稲荷温泉 不老荘

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 稲荷温泉 不老荘

住所 :

Inatsucho, Mizunami, 〒509-6103 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://xn--w0w51m.com/inarionsen/
街 : Gifu

Inatsucho, Mizunami, 〒509-6103 Gifu,Japan
yachiri on Google

建物は古いですが、掃除が行き届いていて、温泉もかけ流しです。 飲泉も出来ます。 5分くらいでめちゃくちゃ汗が出て、身体が温まります。 放射能泉で、入り方や成分が更衣室の入り口に書いてあります。 身体の痛いところに効くコスモプラナというセラミックの玉が入った木箱が、浴槽の中に沈んでます。
The building is old, but it is well cleaned and the hot springs are flowing. You can also drink hot springs. It takes about 5 minutes to sweat and warm your body. It is a radioactive spring, and the entry method and ingredients are written at the entrance of the changing room. A wooden box containing a ceramic ball called Cosmoplana, which works for painful areas, is sunk in the bathtub.
みぃーこちゃんねる(Mi-ko) on Google

激シブ温泉やないかー\( ˙▿˙ )/ すいませーんと、呼ぶもお金置いといてーw まぢか(笑) 外からレトロですが、中もたまりません❤ レトロ激シブ温泉好きには、たまらんです!! 独泉だったので、ゆったりんこ。 ずっとあって欲しい温泉です。
Geki Shibu Onsen Yanaika \ (˙▿˙) / I'm sorry, even if I call it, I'll leave the money. Majika (laughs) It's retro from the outside, but it's irresistible inside ❤ If you like retro hot springs, you can't wait! !! It was a solitary spring, so it was Yuru Rinko. It is a hot spring that I want you to stay forever.
22 caddy on Google

誰もいない激シブ温泉。 フロントにも人がいない笑 そして稲荷神社と隣り合わせで、お湯も境内から引いているとか… めちゃご利益がありそうな温泉です。 かなり怪しい雰囲気が漂う温泉です。 勝手にお金を置いて入って良いらしい… 風呂に続く畳の廊下は不思議なオーラを発していて、襖が独特。 そこを抜けると昭和が広がっています。 左右に分かれる階段を降りると、昭和が広がっています。 木製のロッカーに服を入れていざっ! 無色透明のお湯に大きな窓。 明るい小さなお風呂です。 熱いからって水でうめてしまうと、なかなか温度回復出来ないので、40℃以下に調節しちゃいけない。ぬる湯好き厳禁のお風呂です。 気功風呂と称されるようで、色々説明が貼ってあります。 そこまで熱くはなく、気持ちよく入ることができました。 掃除もしっかりとされています。
A super shibu hot spring with nobody. There are no people at the front desk lol And next to Inari Shrine, hot water is also drawn from the precincts ... It is a hot spring that seems to be very profitable. It is a hot spring with a very suspicious atmosphere. It seems that you can leave money on your own and enter ... The tatami corridor leading to the bath emits a mysterious aura, and the sliding doors are unique. After passing through it, the Showa era is spreading. If you go down the stairs that divide into left and right, you can see the Showa era. Put your clothes in a wooden locker! Colorless and transparent hot water and large windows. It is a bright little bath. If you fill it with water because it is hot, it will be difficult to recover the temperature, so you must adjust it to 40 ° C or less. It is a bath that is strictly forbidden to like lukewarm water. It seems to be called a Qigong bath, and various explanations are posted. It wasn't that hot and I was able to enter comfortably. Cleaning is also done well.
MAN TRIKER on Google

さっぱりとした良いお湯でした。 男湯は大人3人入れるかなと言った感じですが、初見さんを受け付けるオーラではありません。 ですがそれを上回る風情が抜群。 ただ、いかんせんシャワーの水量が弱いなと感じました。 建物の古さは否めませんが、物珍しさで言えば星五つです。
It was refreshing and good hot water. It seems that the men's bath can accommodate three adults, but it is not an aura that accepts Hatsumi-san. However, the taste that exceeds it is outstanding. However, I felt that the amount of water in the shower was weak. The building is undeniably old, but in terms of rarity, it has five stars.
nob kato on Google

Googleマップで見つけて来ました。知らなければ来られない。来ても入っていいかもわからない。煙突から煙が出てるので誰かがいそうなのは分かっていても、誰も出て来ません。受付に料金の500円を置いて入ります。頭を洗う人は600円です。 ちょうど先客の人がいたので聞いて入りましたが、初めてだと不安でどうすればいいかわからないと思います。受付の窓口にお金を置いて入ればいいです。呼んでも誰も出てこないそうです。ちょうど誰もいなかったので貸切でした。冷泉なので沸かしていますが熱かったです。建物は古いですが綺麗に掃除されていて気持ちよかったです。いいところ見つけたって感じです。
I found it on Google Maps. You can't come without knowing it. I don't know if it's okay to come in. Smoke is coming out of the chimney, so even if you know someone is likely, no one will come out. You can enter at the reception with a charge of 500 yen. The person who washes his head is 600 yen. I just heard about it because there was a previous customer, but I don't think I know what to do because I'm worried about it for the first time. All you have to do is leave the money at the reception desk. It seems that no one comes out even if I call it. It was reserved because there was no one. It's a cold spring, so it's boiling, but it was hot. The building is old, but it was nice and clean. I feel like I've found a good place.
やまだ(土岐をかけるやまだ) on Google

平日昼一時ごろ伺いましたが、誰一人おらず貸切状態でした。お湯加減は42度ほどの熱めですが、自分にはぴったりで良かったです。 お風呂から出て髪を乾かしていたら、他の方が入って来られましたので、昼間でも全く利用者が居ない訳ではなさそうです。 脱衣所にファンヒーターも設置されていて、寒くありませんでしたし、ターボドライヤーの設置2台有り。個人的にも気に入りました。
I visited around noon on weekdays, but no one was there and it was in a chartered state. The temperature of the hot water is about 42 degrees, but it was good for me. When I got out of the bath and dried my hair, another person came in, so it seems that there are no users at all even in the daytime. A fan heater was installed at the dressing room, so it wasn't cold, and there were two turbo dryers installed. I personally like it.
佐野晋也 on Google

i cant say anymore...
Thomas Szabo on Google

Very authentic onsen(hot spring). Amazing place! ¥600 to go in and you most likely alone. There is large windows where you can view from the tub. Very old place but very clean! When you walk in, you just drop the money in the reception and enjoy the tub. I love it how private! The water is amazing and do a magic with your skin and bones. Highly recommend this few 100s years old spa!

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