Ikuei High School - Kobe

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikuei High School

住所 :

2 Chome-1-15 Nagaocho, Nagata Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 653-0855, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 653-0855
Webサイト : http://www.ikuei.ac.jp/

2 Chome-1-15 Nagaocho, Nagata Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 653-0855, Japan
高田さとし on Google

We strongly protest the silent removal of scandals by school IP on Wikipedia.
Ugambow Fusinsya on Google

育英と名の付く学校はいくらでもある様だが、全てが全て系列だったり関連する学校って訳では無い。 たまたま問題が有りそうな育英と名の付く学校を見つけたので書き込み。
It seems that there are many schools named Ikuei, but not all are affiliated or related schools. I happened to find a school named Ikuei that seems to have a problem, so I wrote it down.
杉本秋香 on Google

Students are making noise on the train, or playing loud music and lying down in priority seats. To be honest, it's very annoying.
akitsushimahito on Google

近隣には、須磨学園、滝川学園もありますが、学力ヒエラルキー上では底辺となります。スポーツではそこそこ実績を出していますが、その面でも須磨学園に差を付けられているような・・・。 しかし、自分が高校生だった40年ほど前、バスケットボール部の試合で見たゴリラのような少年たちの印象は強烈に残っています。今も近所の高取山をダッシュで登っているのでしょうか?
Suma Gakuen and Takigawa Gakuen are also nearby, but they are at the bottom of the academic hierarchy. Although it has made some achievements in sports, it seems that Suma Gakuen is also different in that respect. However, about 40 years ago when I was a high school student, the impression of boys like gorillas that I saw in a basketball game remains strong. Are you still climbing Mt. Takatori in the neighborhood with a dash?
田原速生 on Google

It was my son's entrance ceremony. I don't know enough to make a detailed evaluation, so I will give it 3 stars.
門田恵美 on Google

生徒が集団でマスクもしないで堂々と喋りながら歩いてる。こっちはバス停で座ってるから飛沫あびまくり! タチの悪い生徒が多すぎる。
Students are walking in a group, talking openly without masks. I'm sitting at the bus stop, so I'm splashing! There are too many bad students.
Sゆう on Google

入学時の偏差値より出口偏差値が高いのが魅力的。 特進へ行けば一部を除けばやる気があり遅くまで自習して頑張っています。 やる気のない子は2年に上がるときに下のクラスへ移る子もいます。 イジメにはかなり厳しい。 初期の段階で相談すれば無くなると思います。 ただ、校則も厳しすぎるのが悲しい。
It is attractive that the exit deviation value is higher than the deviation value at the time of admission. If I go to a special advance, I am motivated except for some, and I am doing my best by studying until late. Some unmotivated children move to lower classes when they go up in the second year. It's pretty tough on bullying. I think that it will disappear if you consult at an early stage. However, it is sad that the school rules are too strict.
織地湧作 on Google

野球部電車の中でリュックしたまま乗車は 常識無さすぎる。朝の通勤ラッシュで人が多いにも関わらず。
Baseball club Riding with a backpack on the train It's too common sense. Despite the large number of people in the morning rush hour.

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