
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お菓子工房

住所 :

Inada, 〒381-0042 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Inada, 〒381-0042 Nagano,Japan
emi on Google

かわいくてオシャレなお菓子が並んでます。 ギモーブ 美味しいょ♪ ココナッツのパウンドケーキも良かった。
Cute and fashionable sweets are lined up. Guimove is delicious ♪ The coconut pound cake was also good.
蓑部明 on Google

The variety of shortcakes was plentiful, and the wife who responded was kind. Also, the house is surrounded by many kinds of white roses during the season.
川井洋子 on Google

I wonder if it will be about two weeks ago ⁉️ When my husband bought it, I ate the cake that pistachio kneaded in and it was so delicious that I came to buy it today! ️ After all it was delicious I will go buy it again ?‼ ️
Atsushi on Google

That the cake has been bought considerably previously had been frozen half there had been a while long silence. Was delicious was eating I bought the first time in a long time. It will feel a slightly higher price compared to neighboring Espoir. Simple product mix not too sweet like personally.
ちー on Google

ティラミスといちごのショートケーキとミルフィーユも美味しい。 レアチーズケーキが好みの味では無くて残念? 男性にも人気のビターな味のケーキも美味しかった。 いちごのショートケーキは、この店が個人的に☝️一番好き?美味しい。 ?スフレチーズケーキを作って、 新しいメニューにして欲しいです。
Tiramisu and strawberry shortcake and millefeuille are also delicious. It's a shame that rare cheesecake doesn't taste The bitter-flavored cake popular with men was also delicious. Strawberry shortcakes are the most delicious at this restaurant. ? Make a souffle cheesecake I hope in the new menu.
さおり on Google

ティラミス、べちゃべちゃで、ケーキ全部美味しくないです…Σ(゚Д゚ υ) 残念?
Tiramisu, it's messed up, and all the cakes aren't delicious… Σ (Д υ) Regrettable

ガトーショコラを頂きましたが、しっとり感がなく、パサパサでした。 クリームもただ上にのせてあるだけでデザイン感もありませんでした。 クチコミを見て行きましたが、ちょっと残念。
I had a gateau chocolate, but it was dry and not moist. The cream was just put on top and there was no sense of design. I went to see the word-of-mouth communication, but I'm a little disappointed.
・ゝ・ on Google

定番ケーキも季節限定のケーキも特にハズレというのがなく美味しいけど、特にモンブランとマルジョレーヌがおすすめです。 タルトもさつま芋のがいくらでも食べられるくらいには美味しい。 身内の方が作られるクリスマスケーキの見本が可愛いのでこっそり毎年楽しみにしてます。
Both standard cakes and seasonal cakes are delicious without any loss, but Montblanc and Marjoraine are especially recommended. The tart is delicious enough to eat as many sweet potatoes as you like. The sample Christmas cakes made by my relatives are cute, so I'm looking forward to it every year.

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