がってん寿司 宇都宮カトレアガーデン店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact がってん寿司 宇都宮カトレアガーデン店

住所 :

Inter Park, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0114 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Webサイト : https://www.rdcgroup.co.jp/gattenbrand/gatten/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–9PM
Thursday 11:30AM–9PM
Friday 11:30AM–9PM
街 : Tochigi

Inter Park, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0114 Tochigi,Japan
725 on Google

訪れた際 店内 貸し切り状態の為 提供は待たず 頼んだ品がすんなり出てきた事はいいのですが (その為★2) ずっと食べ終わるまで こちらを向いた状態で 真横に立たれて居た為 非常に居心地悪く、食べにくかった。 注文する際 紙に書いて渡すシステムなら いくら店内、貸し切り状態だとしても、 わざわざ ずっと 私達の真横に立って居ず、 少しズレて立ってる、とか 何かやる事してる、とか しててくれれば良いのに。 そそくさと食べてスグ店を出ました。 こんな 居心地の悪いお寿司は食べた事が無い。 もうここには来ません。
When I visited, I didn't wait for the offer because the store was reserved. I hope the item I ordered came out smoothly. (Therefore ★ 2) Keep facing me until you finish eating It was very uncomfortable and difficult to eat because I was standing right next to it. If it is a system that writes on paper when ordering No matter how much the store is reserved, I didn't bother to stand right next to us all the time, I'm standing a little off, or I'm doing something I wish I could do it. I ate quickly and left the Sugu store. I've never eaten such uncomfortable sushi. I won't come here anymore.
naohito ooki on Google

カウンターが中心で、テーブル席は3つぐらい。店員さんとの掛け合いが楽しいので、可能ならカウンターで楽しんで欲しい店です。 オープンキッチンで清潔感あり、手際が良いスタッフさんが御寿司を握っていきます。 メニューも趣向をこらしていて、楽しいのです。
The center is the counter, about three table seats. It's fun to interact with a clerk, so if you can, I would like to have fun at the counter. The open kitchen has cleanliness and a staff who is tricky will grasp the sushi. Menu is also fun and it is fun.
好き猫 on Google

いも娘はハーゲンダッツよりも美味しいアイスだし芋ようかんも有名店の舟〇のより美味しい! スイートポテトおすすめ!色んなスイートポテトを秋に色んなケーキ屋さん等で食べたけど歴代1位の美味しさだった。細長い大学芋っぽいのが着いてくるけどスイートポテトだけでも勝負できる! あれをお弁当の銀のカップにいれて年中定番メニューにしてもらいたい!おはぎっぽく見た目だけでも売れる味! ここのお店で残念なのが家から遠いって事!近くにあったらスイートポテト食べに通う!芋系美味しい! お寿司は、美味しいと思う。 店員さんはみんな良い人たちだよ。 ラーメンとか丼メニューあったら良いなとは思う。 周りの100円回転寿司はタッチパネルだけどここは紙に書いて注文式で高齢者とかにはないとダメなお店だと思う。 タッチパネルない方がゆっくり食べられる。握ってるの見えて安心できるし。
Imo daughter is more delicious ice cream than Haagen-Dazs, and Imo yokan is more delicious than the famous boat 〇! Sweet potato recommended! I ate various sweet potatoes at various cake shops in the fall, but it was the most delicious in history. A long and slender Daigakuimo-like thing arrives, but you can compete with just sweet potatoes! I want you to put that in a silver cup of lunch and make it a standard menu all year round! A taste that sells just by looking like a rice cake! The unfortunate thing about this shop is that it's far from home! If you are nearby, go to eat sweet potatoes! The potatoes are delicious! I think sushi is delicious. The clerk is all good people. I wish there was a ramen or rice bowl menu. The surrounding 100-yen conveyor belt sushi is a touch panel, but I think it's a bad place to write on paper and order it, which is not suitable for elderly people. Those without a touch panel can eat slowly. You can feel relieved to see that you are holding it.
S2おやじ on Google

There are about 4 rotating sushi restaurants in Inter Park, but all other restaurants sell low prices of around 100 yen. This is an old-fashioned shop with a wide range of prices, so be careful as you will be surprised later if you eat it! Utsunomiya's silver dish-like shop. I'm tired of the usual 100-yen coins because there are various stories, but it may be good for people that the sushi restaurant that doesn't turn around is a little expensive. The material is thick and fresh. Is it a little cheaper than a silver plate?
H君 on Google

回転寿司でも100円寿司屋とは違うワンランク上のお寿司屋。 紙に書いての注文なので今は回転している魚は無かった。 マグロ3種盛りや光物3種盛り、貝物などレパートリーも多くコスパがとてもいい。 ランチ中は あら汁やしじみ汁などおかわり自由。 お昼前に行ったが平日でも混んでいるお店。 特に旬の素材はネタも大きく美味しいと思います。 値段が高くて美味しいのはあたりまえだとおもうが 値段そこそこでここまで美味しいのはコスパ的にも良く素晴らしいと思います。 今後もこの価格帯で美味しいお寿司の提供お願いします。
Even for conveyor belt sushi, it is a higher-grade sushi restaurant that is different from the 100 yen sushi restaurant. Since the order was written on paper, there were no spinning fish now. There is a large repertoire of tuna, 3 kinds of light, and shellfish, and the cost performance is very good. Free refills of arajiru and freshwater clam soup during lunch. I went there before noon, but it's crowded even on weekdays. Especially, I think that the seasonal ingredients are big and delicious. I think it's natural that the price is high and delicious I think that it is good for cospa to be so delicious at a reasonable price. Please continue to provide delicious sushi in this price range.
しん on Google

ネタが新鮮で大きめ。シャリとのバランスは素晴らしい。 値段も安くはないけど高すぎず、色んな種類のネタを楽しめます。 注文する用紙が各テーブルとカウンターに置かれており、セルフで記入して手渡す注文方式のようです。 注文間違えと注文忘れが多く目立っていたのが残念ではあります。
The material is fresh and large. The balance with the rice is wonderful. The price is not cheap, but it is not too expensive and you can enjoy various kinds of material. Order forms are placed at each table and counter, and it seems to be an ordering method where you fill out and hand over by yourself. It is a pity that there were many mistakes in ordering and forgetting to order.
うっちんらた on Google

限定の刺身盛り合わせは物凄い満足感です! 一人で食べると酒の進みがまずいことになります
The limited sashimi platter is a tremendous satisfaction! If you eat alone, the progress of sake will be bad.
A.K.Aハリー(Harry) on Google

The budget was about 3000 yen per person, which was delicious! The system to write on paper every time I order is a little annoying, but I was able to eat calmly, so I decided to come again.

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