iias Kasugai - Kasugai

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact iias Kasugai

住所 :

Tokyu-22 Rokkenyacho, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0842, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 486-0842
Webサイト : https://kasugai.iias.jp/

Tokyu-22 Rokkenyacho, Kasugai, Aichi 486-0842, Japan
X. Hiro on Google

初めては、夜にSEIYUにいったときは、問題なく、駐車場正面に止めれたので特に問題はなかったのですが、休みの平日の夕方にSEIYUに行くと、何かやたら車が場内で渋滞していて、裏に回れと警備員に指示されて行くと、なかなか進まない……。 抜けてやめようかと思いましたが、抜けるところがない……そして、屋上に行くこととなり、止めれたので、サッと買い物して帰ろうと思い、中に入るとそれほど混んでいるわけではなかった。 写真は無印回りの写真ですが、込み合ってないのが分かります。 思うに、駐車場までの道がスムーズに動かない、そして、屋上から下りて帰ろうと思うと一方通行の矢印があるが、雨で反射して見にくく、出口が分かりにくい。 帰りは、なぜか19号から多治見方面に出るようになっていて、空いている横路は封鎖されて出れないようになっていた。 18時前後の19号なんて混むに気まってんじゃん! ちょっと駐車場内の誘導など考えものですね!並んでる時間の方がサッと買い物する人には苦になる感じです。 それと、HPの混み具合の表記が全く分からない表し片で方で、当てになら無い✋混み具合を表すならパーセンテージで表して欲しいですね! ※後はフードコートなどなんかパットしないですねぇ~定番の飲食店も無いんで、フードコートで食べる物は限られちゃいますねぇ~?
For the first time, when I went to SEIYU at night, there was no problem and I stopped in front of the parking lot, so there was no particular problem, but when I went to SEIYU on weekday evenings during the holidays, there was some traffic jam in the hall. When I was instructed by the guards to turn around behind the scenes, I couldn't make any progress ... I thought I should stop, but I couldn't get out ... And I had to go to the rooftop, so I decided to go shopping and go home, and it wasn't so crowded. The photo is a MUJI photo, but you can see that it is not crowded. I think the road to the parking lot doesn't move smoothly, and there is a one-way arrow when I try to go down from the roof, but it's hard to see because of the rain, and the exit is hard to see. On the way back, for some reason, I was supposed to go out to Tajimi from No. 19, and the vacant side street was blocked so that I could not go out. I'm worried that No. 19 around 18:00 will be crowded! It's a bit of a thought, such as guidance in the parking lot! It feels more painful for people who shop quickly when they are in line. Also, if you don't know how crowded the HP is, you can't count on it. ✋ If you want to show how crowded it is, I'd like you to express it as a percentage! * After that, I don't putt anything like a food court. There are no standard restaurants, so the food I can eat at the food court is limited.
うーみん第4管区 on Google

2022(令和4年)2/15 16:30~19:30 24時間営業の西友を中心とし各種専門店、フードコート、レストラン等のテナントが入店しているショッピングモールです。専門店としては国内最大級を誇る無印良品、家電量販店のコジマ×ビックカメラ、UNIQLOやDAISO、そして巨大アミューズメント施設のROUND1もテナントとして入店していて1日遊び尽くせる施設ではないでしょうか。 この中で存在感が大きいのはやはり無印良品でしょう。この店舗を始めとした各専門店レビューは其々のレビューを参考にして頂けたらと思います。わずか3時間の滞在でしたが、とても楽しむ事が出来ました。 今度は体力がある時にゆっくりと訪問したいと思います!
2022 (4th year of Reiwa) 2/15 16: 30 ~ 19: 30 It is a shopping mall with tenants such as various specialty stores, food courts, restaurants, etc., centered on Seiyu, which is open 24 hours a day. MUJI, which boasts one of the largest specialty stores in Japan, Kojima x BicCamera, a consumer electronics mass retailer, UNIQLO and DAISO, and ROUND 1, a huge amusement facility, are also tenants, so I think it's a facility where you can play all day long. Of these, the one with the greatest presence is probably MUJI. I hope that you can refer to each review for the reviews of each specialty store including this store. It was only a 3 hour stay, but I enjoyed it very much. This time I would like to visit slowly when I am physically fit!
スヌ好きbyくろすけ on Google

国道19号沿いなので、夕方前には駐車場へ入る際に渋滞が起きてて入るのが大変(夫曰く)という事ですが、後はそれなりに専門店は充実してると思います。未だ空き店舗(改装工事中)がチラホラ見掛けるので、今後に期待したいですね。 ロフトが出店したのは嬉しいし、1階フードコートのカレーはとても美味しかったのと、同じ1階のセレクトショップ(服屋さん)で着たい服が見つかったのが良かったです。本屋さんも広いです。
Since it is along National Highway No. 19, it is difficult to enter the parking lot before the evening due to traffic jams (husband says), but after that, I think that there are plenty of specialty stores. I can still see vacant stores (under renovation work), so I'd like to expect them in the future. I'm glad that the loft opened, and the curry at the food court on the 1st floor was very delicious, and it was good that I found the clothes I wanted to wear at the select shop (clothing shop) on the same 1st floor. The bookstore is also large.
Marcos Borges on Google

ゆっくりさかさな on Google

Very spacious shopping mall ❤️❤️❤️
Janos Szep on Google

brand new shopping mall with lot of shops and restaurants. There is a much bigger Kaldi in the mall.
Stay Chan on Google

It just opened so it is very crowded and I haven't had the chance to really check it out. I will go back again. But the isshin ?sushi shop was ?delicious as always! My favorite is the California roll because other sushi shops in Japan don't have that.
Marcilla on Google

This mall is simply spacious with many major brands like MUJI, UNIQLO, Toys R'Us and Seiyu for your groceries. There are many eateries as well but we didn't not try them as we usually go there half an hour or so before the mall closing which is at eight PM. Btw, the parking lot is equipped with a charging station for electric cars. Awesome.

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