Iida City Museum - Iida

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Iida City Museum

住所 :

2 Chome-655-7 Otemachi, Iida, Nagano 395-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 395-0034
Webサイト : http://www.iida-museum.org/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–5PM
Thursday 9:30AM–5PM
Friday 9:30AM–5PM
Description : Expansive space featuring art, history & nature exhibits, plus a dinosaur skeleton & a planetarium.

2 Chome-655-7 Otemachi, Iida, Nagano 395-0034, Japan
倉石貴子 on Google

I went to the Hishida Shunsou exhibition. From the early days such as Wang Zhaojun, the black cat, and the fallen leaves to the hanging scroll in his later years, 700 yen is exceptional. There was a temporary admission restriction due to corona measures, but it is vacant compared to museums in the city center. I deepened my understanding because I had a lot of sketches, probably because of the place of birth. It was very good.
雅子松宮 on Google

It's too nice ❤ I'll come again next year ☺️
Hiroyuki Atobe on Google

菱田春草没後110年特別展でうかがいました。長野市の北澤美術館などでも見ることは出来ますが、流石ふるさとの美術館の特別展だけあり、本番前のプロットや下書き、秀作やデッサンなどが沢山展示されていて、充実の内容でした。 黒い猫の元になった黒い猫など、見比べると本当に楽しい。 春草の繊細な筆づかいを楽しむには、ぜひとも双眼鏡を、できれば最短合焦距離が短いPENTAXのPapilioあたりをこの際に購入されると更に美術館巡りが楽しめますよ。
I visited at a special exhibition 110 years after the death of Hishida Shunsou. You can see it at the Kitazawa Museum of Art in Nagano City, but there was only a special exhibition of the museum of Ryuishi Furusato, and many plots and drafts before the performance, excellent works and drawings were exhibited, and the contents were fulfilling. It's really fun to compare the black cat that was the source of the black cat. If you want to enjoy the delicate brush strokes of Harukusa, you can enjoy visiting museums even more by purchasing binoculars, preferably PENTAX's Papilio, which has the shortest focusing distance.
ice cream on Google

チケットなしでも、屋外の建物の散歩、2Fから登る展望台が楽しめ、 喫茶室で飲食、授乳室も利用できます。 チケット代も市営にため格安。恐竜、動物の剥製の展示、プラネタリウムもあり、子連れには助かります。
Even without a ticket, you can enjoy a walk in the outdoor building and the observatory climbing from the 2nd floor. Eating and drinking in the coffee shop and nursing room are also available. Tickets are also cheap because they are managed by the city. There are also dinosaurs, stuffed animal exhibits, and a planetarium, which is helpful for families with children.
山口勉 on Google

10/09/2021 菱田春草展の初日に初めて入館した。展示自体は立派なもので満足したが、展示関係者の子供だろうか、館内で隠れんぼをして遊んでいた。係の女性が何も言わないので、注意してやめさせた。これにはびっくりした。
10/09/2021 I entered the museum for the first time on the first day of the Hishida Shunsou exhibition. I was satisfied with the exhibition itself, but I was playing hide-and-seek in the hall, probably because it was a child of the person involved in the exhibition. The woman in charge didn't say anything, so I carefully stopped her. I was surprised at this.
はるまき on Google

You can learn more about the history of Moto-Zenkoji Temple's Kaichō, Onbashira Festival, and Iida Oneri Matsuri. It is located at the site of Iida Castle, and Iida Castle Onsen (one-day trip) is also nearby, so you can relax.
Tonobo Natu on Google

桜?を、見に来ました。 2022年3月30日ナノで、未だ早過ぎて咲いていないカナ⁉️と思いながらも、折角、〈東京〉から300km走って来たので、少し脚を伸ばして、此方の【飯田市美術博物館】の敷地内に在る桜?を探しながら来てみました。 クルマ?で来る途中、〈駒ヶ根〉の《光前寺》の枝垂れを、7年前にカナ⁉️、家族で見に来て感動しました。 その素晴らしい枝垂れ桜?のハーモニーを期待して、久しぶりに《光前寺》に見に寄ると、全く花弁は見る影も無く、枝のみの寂しい風景に、僕?はガックリと肩の力が抜け落ちました。 まあ、現地の眼前に建つ土産物店で、女性スタッフに桜?開花の状況を聞いたら、毎年、4月20日辺りでしょうか?と教えて貰います。 と言う事が、此方に来る前段にあり、咲いてなくて普通デショ❗️と、余り期待しない様に自分に言い聞かせて、クルマ?を走らせます。 第一と第二のパーキング?️が有り、第一にクルマ?を停めて【美術博物館】の敷地に歩き出します。 咲いてます♪?、咲いてました♪??。 枝振りも大きな、立派な桜?が地に脚を埋めて、堂々と膨れ上がります。 余りの太さの幹周りに、生への力強さを貰います。 素晴らしい見事と言う桜?です??。 樹齢何百年だろうか?と、近寄ると、樹齢400年と表示されています。 [ エドヒガン桜?]とのことです。 兎に角、携帯?で撮ろうとしても、全体がカメラの枠に入り切らないから、全く大きい。 離れて撮ればイイじゃん!と言うのは、来た事が無い人の口上で、離れたら手前の木が邪魔して、此の、堂々とした[ エドヒガン桜?]が綺麗に撮れない❗️。 アチコチ周りを歩きながら、まあ此処なら、何とかイイ形で撮れそうかナ?と言う場所で撮影?しました。 素晴らしい見事な桜?です?。 〈群馬県〉の片品村にもの大桜?が有って、《天王桜?》と呼ばれています。 此の《天王桜?》も樹齢四百年の素晴らしくも圧巻な大桜?です。 関越の〈沼田〉インターで降りて1時間くらい走り、〈片品村〉にも何回か《天王桜?》を見に出かけ、その完成された美しさに、身体が震える素晴らしさを感じます?。 そう言えば、〈栃木県日光市〉に在る【田母澤御用邸】内に立つ桜?も素晴らしい桜?で、確か彼方は樹齢三百年だと表記してあったと思いますが、此のクラスの大桜?は、流石に、何処も《 生 》への圧巻さがとても見事だと感じさせられて、きっと神に選ばれて、此の地に咲き誇る事を任じられたのカモ⁉️と、妙に、大桜?の使命まで改めて考えさせられて仕舞います。 〈福島県郡山市〉に在る樹齢1000年とも謳われる《三春の滝桜?》は、確かに素晴らしい枝垂れですが、あそこ迄凄いと、人に因って無理やり生かされている感が強くて、何処か残酷な感じがして来るのは、僕?だけでしょうか?。 桜?序でに【美術館】周りを散策しながら歩きます。 裏側にも立派な桜?が立っていますが、此方は未だ咲いていません。 同じ敷地内にある桜?にも、自分はいつ花を咲かせるのか⁉️、自己主張が見え隠れしています。 来て良かった?、と思います。 僕?も歳なので、もう一度来ることは叶わないカモ知れませんが、想い出に残る素晴らしい見事なエドヒガン桜?でした。 ご縁が重なりお会い出来たこと、感謝いたします、ありがとうございました?。
I came to see Sakura ?. March 30, 2022 At Nano, I thought that it was too early to bloom, but I ran 300km from , so I stretched my legs a little and this [Iida City Museum of Art] ] I came while looking for the cherry blossoms ? on the premises. On the way to the car ?, I was impressed to see the weeping of "Kozenji" of "Komagane" with my family 7 years ago. Expecting the harmony of the wonderful weeping cherry tree ?, when I visited "Kozenji" for the first time in a long time, there was no shadow to see the petals at all, and the lonely scenery of only the branches made me ? lose the strength of my shoulders. rice field. Well, at the souvenir shop built in front of the locals, when I asked the female staff about the cherry blossoms ? flowering situation, is it around April 20 every year? I will tell you. That is the stage before coming here, and I tell myself that it is not blooming and it is a normal dessert ❗️, so that I do not expect much, and I will run the car ?. There are first and second parking lots ?️, first park the car ? and walk to the site of the [Art Museum]. It's blooming ♪ ?, it's blooming ♪ ??. A magnificent cherry blossom ? with big branches burys its legs in the ground and swells up proudly. Around the trunk that is too thick, you will get the strength to live. It's a wonderful cherry blossom ? ??. Is it hundreds of years old? When approaching, it is displayed as 400 years old. It is [Edhigan Sakura ?]. Even if I try to take a picture with a mobile phone ?, the whole thing does not fit in the frame of the camera, so it is quite big. It's good if you shoot from a distance! That's because the tree in the foreground interferes with the mouth of a person who has never come, and this imposing [Edhigan Sakura ?] cannot be taken beautifully ❗️. While walking around Achikochi, is it possible to take a good picture here? I took a picture at the place called ?. It's a wonderful cherry blossom ? ?. There is a big cherry blossom ? in Katashina village in , and it is called "Tenno cherry blossom ?". This "Tenno Zakura ?" is also a wonderful and overwhelming large cherry tree ? that is 400 years old. I got off at the interchange in Kanetsu and ran for about an hour, and went to several times to see "Tenno Zakura ?", and I feel the wonderfulness of the body trembling in the completed beauty ? .. Speaking of which, the cherry blossoms ? standing in the [Tamozawa Imperial Villa] in are also wonderful cherry blossoms ?. The big cherry blossoms in the class ? were made to feel that the overwhelmingness of "raw" was very wonderful everywhere, and I'm sure they were chosen by God and were assigned to bloom here. Strangely, I was made to think about the mission of Osakura ? again. "Miharu Takizakura ?", which is said to be 1000 years old in , is certainly a wonderful weeping, but it is so amazing that it has a strong feeling that it is being forced to live by people. Is it only me ? that feels cruel somewhere? .. Sakura ? Introductory walk around [Museum]. A splendid cherry blossom ? stands on the back side, but this one has not bloomed yet. Even in the cherry blossoms ? on the same site, when do you make the flowers bloom ⁉️, self-assertion is hidden. I'm glad I came ?. I'm also old, so I don't know if I can't come again, but it was a wonderful and wonderful Edohigan Sakura ? that I remember. Thank you for meeting us and thank you ?.
Nadini Hewavitharana on Google

I learnt many new things. ☺

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