はなふさ皮膚科 池袋院

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact はなふさ皮膚科 池袋院

住所 :

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897987
Webサイト : https://mitakahifu.com/ikebukuro/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10:30AM–1PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–1PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10:30AM–1PM
Friday 10:30AM–1PM
街 : Tokyo

Ikebukuro, Toshima City, 〒171-0014 Tokyo,Japan
ななここ on Google

池袋で皮膚科を探していた所、今月オープンしたばかりだという情報を見てはなふさ皮膚科に受診しました!以前大宮院にもかかった事がありましたが池袋院の方が近いので嬉しいです! 院内はモノトーン調なシンプルな作りで無駄がない印象。 先生も穏やかそうな方で安心して診てもらう事が出来ました。対応してくださった看護師さんや受付の方も親切で好印象でした! 赤ら顔の悩みがあったのですが治療出来る機器もあると伺ったので次回はそちらで予約しようと思います。
When I was looking for a dermatologist in Ikebukuro, I saw the information that it had just opened this month and went to see a dermatologist! I used to go to Omiya-in, but I'm glad that Ikebukuro-in is closer! Impression that there is no waste in the hospital with a simple monotone tone. The teacher seemed to be calm and I was able to see him with confidence. The nurses and receptionists who responded were also kind and impressed! I had a problem with redness, but I heard that there is a device that can treat it, so I will make a reservation there next time.
88 jj on Google

I had a second crater treatment. You will be treated carefully every time and you will be able to receive treatment with peace of mind. I hope that I will continue to attend and improve my worries.
アンジェ on Google

初めて受診致しました。 予約時間に遅れてしまい電話をしたのですが、電話対応がとても良く親切に大丈夫ですよ。と言って頂き、来院した際もとても良い対応をして頂き好印象でした。ドクターも看護師の方もとても良い方で病院も綺麗でとても良い病院でした。 これからトラブルが起きた時は、こちらの病院に通いたいと思います。
I had a medical examination for the first time. I made a phone call because I was late for the reservation time, but the telephone response is very good and kindly okay. I was impressed by the fact that he gave me a very good response when I visited the hospital. The doctors and nurses were very good, and the hospital was beautiful and very good. I would like to go to this hospital when I have a problem.
ASUKA on Google

クチコミをみて良さそうだったので受診しました。 事前に記入するweb問診票に今までに副作用が出た薬や現在服用している薬について記入しました。 しかし、診察中に副作用が出た該当の薬を処方する方向に話が進んでいたため、問診票に記入した旨を伝えました。完全に見ていないようでした。 加えて、薬局にて薬剤師さんから、処方された抗生物質は現在服用している薬とは併用しない方がいいと言われました。お医者さんには服用中の薬についてお話されましたか?と聞かれましたが、きちんと問診票に記入しています。 何のための問診票ですか? 併用の可否はこちらでは判断できかねます。
I went to see the word-of-mouth communication because it looked good. I filled out the pre-filled web questionnaire about the medicines that have had side effects and the medicines I am currently taking. However, he told me that he had filled out the questionnaire because he was talking about prescribing the drug that had side effects during the examination. I didn't seem to see it completely. In addition, the pharmacist at the pharmacy told me that the prescribed antibiotics should not be used in combination with the medicines I am currently taking. Did your doctor tell you about the medicine you are taking? I was asked, but I have filled out the questionnaire properly. What is the questionnaire for? It is not possible to judge here whether or not it can be used together.
M T on Google

魚の目の治療で来ました。すぐに施術をしていただきました。先生は優しく、説明も分かりやすかったです。 美容皮膚科だけではなく、魚の目やイボの治療のような一般皮膚科もやられています。
I came for a corn treatment. I had you perform the treatment immediately. The teacher was kind and the explanation was easy to understand. Not only cosmetic dermatology, but also general dermatology such as treatment of fish eyes and warts.
えびさわえびちゃん on Google

現在通院させて頂いてます。 今治療している内容以外にも皮膚科ならではのアンチエイジングにも特化しており、とても興味を持ってます。 先生や看護師さん、受付の方も素晴らしい対応でこれからも長くお付き合いしていきたいです。
I am currently going to the hospital. In addition to what I am currently treating, I am also very interested in anti-aging, which is unique to dermatology. The teachers, nurses, and receptionists are also wonderful and I would like to continue working with them for a long time.
ましゅまろ大臣 on Google

I came to the hospital because of redness and dryness of my cheeks. He listened to me in detail and explained to me by looking at my skin. Both the teacher and the nurse were calm and kind, and it was very easy to consult. I received a light treatment called Lumekka, and I'm really glad that the redness of my cheeks improved a lot with one treatment! I got some medicine, so I will continue!
R K on Google

ルメッカとピコレーザーを施術して頂きました。 ルメッカは4回目ですが、回数を重ねるごとにしみやそばかすが薄くなっているのが実感できています。 今回は瞼の上付近のしみにピコレーザーを当てて頂いたので、効果が出ることを期待します。 先生やスタッフの方の丁寧な説明と施術で、毎回安心して受けられています。 次回もよろしくお願いいたします!
We had you perform Lumeca and pico laser. This is the 4th time for Lumekka, but I can feel that the stains and freckles are getting thinner as the number of times increases. This time, I had the pico laser hit the stain near the top of my eyelids, so I hope it will be effective. With the careful explanations and treatments of the teachers and staff, I am relieved every time. I look forward to working with you next time!

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