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Contact ふるはた皮ふ科クリニック

住所 :

Ikejiri, Setagaya City, 〒154-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : http://www.furuhata-hifuka.com/
街 : Tokyo

Ikejiri, Setagaya City, 〒154-0001 Tokyo,Japan
池田篤志 on Google

態度が悪い、人の話を聞かない、人に話を伝える気がない。 行った自分を後悔、時間の無駄。 もう二度と行かない。 行こうか考えている人、悪いことは言わないから行かないことが賢明です。 そんな感じだから待ち時間もなくすぐに終わる。
I have a bad attitude, I don't listen to people, I don't feel like talking to people. I regret myself, wasting time. I will never go again. Those who are thinking about going, it is wise not to go because they do not say bad things. It's that kind of feeling, so it ends immediately without waiting.
浜名真以 on Google

スピーディーな診察で大変助かります。 他の病院で原因不明と言われて薬も出してもらえなかった生生について、古畑先生はすぐにわかってくださり、良いお薬を出してくださり、すぐ良くなり驚きました。信頼できるお医者さんだと思います。
A speedy examination will be very helpful. Dr. Furuhata immediately understood about the life of a student who was told that the cause was unknown at another hospital and did not give me any medicine, and he gave me a good medicine. I think he is a reliable doctor.
GON OKM on Google

The other day my son roughly cut the back of his hand with a knife. I rushed in a hurry, but the teacher sewed it quickly. Thanks to the teacher's accurate judgment, no scars are left. I am indebted to cosmetology, but I am saved at a reasonable price. I would like to continue to take care of my parents and children.
Tom Nag on Google

Prescriptions may vary from doctor to doctor, but no radical treatment was given here. The symptomatology was temporarily relieved by the drug, but it was not completely cured. I moved to a reputable clinic, but I changed it because the medicines I have used so far are too strong and are good now but not good in the future.
もんさー on Google

古畑病院は人によって感じ方が変わる病院です。 先生がサバサバしていてとてもスピーディーなので、その態度が悪くも良くも思われる感じです。 私は速くて楽だなと思いました しかし、スピーディーな分冷たく思われる事もあると思うのでゆっくりじっくりがいい方は別の医者に行ったほうが良いかもしれません
Furuhata Hospital is a hospital where people feel differently. The teacher is sloppy and very speedy, so I feel that his attitude is bad or good. I thought it was fast and easy However, I think that it may seem cold because it is speedy, so it may be better to go to another doctor if you want to take your time slowly.
T I on Google

診療に無駄がなくて、とても良いです。 知識も豊富で、すごく腕は良いと思います。 世間話、無駄話をしたい患者さんには、受けは良くないかも。
There is no waste in medical treatment and it is very good. He has a lot of knowledge and I think he is very good at it. It may not be good for patients who want to talk about small talk and wasteful talk.
K S on Google

どうかと思います。 上から目線で偉そうな物言い。 揚げ足をとる返答。 とても感じの良い親身な掛かりつけの内科医師と比べてしまう。言い方一つで患者の気持ちは変わると言うことを学んで頂きたい。 開業してからは待ち時間がほぼないので、以前は態度の悪さは受け流して通いましたがもう行きません。 仕事半休を取ってまだ行く価値が無い。 看護師さんへの態度もいつも偉そうで非常に不愉快。 いつも空いていて待ち時間が少ない事に改めて納得しました。
I wonder if. A word that seems to be great from the top. A reply that takes a fried leg. Compared to a very pleasant and friendly physician. I would like you to learn that one way of saying it changes the feelings of patients. Since there is almost no waiting time after opening, I used to pass on my bad attitude, but I will not go anymore. It's not worth taking a half-day off from work yet. The attitude towards the nurse always seems to be great and very unpleasant. I was convinced again that it was always free and there was little waiting time.
RNPP RNPp on Google

The doctor is the worst. When I tried to confirm any unclear points, I answered that it seemed to be troublesome. What do you mean by a doctor? It's extremely unpleasant. I was surprised that such a doctor exists nowadays. I don't want to give a rating of 1

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