タカラスタンダード 飯田ショールーム

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タカラスタンダード 飯田ショールーム

住所 :

Ikuracho, Iida, 〒395-0152 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.takara-standard.co.jp/showroom_search/nagano/iida/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Ikuracho, Iida, 〒395-0152 Nagano,Japan
みいりり on Google

It was very beautiful, and the staff was good. It's an exciting place.
souta yanagi on Google

Takara standard's bath and kitchen ▪ Wash basins etc can be seen! ️ There is also tea etc. so I can do it slowly ? The enamel is good, is not it?
稲垣吉雄 on Google

責任者の方だと、おもいますが、 色々プランの、変更など、聞き取りしてくれた筈でしたが❗️ 女性目線で、どーとか言ってましたが❗️全く反映されてなかったです。 担当者は、もうちょっと責任持って当たって欲しかったです!
I think that you are the person in charge, He should have heard about changes to various plans. From a female perspective, I said something, but it wasn't reflected at all. The person in charge wanted a little more responsibility!
Yusuke on Google

担当者の方が本当に親切で感動しました。 もともとちょっと製品を見るだけの予定だったので、予約をせず行った上に、こだわりが多くちょっと面倒な客だったと思うのですが、嫌な顔ひとつせず2時間ほど案内をしてくださいました。 設計図もなかったので断片的にしか情報を渡せなかったのにも関わらず、こちらのニーズと可能なアレンジを真摯に考えてくれました。 会話の中での私たちのちょっとした発言とか希望を覚えていてくれて、あとの段階でそれも含めて色々提案してくださったりと、個人的にはかなり好印象でした。
The person in charge was really kind and impressed. Originally, I was just going to look at the product a little, so I went without making a reservation and I think that it was a little troublesome customer with a lot of commitment, but please guide me for about 2 hours without any disgusting face Was. Despite the fact that there was no blueprint and we were able to give information only in a fragmentary manner, he really considered his needs and possible arrangements. Personally, it was a very good impression, as he remembered our little remarks and hopes in the conversation and made various suggestions at a later stage.
コロタン on Google

I came to think about remodeling. The female explainer kindly answered this question politely.
kty tcy on Google

先日伺わせて頂きました。 こちらの都合で到着が遅れてしまい、予約時間の延長、大変申し訳ありませんでした。 担当して頂いた女性スタッフのかたは、面倒な質問にも丁寧に答えてくださり、またその場でわからないことも、すぐに資料等を用意して説明してくれました。こちらの優柔不断で長丁場になってしまいましたが、終止笑顔でのご対応、本当にありがとうございました。 娘のオムツ替えの際も、別のスタッフのかたが、こちらからお願いする前にトイレのスペースを確保してくれ、嬉しいと同時にとても驚きました。お店全体の接客レベルの高さを感じました。 展示してある商品もタカラさんなので品質は間違いなしです。 またよろしくお願いいたします。
I visited you the other day. We are very sorry for the extension of the reservation time due to the delay in arrival due to this reason. The female staff member who was in charge answered the troublesome questions politely, and immediately prepared materials and explained what I did not understand on the spot. This indecisiveness has made it a long time, but thank you very much for your support with a smile at the end. When changing my daughter's diapers, another staff member secured a toilet space before asking me, and I was very happy and surprised. I felt the high level of customer service of the entire store. The products on display are also Takara-san, so there is no doubt about the quality. I look forward to working with you again.
一般人のコウ on Google

「百聞は一見に如かず」 カタログでは見えない物が見えます。 コロナ対策もしっかりやっています。 安い買い物ではないと思うので一度見る事をお勧めします。
"seeing is believing" You can see things that you cannot see in the catalog. We are also taking measures against corona. I don't think it's a cheap purchase, so I recommend you to take a look.
Y. Iwata on Google

I have visited the Matsumoto showroom, but this was my first time at the Iida store. I made a reservation and came to the venue, so I carried it smoothly. Since my previous visit was about 30 years ago, I was impressed with the thoughtful exhibition methods of the recent showrooms. I felt awakened to be able to visually check the installation image using the tablet. I was also impressed that the education of the staff members was well done.

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