Ikuseikai Yokohama Hospital - Yokohama

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikuseikai Yokohama Hospital

住所 :

200-7-200-9 Karibacho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 240-0025
Webサイト : http://ikuseikai-yokohama.com/

200-7-200-9 Karibacho, Hodogaya Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 240-0025, Japan
S S on Google

歯科に受診しましたが、ドクター、ナースはテキパキしており丁寧で説明もちゃんとして下さいます。 受付の女性は感じ悪過ぎ、話を最後まで聞かない。無駄話が目立つので体勢見直した方が良い気がしますね。
I visited dentistry, but doctors and nurses are lively and polite, so please explain properly. The receptionist's woman feels too bad and hear the story to the end. Since useless talk stands out, it seems better to review the position.
月餅 on Google

I visit the hospital with my family, but it's a mysterious hospital that is always open. There is no particular dissatisfaction with the medical treatment and treatment itself.
shin taka on Google

口腔外科にお世話になりました。歯科助手の方がとても雑です。一般的な歯科とは比べ物にならないくらい対応が雑です。掃除がとにかく痛く、お掃除で口の中が血だらけになったのはここが初めてです。(勿論私は歯周病や歯肉炎はありません) 麻酔が下手くそでまぁまぁ痛みを感じ、かかりつけの歯科で痛かったことはないので驚きました。 また、抜糸後も違和感を覚え自分で確認すると糸の取り忘れがあり後日改めて行くはめになりました。その際、やったのは僕じゃないしカルテにはちゃんと書いたと先生に言われましたが...そんなことは患者からしたらどうでもいいこと。素直にお詫びしてもらえず不愉快でした。 親知らず抜歯のために行きましたがもう行くことはないでしょう。
Thank you for your oral surgery. The dental assistant is very rough. The correspondence is so rough that it is not comparable to general dentistry. This is the first time I've had a pain in cleaning, and my mouth was covered in blood. (Of course I do not have periodontal disease or gingivitis) My anesthesia was so bad that I felt so painful and I was surprised because I didn't have any pain in my dentistry. Also, I felt a sense of discomfort even after removing the yarn, and when I checked it myself, I forgot to remove the yarn, so I had to go to the store again later. At that time, my teacher told me that I didn't do it and I wrote it properly in the chart, but that doesn't matter to the patient. It was unpleasant because I could not apologize for it. I went for wisdom tooth without wisdom, but I will not go anymore.
符割光一 on Google

口腔外科で迅速な対応と丁寧な施術 でした。根本の抜きづらい歯も、しっかり抜いて貰いました。15時30分予約でしたが、14時についてしまい 待っていよう。と思いましたが すぐ、呼ばれ 麻酔の注射を 6ヶ所に打たれましたが 全然痛くなかったです それから、スポッと歯を2つに割り ポコッと 取り出してくれました。 先生、ありがとうございます。
Prompt response and careful treatment by oral surgery was. Even the hard-to-root teeth were pulled out firmly. I made a reservation at 3:30 pm Let's wait I thought Immediately called, an injection of anesthesia I was hit in 6 places It didn't hurt at all Then split the teeth into two He took it out. Thank you teacher.
ポンコツきよぴん on Google

The teacher is a waste at this hospital. In particular, the director has a quiet voice and does not understand what he is saying. Dermatologists will definitely be late. It is full of blood with the impression that the cleaning of the dental hygienist is done by force. The nurse has a bad attitude and does not listen properly. No apology even if other teachers wait. This is the first time for such a terrible hospital. You definitely shouldn't go.
しゃけ on Google

先程口腔外科でお世話になりました。 女性の方に歯の掃除をしていただいたのですが、歯の掃除がかなり雑で力任せです。自分はあまり言える人間ではないので我慢していましたが、かなり痛かったです。 終わった後少し血の味がする程です。 口腔外科に行かれる方はあまり行かない方がいいかもです。
Thank you for your help in oral surgery. I had a woman clean my teeth, but the cleaning of my teeth is quite rough and brute force. I wasn't very good at it, so I put up with it, but it hurt a lot. It tastes a little bloody after it's over. Those who go to oral surgery may not want to go too much.
Masako on Google

病院自体に活気がない、よくいえば静か。 口腔外科を受診。 担当医は非常に良い方。 歯科衛生士さんの歯の掃除は痛くはなかったが、丁寧でもないかな……
The hospital itself is not lively, in other words quiet. Visited oral surgery. The doctor in charge is very good. Cleaning the teeth of the dental hygienist didn't hurt, but I think it's polite ...
R on Google

レビューをするつもりはありませんでしたが、あまりにも頭にきたので。 親知らずが近くの歯科で処置できないということでこの病院を紹介された。 処置をされる先生の説明はわかりやすく、全く彼には問題はなかった。逆に良い方だと思った。 だが、このGoogleレビューでもよく言われている歯科助手はかなりの問題。手術当日、歯の掃除が雑でかなり痛く、手術前で緊張しているのにこれは無いだろうと思い文句を言った。その後、先生が助手に「患者さんが顔をしかめるとかなかったの?」と聞いても「いいえ」と。どんな目をしているんだ、、、 この人も手術に参加すると考えると恐ろしく、残念ながらその場で帰った。 その後に助手から電話がかかってきて、その声のトーンがまるで大人に謝れと言われた小学生のようで、謝る気が無いのがよく伝わって来て余計に頭に来た。 そういうのが気にならない人はどうぞ。
I didn't mean to review it, but it came to my mind too much. I was introduced to this hospital because my wisdom teeth couldn't be treated at a nearby dentist. The explanation of the teacher who was treated was easy to understand, and he had no problem at all. On the contrary, I thought he was a good person. However, the dental assistant, which is often mentioned in this Google review, is a serious problem. On the day of the surgery, I complained that cleaning my teeth was rough and painful, and I was nervous before the surgery, but I thought this would not be the case. After that, when the teacher asked the assistant, "Did the patient frown?", He said "No." What kind of eyes do you have ... It was scary to think that this person would also participate in the surgery, and unfortunately he returned on the spot. After that, an assistant called me, and the tone of the voice was like an elementary school student who was told to apologize to an adult. If you don't mind that kind of thing, please.

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