500 yen. Moreover, if you can return the vehicle by 18:30, 1,500 yen will be refunded properly. There is an explanation in advance that the return time will be delayed due to unexpected traffic jams or sudden schedule changes, but please note that you will be charged a tight extension fee. I will continue to use it in the future. Evaluation is of course ☆ 5. Recommended for other people ✩. * ˚

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