Igarashi Ladies Clinic - 4659-3 栄町 Ryugasaki

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Igarashi Ladies Clinic

住所 :

4659-3 栄町 Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0826, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 301-0826
Webサイト : http://www.igarashi-cl.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

4659-3 栄町 Ryugasaki, Ibaraki 301-0826, Japan
aaa on Google

Correspondence is bad.
太島和人 on Google

我が娘が二人生まれたところです。 個室が広くきれいでした。 2006年、2011年当時。 食事もおいしく、 妻に分けてもらいました。
This is where my daughter was born. The private room was large and clean. In 2006 and 2011. The food is delicious, I had my wife share it.
まーりんりん on Google

渡辺っていう事務員さんが とても感じ悪いです。自分のミスなのに 言い方が悪いし謝らないし態度がデカイです。他の受付の人は感じがいいです。
A clerk named Watanabe It feels very bad. Even though it's my mistake It's bad to say, I don't apologize, and my attitude is huge. The other receptionists feel good.
田村吉本 on Google

渡邊という事務員が本当に感じ悪いです。態度が横柄、説明が分かりにくいから質問するのは患者の権利なのに、「そんなの当然でしょ?なんで分からないの?」のような態度。事務だけやらせて受付の仕事はさせないでほしいです。患者はただでさえナーバスな気持ちになってるのに、ますます気が滅入ります。電話の時も患者より先に会話終了の直後にガチャ切れしてきます笑 関わりたくないから用事あるときは他の事務員さんに話しかけるようにしてます。
Watanabe clerk really feel bad. Since attitude is arrogant and explanation is difficult to understand, it is patient's right to ask, "attitude like attitude like" Is it such a natural reason? I would like you to do only the affairs and do not accept the reception work. Even though patients are just feeling nervous, they become more and more depressed. Even at the time of a phone, I will start to run shortly after the conversation ends before the patient. Lol I do not want to get involved, so I will talk to other clerks when I have business.
つきのうさぎ on Google

He was so proud, he didn't listen to me, and he was too busy to introduce letters. Nurses are also busy with teachers, so you don't have to be today? I was told I was wasted three times to get written. I didn't come back after all. Nurses were also watching the doctor's complexion. I was angry and angry only when I made a mistake. This was the only place where fertility treatment could go, so I went there but wouldn't go elsewhere. I was able to get pregnant elsewhere. Not recommended. I went for about two months, but since I started to go, the toilet sanitization foam has not been refilled. Did you really come to that right now?
c iii on Google

When I made a phone call to make a reservation I was told to make you feel troubled with a cold voice saying "Please do it in time because it's out of time." This time I wanted to make a reservation for immunization, I phoned, but what if I was a patient who was really worried about trying to make a reservation. I would like to have my consciousness working in the hospital properly, although it is clerical.
ヒデ吉 on Google

My wife went for several years. It seems that the cycle is not well understood because there is no blood test technology and it relies on outsourcing. For this reason, there is an adjustment in the pill cycle, which makes the body crazy and increases the age of the ovaries. It is not recommended if the number of eggs is increased. There is a tendency to blame patients for poor egg collection results.
ああああああ on Google

先生も看護師さんも事務の方も優しく、院内も清潔感があり居心地が良いです。 お陰さまで治療半年で妊娠し出産に至りました。 とある処置に痛くて涙目になっていたら看護師さんが手を握ってくださったのが良い思い出です。 ありがとうございました。
The teachers, nurses and office workers are kind, and the hospital is clean and comfortable. Thanks to you, I became pregnant and gave birth in half a year after treatment. It is a good memory that the nurse held my hand when I was in tears because of a certain treatment. Thank you very much.

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