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Contact 三島池自然公園

住所 :

Ikeshita, Maibara, 〒521-0221 Shiga,Japan

街 : Shiga

Ikeshita, Maibara, 〒521-0221 Shiga,Japan
TH爺さま on Google

鴨や野鳥を見ながら散歩 少し離れていますが、長浜農高のイチョウ並木も奇麗ですよ?11月中旬には黄色くなりそうです。
Take a walk while watching ducks and wild birds It's a little far away, but the row of ginkgo trees at Nagahama Agricultural High School is also beautiful ? It looks like it will turn yellow in mid-November.
ブンブンぶらう on Google

The snow-covered Mt. Ibuki that shines on the surface of the lake was very beautiful. Since it is adjacent to the campsite of Green Park Shandong, please be sure to visit and enjoy this superb view.
matsun atsun on Google

雪がたくさん積もった後で訪ねました 池の大半が凍っていて、氷のない狭いところに鴨が集まっていました いいところです
I visited after a lot of snow Most of the pond was frozen, and ducks were gathering in a narrow space without ice. It's a good place
たかつきよかず on Google

池には?などの水鳥が沢山いますが、癒やされます。池周辺の散歩やジョギングが出来ます?そしてカメラマンも結構来ています。季節によって様々な自然がある。隣接するグリーンパーク山東とは道路などと繋がっています? 天気がよいと池の水面に霊峰伊吹山が映ります?
There are many waterfowl such as ? in the pond, but they are healed. You can take a walk or jogging around the pond ? And there are quite a few cameramen. There are various natures depending on the season. It is connected to the adjacent Green Park Santo with roads etc. ? When the weather is nice, Mt. Ibuki, a sacred mountain, is reflected on the surface of the pond ?
高橋康晴 on Google

The fresh green and autumn leaves are beautiful, but I personally prefer the winter when Ibukiyama in the snow can be seen.
hobbyday Tatsu on Google

It is a hidden spot where you can see Mt. Ibuki upside down. You can see the magnificent scenery regardless of the season. You can also go around the lakeside.
大石なごみ on Google

紅葉の この時期 毎年 三島池に多くの渡り鳥がやって来ます。 紅葉も綺麗ですが、食パンを持参して渡り鳥にあげてると、結構 近くまで寄ってきてくれます。 隣で子供達が エサをあげて喜んでいる姿を観ていると、ついつい私も童心にかえりエサをあげてる自分がいます? 池から辺りを見渡すと 伊吹山が見えて感動‼️
Many migratory birds come to Mishima Pond every year during this time of autumn colors. The autumn leaves are also beautiful, but if you bring bread and give it to migratory birds, it will come close to you. When I was watching the children next to me and were happy to feed them, I just found myself feeding them back to my childhood ? When you look around from the pond, you can see Mt. Ibuki and you will be impressed! ️
川瀬秀優(043photo) on Google

秋の紅葉と冬の三島池を望む伊吹山は、地元では容易に訪れることが出来るスポットです。 (未だ経験は無いですが、源氏蛍も有名の様ですね。) 特に山頂が赤く染まる夕方は季節を問わず、風情が有ります。 秋は青い空と池に写し出された伊吹山のリフレクション、紅葉した周りの木々と赤く染まったもみじを写真に収めることも可能?です。 今回は冬に訪れましたが、積雪した伊吹山をメインに、雪で埋まる風景は、池の鴨をはじめとした野鳥とのコラボも趣きがありますよ。 因みに、鴨は餌付けされている様で人を怖がりません。だから思った以上に向こうから近くに寄ってきます。 望遠レンズをお持ちの方は、鴨の飛翔を簡単に撮影出来ますよ。 但し、伊吹山山頂が雲で隠れたり、曇り空だったり、風が強すぎたりして、それなりにベストなタイミングはなかなか無いかな? でも、今年は池に氷も張って、この時期ならではの良い感じでしたよ。
Mt. Ibuki, which overlooks the autumn leaves and Mishima Pond in winter, is a spot that can be easily visited locally. (I haven't experienced it yet, but it seems that Genji firefly is also famous.) Especially in the evening when the mountaintop is dyed red, there is a taste regardless of the season. Is it possible to take a picture of the blue sky, the reflection of Mt. Ibuki reflected in the pond, the trees around the autumn leaves and the maple dyed in red in autumn? is. I visited this time in winter, but the scenery filled with snow, centered on Mt. Ibuki, which has a lot of snow, has a taste of collaboration with wild birds such as duck in the pond. By the way, the duck seems to be fed and does not scare people. That's why I'm coming closer than I expected. If you have a telephoto lens, you can easily shoot the flight of a duck. However, the summit of Mt. Ibuki is hidden by clouds, the sky is cloudy, and the wind is too strong. But this year, the pond was covered with ice, which was a good feeling only at this time.

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