ILLYLANG (イルイラン)

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ILLYLANG (イルイラン)

住所 :

Saijocho Misonou, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0024 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Saijocho Misonou, Higashihiroshima, 〒739-0024 Hiroshima,Japan
森常直子 on Google

There were many flowers that I rarely see. It's a fashionable shop.
3157 YK on Google

The store manager feels very good and has a good taste. It was the most cozy florist I've ever had! The gift flowers were also very nice!
daq pad on Google

東広島市の閑静な住宅街にたたずむように構えられたほんとうにこじんまりとしたアットホームな花屋さんです。 看板も小さくぼやっとしていたら通り過ぎてしまうので注意。 しかしながら、オーナーのセンスがギンギンに光った店内の雰囲気、見せ方、花の選び方は本当に素晴らしいです。 他店に比べ店舗規模からして花の量はありませんが、しっかりと選ばれた花々でかならずお客様のご希望に沿ってくれます。 観葉植物も本当に雰囲気のいいものが揃っているのでお勧めです。 また、ないものはオーナーのセンスに任せてご注文されるのもおすすめかもしれません。
It is a really small and cozy florist that is set up in a quiet residential area of ​​Higashihiroshima City. If the signboard is too small and blurred, it will pass by so be careful. However, the atmosphere of the store, the way the flowers are displayed, and the way the flowers are selected are really wonderful. Compared to other stores, there aren't as many flowers as the size of the store, but the well-selected flowers always meet the customer's wishes. We also recommend you to choose the foliage plants that have a really good atmosphere. In addition, it may be recommended that you order items that you do not have, depending on the taste of the owner.
seiichi matsumoto on Google

たまたま東広島へ用事があり、帰りに検索をして出てきたお店? 店舗自体は分かりにくかったのですが、見つけた瞬間とても雰囲気が良くいいものを作ってくれる予感がしました。 実際、予感的中で、低予算でもしっかりしたのを作ってもらい満足でした!!
I happened to have a business trip to Higashi-Hiroshima, and I searched for it on my way home ? The store itself was difficult to understand, but the moment I found it, I had the feeling that it would make something with a very nice atmosphere. In fact, I was happy to have a solid product made even on a low budget. !!
Shinya Mukai on Google

皆さんが言ってるように、アットホームな花屋さん!店主さんは、広島市内の森川さんや、ガーガンさんの出身。観葉植物もオシャレで素敵なのが、たくさん有ります!! "要る 要らん" でイルイランみたいです☆
As you say, a cozy florist! The owner is from Morikawa-san and Gargan-san in Hiroshima city. There are many fashionable and wonderful foliage plants! !! "I don't need it" and it looks like Il Iran ☆
きょうこ on Google

めちゃくちゃ素敵なお店です‼️ オシャレ? また機会があれば伺いたいです‼️
It's a really nice shop! ️ Fashionable ? I would like to ask if there is another opportunity! ️
Tsutsumi Toshi on Google

花の事は全く知らないのですが、撮影に使いたい小道具としての花が欲しくて来店させて頂きました。 思ったよりお客さん多くて長くは相談出来なかったのですが、色々と教えて貰い助かりました。 オーストラリアンデイジーを購入して、早速チーズケーキを撮影。いい感じの花で良かったです、また観に行こう。
I don't know about flowers at all, but I came to the store because I wanted flowers as props I wanted to use for shooting. There were more customers than I expected and I couldn't consult for a long time, but I was grateful for the various teachings. I bought an Australian daisy and took a picture of cheesecake immediately. I'm glad I had a nice flower, let's go see it again.
Debopriya Mondal on Google

We found this place on Google. On visiting here, we were welcomed by the warm and kind florist who tried their best to communicate with us in broken English. There is array of flowers to choose from this small yet creative shop. We bought a bunch of roses, a few other flowers and got a pretty house plant too (Alocasia bambino). Lovely store!

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