Inageya - Toshima City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Inageya

住所 :

4 Chome-19-8 Sugamo, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 170-0002
Webサイト :

4 Chome-19-8 Sugamo, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0002, Japan
Seiichi Ota on Google

I sell a lot of yakitori, but I recommend the yakitori that is sold at the storefront. You can buy even one. A shop that you can't miss while eating Sugamo.
KENSUKE H on Google

Cheap and delicious, Yakitori.
鬼頭豪 on Google

巣鴨地蔵通り商店街にある店。 店先で焼いている焼き鳥が人気。 サラっとしているが甘めのタレが特徴でなかなかイケる。 特筆するようなものはないが、冷めても電子レンジやトースターで温めなおしても結構イケるので、お土産にも使える。
A store in the Sugamo Jizo-dori Shopping Street. Yakitori grilled at the storefront is popular. Although it is Sarah, it has a sweet sauce and is quite cool. There is nothing special to mention, but it can be used as a souvenir because it is cool even if it is cooled down and then warmed up in the microwave or toaster.
矢野淳 on Google

肉屋さん。店頭で惣菜数種に焼き鳥販売。 近隣で「シロ」が購入できる稀有なお店なので 重宝しています。
Butcher. Yakitori is sold at several side dishes at the store. Because it is a rare shop where you can buy "white" in the neighborhood It is useful.
Die I on Google

The price was reasonable, but the taste was simple and delicious ?
HC L on Google

Grilled to wait, the whole street snack salty particularly comfortable ?, delicious pig, chicken super but ordinary!
能戸淳 on Google

2015/04 訪問 巣鴨の地蔵通り商店街で先日食べ歩きをした、その中の1店。 地蔵通り商店街には様々なお店がある。 定番のまんじゅう、せんべい、だんご、そしてやはり定番のこの焼き鳥。 ということで、焼いているところを見てしまったので、早速食べたくなった。 で、僕は皮を注文した。 おいしそうな皮が炭の上に載せられる。 煙が皮から立ち込めて、見ているだけでヨダレが出そうだ。 で、焼きあがった一本をおもむろに食べた。 美味し! やっぱり焼きたてはイイ! ということで、満足して次の食べ歩きのターゲットを探すのでした。
2015/04 visit One of the restaurants I ate at the Jizo-dori shopping street in Sugamo the other day. There are various shops in the Jizo-dori shopping street. The classic manju, rice crackers, dumplings, and the classic yakitori. So, I saw the place being baked, so I wanted to eat it immediately. So I ordered the leather. A delicious skin is placed on the charcoal. Smoke rushes through the skin, and just looking at it seems to make you sick. So, I ate the baked one. Delicious! After all freshly baked is good! So, I was satisfied and searched for the next target for eating.
Steven Sim on Google

They have grilled chicken skin, liver and intestine

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