Imahashikankokaju Orchards - Ishioka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Imahashikankokaju Orchards

住所 :

1959 Obata, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0155, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899789
Postal code : 315-0155

1959 Obata, Ishioka, Ibaraki 315-0155, Japan
hiro nak on Google

You can pick oranges and pick kiwi
Oonuki Yuko on Google

I came here for the first time in 20 years, but I was happy to remember it and welcome it again ? The oranges and persimmons were as delicious as they used to be.
柴沼淳 on Google

It is a popular orchard where you can stop by a large sightseeing bus. Of course the taste was the best and I could enjoy autumn.
マツモトケンジ on Google

毎年ぶどう狩りでお世話になりますが、今年は我慢して、発送をお願いしました。 早く、これまで通り遊びに行けるようになって欲しいです!
Thank you for the grape hunting every year. I want you to be able to go to play as soon as possible!
山崎圭一郎 on Google

ぶどう狩りに旧八郷町へ 雨が降っている中でしたが、おじいちゃんがとても親切で、大変楽しくぶどう狩りできました。 娘も大変喜んで、雨の中来て良かったと思った一日となりました。 この辺りは、どこもそうなのでしょうが、激安の値段。お父さんの財布にも大変優しい素敵な所でした(笑)
Go to the old Yatsugo-cho for grape picking It was raining, but Grandpa was very kind and I was able to hunt grapes very much. It was a day when my daughter was very happy and I thought it was good to come in the rain. This is the same as anywhere, but the price is super cheap. It was a nice place that was very kind to my father's wallet (laughs)
長谷こう on Google

The shape was bad, but it was a delicious orange with a strong taste.
Vice President SAM on Google

12上旬だからなのかは解りませんが、甘くはなかったです。残念…。 しかも、3歳児と私の2人で800円でした。 時間制限はなさそうですね。 あとは、親父さんがメイン通路の脇で●っしょんしてました。 駐車場が凄く狭いです。皆さん擦るか擦らないかギリギリの運転で、こちらとしては見ていて冷や冷やものです。 満車の場合は、車が出せなくなる事も覚悟しなければならないレベルです。
I don't know if it's early 12th, but it wasn't sweet. Sorry ... Moreover, it was 800 yen for a 3-year-old child and myself. There seems to be no time limit. After that, my dad was at the side of the main aisle. The parking lot is very small. Everyone is driving at the last minute whether to rub or not, and it is chilly to see here. If the car is full, you must be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to get out of the car.
900 yuki on Google

みかん狩りでお邪魔しました。 名前はわかりませんが3種類くらいのミカンがあるのかな? 酸味のある大きなみかん、甘味の強い中ぐらいのみかん、小さくて強い酸味のみかん。どれも香り豊かで美味しかったです。 雨降りの翌日でしたがそんなに泥々ではないのがよかったです。
I went to pick oranges. I don't know the name, but I wonder if there are about 3 types of oranges. Large sour oranges, medium sweet oranges, small and strongly sour oranges. All were fragrant and delicious. It was the day after it rained, but it was good that it wasn't so muddy.

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