Import Shop TREND - Okayama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Import Shop TREND

住所 :

808 Koshinden, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0203, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 701-0203
Webサイト :

808 Koshinden, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0203, Japan
しのはらクロ on Google

いろんな雑貨、特に海外のものもあって行く度に長居しがちに。 見てて面白いので一見する価値アリだと思います。
I tend to stay longer every time I go with various miscellaneous goods, especially overseas ones. It's interesting to see, so I think it's worth a look.
Kazuk Hiros on Google

There is something interesting. Please take a look.
orange sugar on Google

I came to the store because I was doing a Costco fair. It was a pity that the one I was looking for was already sold out. Maybe because Valentine's Day is near, there are various chocolates and it was fun just looking at them ?
Lucifiel Cherrywell on Google

中学生の頃から買い物に行ってますが、昔と比べて品揃えがだいぶビミョーになったのが残念その①。 まあ昔が無法地帯過ぎたってのもあるけれど、面白さに比例して店員さんの対応も悪くなってるところが残念その②。(昔も結構態度悪かったけどね。店内が面白かったからそれでチャラになってた部分はある) コロナの影響で営業時間がコロコロ変わるのは仕方ないと思うんだけど、それならもっとわかりやすく前もってHP上でも店頭でもハッキリ告知すればいいのに全然しないところが残念その③。 今日久し振りに行ったけれど、閉店時刻18時のはずなのに17時半回ったら蛍の光流しておもむろに閉店準備し始めてビックリしたのが残念その④。 …閉店時間が早すぎてなかなか来られなかったから、今日は少しは店内見られるかなーとか思ってたけど居心地悪くて18時まで居るのはさすがに何か無理でしたねえ。楽しみにしてたのに見事に気分打ち砕かれました。 商品も値上がってたし、同じものなら成城石井の方が安かったりしてこれがまた残念その⑤。 …もう当分いいや(´・ω・`) ↑こんなカンジなので、時間がある時に来ようかってなかなか思えなくなってます。 ゆっくり見る時間があってもそれは他のことに充てたくなっちゃう。 輸入食品取り扱ってるお店はここだけじゃないからね~。 うちからちょっと遠いんだけど、わざわざ行ってもあまり良い思いしないんだもん、他に行きたくもなるよ…。
I've been shopping since I was a junior high school student, but it's a pity that the product lineup has become much smaller than in the past. Well, there are times when the old days have passed the lawless zone, but it's a pity that the clerk's response is getting worse in proportion to the fun. (Although I had a bad attitude in the past, there was a part that became a chara because the inside of the store was interesting) I think it is unavoidable that the business hours will change due to the influence of corona, but if that is the case, it would be better to clearly announce it on the website or in the store in advance, but it is a pity that it does not happen at all. I went there for the first time in a long time today, but it was supposed to be 18:00, but when it turned around 17:30, I was surprised that I started preparing to close the store with the light of the firefly. ... I wasn't able to come because the closing time was too early, so I was wondering if I could see the inside of the store for a while today, but it was uncomfortable and I couldn't stay until 18:00. I was looking forward to it, but my mood was crushed. The price of the product has also risen, and if it is the same, Seijo Ishii is cheaper, which is a shame ⑤. … No more for the time being (´ ・ ω ・ `) ↑ Because it's such a kanji, it's hard to think that I should come when I have time. Even if you have time to look slowly, you will want to devote it to other things. This is not the only store that sells imported foods. It's a little far from my house, but I don't think it's good to go all the way, and I want to go elsewhere ...
SHUJI M. on Google

昔からあるインポートショップですが、食品、雑貨、飲料水、お酒、お菓子、喫煙グッズなどいろいろな商品を取り揃えていますので、店内を見て歩くたけでも楽しめるお店です。 特に調味料やビールはここぐらいしかお店に置いて無いものもあるのでたまに来店しています。 今はウィルス感染防止の為、 営業時間が変更になり、 お店の南側が入口専用で検温、アルコール除菌後に入店、 西側が出口専用となっています。
Although it is an imported shop that has been around for a long time, it has a variety of products such as food, miscellaneous goods, drinking water, liquor, sweets, and smoking goods, so you can enjoy it just by looking inside the shop. In particular, some seasonings and beer are only available here, so I come to the store once in a while. Now to prevent virus infection Business hours have changed, The south side of the store is dedicated to the entrance, temperature is measured, and the store is entered after alcohol sterilization. The west side is dedicated to the exit.
H P (2709) on Google

DL Allen on Google

I go to this place just about every weekend. I wish they still sold Ragu spaghetti sauce.
Greyson Fauchard on Google

One of the largest import shops in Okayama, it has a lot of things that are otherwise difficult to find in Japan. The addition of some Kirkland merchandise means you can even get some Costco dry goods at a mark-up but without the need for a membership.

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