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Contact 柏新宿整形外科内科

住所 :

Imayakamicho, Kashiwa, 〒277-0074 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877999
Webサイト : http://www.kashiwa-arajyuku.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Imayakamicho, Kashiwa, 〒277-0074 Chiba,Japan
May on Google

It's extremely crowded, but anyway, the middle-aged female at the reception echoes loudly in the waiting room. The type of laughter that is often found in the workplace, laughing out loud and trying to get the mount on the spot. It's very unpleasant because all the people are waiting for a long time while I'm feeling sick. I waited for an hour, but I couldn't stand it and canceled it.
カリスタ on Google

The children have been taken care of many times due to broken bones. I will wait for the doctor's examination if I don't take the turn early, but I think it can't be helped. They always explain in detail and give me paper, so it's easy to explain to the club activity adviser teacher and husband after returning. He answered the questions many times and I think he is a good teacher. One star minus is the Tame language of the receptionist and the medical treatment room. Tame is familiar to each person, and it depends on each person, but the old and young staff's Tame is resistant to my generation. I have the impression that there are many elderly people waiting in the medical treatment room. It's close, so I'll continue to take care of you.
chari san on Google

10年くらい前にここの医者と半ば喧嘩になった。 他所でレントゲンを撮って出た診断結果は「○○だと思われる」というもの。 「うちには無いがMRIを撮ればハッキリする」と言われ、こちらの整形外科を訪問。ところが経緯を話し再びレントゲンを撮った結果、「○○だと思われる」と同じことを言われた。 私はMRIで確かな結果が欲しくて来たのだ。 「MRI撮って欲しい」と言っても「高いですよ」などと言い全く患者の希望も目的も無視。 非常に感じの悪い患者を馬鹿にした対応だったことを覚えている。
About 10 years ago, I had a mid-quarrel with the doctor here. The diagnosis result obtained by taking an X-ray at another place is "I think it is XX". He visited this orthopedic surgeon because he said, "I don't have it, but if I take an MRI, it will be clear." However, as a result of talking about the circumstances and taking an X-ray again, he was told the same thing as "I think it is XX". I wanted a reliable result on MRI. Even if I say "I want you to take an MRI", I say "It's expensive" and ignore the patient's wishes and purposes at all. I remember that it was a fool of a very unpleasant patient.
T K on Google

地元で人気の整形外科なので、土日に受診する際は、ある程度は待つ覚悟で行く方が良い。 待つことは、待つが整骨院に通っても良くならなかった腰痛が驚くほど改善したので、整骨院に通っていた時間と費用が無駄に感じた。(個人的感想) 本気で改善を願うなら一度受診されては如何でしょうか。 非常勤の先生でしたが、親切に話を聞いて頂き、丁寧に処置してくれました。
Since it is a popular orthopedic surgery in the local area, it is better to be prepared to wait for a while when visiting on Saturdays and Sundays. Waiting was a surprising improvement in my back pain, which I had to wait for but didn't get better at the osteopathic clinic, so I felt that the time and expense of attending the osteopathic clinic was wasted. (Personal impression) If you really want to improve, why don't you go to the clinic once? Although he was a part-time teacher, he kindly listened to me and treated me politely.
三浦義晃 on Google

??????? 医院は南柏駅東口を出て旧水戸街道の交差点付近にあり多くの人に利用されているようです。 患者は辛い時や副反応が出たときは直接担当医師に相談しますが、適切なアドバイスが無ければ患者はどうして良いやら分からないです。 特に痛みの酷い時はパニック状態になっているので尚更適切な処方を望んでいます。 なので、担当医師は患者と向き合って一緒になって病気と闘う気持ちが伝わるように対応してもらいたいです。 大きな病院より土日に対応してくれる医院の方が患者と向き合うことが大切と思います。 残念ながら自分には気持ちが伝わってきませんでした。
??????? The clinic is located near the intersection of the old Mito Kaido after leaving the east exit of Minamikashiwa Station, and seems to be used by many people. Patients consult their doctor directly when they have a hard time or have side reactions, but without proper advice, the patient does not know what to do. Especially when the pain is severe, I am in a panic state, so I want an even more appropriate prescription. Therefore, I would like the doctor in charge to deal with the patient so that he / she can feel the feeling of fighting the illness together with the patient. I think it is more important for the clinic that handles weekends to deal with patients than for large hospitals. Unfortunately, I couldn't convey my feelings.
賢者タイム(焦燥感) on Google

圧倒的に待ち時間が長すぎる… (待つのは手際ではなく患者が多すぎるせい) 診察室、施術のキャパに対して待合室の席数が多すぎるせいで、30人近くの患者(主に高齢者)が待機しています。 自分は施術開始までに2時間くらい待ちました。各施術ごとに待つことになるのでかなり時間の余裕がないといけませんね。
The waiting time is overwhelmingly too long ... (Waiting isn't clever, it's because there are too many patients) Nearly 30 patients (mainly elderly people) are waiting because there are too many seats in the waiting room for the examination room and the capacity of the treatment. I waited for about 2 hours before the treatment started. You have to have a lot of time to wait for each treatment.
T O on Google

受付、医師の態度が憮然としていて高圧的です。 老人の溜まり場です。9割老人。土日も容赦なく開院前からものすごい人数が井戸端会議しています。 大した処置でもないのに3時間要しました。 またこれ最悪だったのですが。 受付を済ませ、院外で待つと伝えると時間を区切られ、それに少し遅れたら 受付「診察できません。ルールです。」 遅れると診察できませんといった説明もなく完全に独自ルール。 まだまだ山のように老人が待っていたし、受付は済ませていたので診察不可の説明を求めると 無駄に大きなカラコンをつけた小太りの受付がヒステリックに声を荒げ、説明もできずキャンキャン同じことを繰り返すので聞いているこちらが恥ずかしくなって帰りました。 公共の場でよくあんなに感情的になれるなと感心しました。 もう二度と行きません。
The attitude of the receptionist and the doctor is stunning and overwhelming. It is a hangout for old people. 90% old man. Even on Saturdays and Sundays, a tremendous number of people are having a well-end meeting before the hospital opens. It took 3 hours though it was not a big treatment. This was the worst again. If you finish the reception and tell that you will wait outside the hospital, the time will be divided, and if you are a little late Receptionist "I can't see you. It's a rule." It is a completely original rule without explanation that you cannot see the doctor if you are late. The old man was still waiting like a mountain, and the reception was finished, so when I asked for an explanation that medical examination was impossible The overweight receptionist who put on a large colored contact lens in vain was hysterically screaming, and I couldn't explain it, so I repeated the same thing, so I was embarrassed to go home. I was impressed that I couldn't be so emotional in public. I will never go there again.
gyo mfy on Google

先生や看護師、整体師に受付 皆様言われるほどひどくないと思いますよ 子供が骨折したときはよく見てくれました。 ただし、待ち時間が凄まじく長いですね。 待合室はお年寄りの集会所になってる有様。 病院も患者さんも悪くないのですがこちらでは国の社会保障費増大の原因を垣間見ることができます。
Teachers and nurses, accepted the bone crusher I think that everyone is so bad Children gave me a good look when you fracture. However, it is a tremendously long wait. Waiting room plight has become the elderly of the meetinghouse. Hospital you can also glimpse the cause of the country's social security costs increased in here but I patients is not bad.

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