Ikebukuroezaki Ladies Clinic - Toshima City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ikebukuroezaki Ladies Clinic

住所 :

池袋岸野ビル 4F 2 Chome-13-1 Ikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 171-0014
Webサイト : https://ez-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–1PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–1PM
Thursday 8:30AM–1PM
Friday 8:30AM–1PM

あえ on Google

採卵1回移植4回とも陰性。 転院したら1回目で妊娠しました。 それぞれに合ったオーダーメイド制と言っていたがやり方は全て一緒です。 転院したいので紹介状を書いて欲しいとお願いしたら女医も若めの男性医師も明らかに態度悪くなります。 その後、胚盤胞も1つ残っていたので望みをかけて移植しましたが、移植もとても雑。 他院でのERA検査で窓が開くのが1日遅いことが判明し、検査結果を見せて移植スケジュールを組んでもらったはずなのに、何故か黄体ホルモン補充4日目での移植スケジュールを渡された(通常は5日目だが私の場合は6日目) 知識がないのか?適当なのか?全く信用出来ません。 転院して経緯を説明して、必要な検査をしてもらい適切な治療をしてもらったら一発で妊娠できました。 金儲けしか考えていない病院です。 あんな嫌な思いをしながら、1年の時間と130万を無駄にしました。 不妊治療に無知であまり調べずに病院選びをしてしまったことに、ただただ後悔しかありません。
Negative for 1 egg collection and 4 transplants. When I was transferred to another hospital, I became pregnant the first time. It was said that it was a custom-made system that suits each, but the methods are all the same. I want to transfer to another hospital, so if I ask for a letter of introduction, both the female doctor and the young male doctor will obviously have a bad attitude. After that, there was one blastocyst left, so I transplanted it with hope, but the transplant was also very rough. An ERA test at another hospital revealed that the window opened one day late, and I should have been asked to set up a transplant schedule by showing the test results, but for some reason I was given a transplant schedule on the 4th day of progesterone replacement. (Usually the 5th day, but in my case the 6th day) Do you have no knowledge? Is it appropriate? I can't trust it at all. I was transferred to another hospital, explained the circumstances, had the necessary tests done, and received appropriate treatment, and I was able to get pregnant in one shot. It is a hospital that only thinks about making money. I wasted a year and 1.3 million while feeling so unpleasant. I just regret that I was ignorant of fertility treatment and chose a hospital without much research.
MO L on Google

I am grateful that I received it microscopically without much difficulty here, but I do not recommend it at all. Since the director is strict, it is impossible for people who cannot do it. I couldn't go through the schedule that was set up only once, so when I asked for another day, I was forced to leave, and when I was called next time, about 6 young doctors or nurses were standing in line, and the director. I was preached to be aware that your selfishness is annoying to the staff here. There were frozen eggs, and I apologized reluctantly at that time, but I thought I would definitely transfer to another hospital if I didn't get pregnant next time. Since then, I have never met the director and graduated, but I still have unpleasant memories. If you get pregnant, your arms are good, otherwise you doubt your arms, I think it's natural. If you are convinced by seeing the word-of-mouth, even if you say something unpleasant like me, the way you think about it will be different, so it should be helpful as much as possible. However, if you are taken care of by the next infertility treatment, it is better not to have extra stress, so if you can not follow the director's policy and get scolded, I personally will look for another hospital.
ふくひろ on Google

At the age of 40, I was able to get pregnant safely by in vitro fertilization. I was transferred to this hospital before starting treatment because it was incompatible with the first clinic. As a result, it is a great answer. The clinic is very clean and everything is speedy. I was able to leave the treatment accurately and with peace of mind. It is highly recommended for those who want to get results. I have already graduated, but I feel lonely. I'm really thankful to you.
磯野たらお on Google

第一子はこちらの体外受精で妊娠し、現在第二子も同じく体外受精で妊娠中です。 働きながら続けられる、初診予約を取れる、待ち時間が短い、オープン時に並ばなくてもいいというのはとてもありがたかったです。 血液検査をその場で結果待ちするとき以外は1時間もかからないので、仕事をしている身としては予定が立てやすかったです。 院長先生の方針は独特で、合う合わないはあるかと思いますが、スピードを持って治療してくれることと、OHSSで苦しんだときも非常に丁寧に対応していただき感謝しています。 ただ、わりとシンプルでオプションや説明の少ないクリニックです。たぶん、有名医院で最新の検査や治療を受けたい、インフォームド・コンセントを重視したい、お金に糸目をつけずあらゆる手を尽くしたい、という思いのある方には正直向かないと思います。サプリや漢方薬などは販売も処方も一切ありません。 不妊治療は通院と治療自体が過酷です。 オプションが多く、カウンセラーと相談して自分で時間をかけて治療方針を決めなければいけなかった前の医院では私は挫折しかけました。 逆にここに転院して、シンプルに治療に集中することで続けられました。 とにかく無理なく続けられるクリニックだと思います。
The first child is pregnant by this in vitro fertilization, and the second child is also pregnant by in vitro fertilization. I was very grateful that I could continue working while working, I could make an appointment for the first visit, the waiting time was short, and I didn't have to line up at the time of opening. It took less than an hour except when I was waiting for the results of the blood test on the spot, so it was easy for me to make a schedule as a working person. The director's policy is unique, and I think there may be some disagreements, but I am grateful for the speedy treatment and the very polite response when I suffer from OHSS. However, it is a relatively simple clinic with few options and explanations. Perhaps it is not suitable for those who want to receive the latest tests and treatments at famous clinics, emphasize informed consent, and want to do everything without paying attention to money. There are no sales or prescriptions for supplements or Chinese herbs. Infertility treatment is a harsh hospital visit and treatment itself. I was frustrated at the previous clinic where I had to spend a lot of time deciding on my own treatment policy in consultation with a counselor because of the many options. On the contrary, I was transferred to this hospital and continued by simply focusing on treatment. Anyway, I think it's a clinic that can be continued without difficulty.
Kaori Minami on Google

「とにかく早く、出来るだけ多くの患者さんを妊娠させてあげたい/あげるんだ」という想いと実践が見える、とても良いクリニックでした。 初診の際にクリニックの治療方針について院長先生よりご説明いただき、「素人があれこれ考えを巡らせるよりは、プロの大船に身を任せる方が確実だろうし気も楽だな」と感じたため、こちらで治療をお願いしました。 初診の面談で、今後の治療の流れ・時期・費用等がわかりやすくまとめられた資料をいただけます。おかげで治療中特に疑問や不安のない状態で過ごすことができましたし、次はいつ頃何をやるかがいつもわかっていたので仕事の調整もしやすかったです。 院長先生については色んな口コミが挙がっていますが、個人的には信頼できる非常に良い先生だと感じました。お話は非常にわかりやすく筋が通っていますし、こちらからの質問にもしっかり答えてくださいます。優しい方だと思いますよ。とことん無駄を省いているせいでちょっとわかりにくいですけれど笑 患者の幸せ=患者が妊娠することと捉え、たくさんの患者を幸せにするための最善策を追求していらっしゃる印象です。最善を求めるためには私たち患者の理解と協力も不可欠で、そのために患者に釘を刺さなければならない時に、憎まれ役を一人で背負ってらっしゃるのが院長先生なんだと思います。 「自分のためにしっかり時間を割いて欲しい」とか「自分の都合に合わせて欲しい」という思いが強い方には、このクリニックは向いていないかと思います。 逆に「妊娠するために必要なことだけを効率的に行っていきたい、そのために必要な自己調整は自分でできる」方には、こちらのクリニックを強くお勧めします。 他の先生方もとても和やかで温かな方々ばかりでした。よく耳を傾け、疑問にも丁寧に答えていただけます。 総じて、いつも気持ちよく通えた、素敵なクリニックでした。 次もまたお世話になりたいです。
It was a very good clinic where I could see the thought and practice of "I want to get as many patients as possible / give them as soon as possible". At the time of the first visit, the director explained the treatment policy of the clinic, and I felt that it would be more reliable and easier for an amateur to leave himself to a professional Ofuna than to think about it. I asked for treatment. At the first visit, you can get the materials that summarize the flow, timing, cost, etc. of future treatment in an easy-to-understand manner. Thanks to that, I was able to spend my time without any doubts or anxieties during the treatment, and it was easy to adjust my work because I always knew when and what to do next. There have been various reviews about the director, but I personally felt that he was a very good teacher who I could trust. The story is very straightforward and makes sense, and you can answer any questions you may have. I think he is kind. It's a little difficult to understand because it's completely wasteful, but lol Patient happiness = I have the impression that you are pursuing the best measures to make many patients happy, considering that they are pregnant. The understanding and cooperation of our patients is indispensable for seeking the best, and when we have to pierce the patients for that purpose, I think that the director is the one who carries the hated role alone. I think this clinic is not suitable for those who have a strong desire to "take time for themselves" or "to suit their own convenience". On the other hand, we highly recommend this clinic to those who "want to do only what is necessary to get pregnant efficiently and can do the self-adjustment necessary for that". The other teachers were all very friendly and warm. You can listen carefully and answer your questions politely. Overall, it was a nice clinic that I could always feel comfortable with. I would like to take care of you again next time.
ムチャ on Google

38歳AMH1.5 最初から体外受精をするために受診しました。 初めての不妊治療だったので、色々病院を調べたところ 月8回以上の通院が必要なのに、不妊治療医院では3時間待ちなども当たり前とのことだったので ・待ち時間が少ない ・スマホアプリで簡単に予約(かなり空いています)&変更ができる ・HPの文面に抽象的な表現がなく、知りたいことが全て書いてある えざきさんにしました。 良かった点 ・いつでもネットから予約が出来る ・待ち時間が少ない ・治療説明のプリントや手順マニュアルが分かりやすい 人によるかもしれない点 ・遅刻やスケジュールの変更や忘れ物に対する厳しい姿勢 採卵のための自己注射や通院や薬を飲むのは1回目はしんどいですが、2回目は慣れます。 薬は量や種類が多いので日付別のピルケースに入れて飲むのがおすすめです。 1回目の採卵は3個で受精卵は育たず、2回目の採卵は6個中4個受精卵になったので、2回目の受精卵を移植して妊娠しました。 まだ4か月なのでどうなるかは分かりませんが、お世話になりました。
38 years old AMH1.5 I had a medical examination from the beginning to perform in vitro fertilization. It was my first fertility treatment, so I checked various hospitals. Although it is necessary to go to the hospital more than 8 times a month, it was natural to wait for 3 hours at the fertility clinic. ・ Low waiting time ・ You can easily make a reservation (quite free) and change it with the smartphone app. ・ There is no abstract expression in the text of the HP, and everything you want to know is written. I chose Ezaki-san. good point ・ You can make a reservation online at any time. ・ Low waiting time ・ Easy-to-understand prints of treatment instructions and procedure manuals Points that may depend on the person ・ Strict attitude toward late arrivals, schedule changes, and things left behind Self-injection for egg collection, going to the hospital and taking medicine are difficult the first time, but I get used to it the second time. Since there are many types and amounts of medicines, it is recommended to put them in a pill case for each date. The first egg collection was 3 eggs and the fertilized egg did not grow, and the second egg collection was 4 out of 6 fertilized eggs, so I transplanted the second fertilized egg and became pregnant. It's only 4 months, so I don't know what will happen, but thank you for your help.
のじ on Google

いろんな口コミを目に通してから伺いました。 一番最初に院長からお話がありますが、そのときにあなたは不妊です、と言われました(笑)その後の話も合理的で、私にとっては違和感がなかったです。 血液検査の時は1時間くらい待ちますが、それ以外は殆ど待ち時間はなく、30分程度で終わります。 予約もアプリで取りやすく、働きながらだととても通いやすかったです。 お陰様で採卵も移植も1回で妊娠できました。 結果が出たので言えるのかもしれませんが、ここにしてよかったです。
I visited after reading various reviews. At the very beginning, the director told me that you were infertile (laughs), and the rest of the story was rational, and I didn't feel any discomfort. At the time of blood test, I wait for about 1 hour, but other than that, there is almost no waiting time, and it takes about 30 minutes. It was easy to make reservations with the app, and it was very easy to go while working. Thanks to you, I was able to get pregnant with just one egg collection and transplantation. I may be able to say it because the result came out, but I'm glad I did it here.
かすちゃん on Google

第二子不妊で2020年9月に初めて受診し体外受精1回目で妊娠しましたが8週で稽留流産に。2021年8月にまた採卵から再チャレンジして凍結胚が3出来、現在妊娠6ヶ月になりました! 待ち時間も少なく、携帯で予約可能なのでとても楽です。 診察に関しては、自分に合ったプランを提示してくれるので先生を信じて治療していくのみです!どうやって治療していきたいですか?よりこれでやっていきましょう!というスタイルが私にはとても合っていました。 妊娠した時に先生も一緒に喜んでくれて嬉しかったです。 ありがとうございました。
I had my second child infertility for the first time in September 2020 and became pregnant with the first in vitro fertilization, but in 8 weeks I had a miscarriage. In August 2021, I re-challenge from egg collection and made 3 frozen embryos, and now I am 6 months pregnant! There is little waiting time and you can make a reservation on your mobile phone, so it's very easy. As for the medical examination, he / she will suggest a plan that suits you, so you only have to believe in the teacher and treat him! How do you want to be treated? The style of "let's do it with this!" Was very suitable for me. I was happy that the teacher was happy with me when I became pregnant. Thank you very much.

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